In the Kingdom of Morpheus: We select a comfortable pillow by your complex


Healthy man sleep is 8-9 hours. But how much of them are you sleeping like a baby? Often problems with a dream occur due to incorrectly selected linen and bedding - pillows and blankets. In this material we will tell you what to pay attention to.

Why is the right cushion matter?

Selection of a suitable pillow can significantly improve sleep quality, because it helps you during sleep. Have you ever woke up in the morning and said: "I must have slept in a strange pose" when trying to massate the bending of the neck? A good posture in a dream helps you sleep better and wake up without pain. The correct pillow will help save the position of the spine during sleep (or will help with a pose during sleep), no matter what position you prefer to sleep. With a pillow supporting a healthy posture, your neck, shoulders, back and hips will receive the necessary support so that you wake up without pain.

Do not buy textiles without need

Do not buy textiles without need


When should I change the pillow?

You will need a new pillow about every 18 months, although a well-made pillow of a foam with a memory effect will last longer - about three years. Are you sure, is it time to buy a new pillow? Here are some ways to find out:

Inspect the pillow. Is she in stains? Are there suns or holes? Is there a smell? Like your mattress, the pillows are collecting dead skin and sweat. On them can even grow mold. If you answered "yes" on any of these questions, it is possible that it's time to throw away the pillow.

Do you sleep on your back, on the side or on the stomach?

If you sleep on your back, the pillow must keep the neck and head, but not so much so that the neck is raised at an unnatural angle. Remember that you want your spine and neck to stay smooth while you sleep, so those who sleep on the back probably need a pillow of medium thickness - not too complete, but not too flat. If you sleep on the side, the pillow must support your head in a neutral position, supporting it at the level of the spine. Since your shoulder takes on most of the pressure when you sleep on your side, you may need a more complete and rigid pillow to ensure the need for the need for support and remove part of the weight from the shoulder.

Sleep on the stomach is the most intense position for the back and neck, so many experts recommend to teach themselves to sleep in another position. We know that you cannot change your dream per night, so if you still sleep on your stomach, you will need a pillow softer and slightly less filled. It will help keep your spine as neutral as possible.

What criteria should consider when choosing an ideal pillow?

Filler. Some filling options include a foam effect, fluff, synthetic fluff, polyester filler, latex, cotton and wool.

Weight. Pillow of foam with memory effect or latex pillow will be harder, and a fluff or synthetic pillow will be slightly easier.

The cloth. Even if you cover it with a pillowcase, you need that the fabric pillows be breathable and durable.

The size. Pillows are usually two sizes: Standard and "Royal". For most people, a standard pillow is large enough, but if you prefer something more, you will be suitable for a "king-size" cushion.

Quality. A high-quality pillow will serve longer and will help you sleep better. After you have decided on the type of the pillow, which you prefer, read and read the reviews to choose a pillow that suits you.

How are health?

It is important to understand if you have problems with your back and neck before choosing a pillow. If there are no problems, you can safely buy a soft pillow of synthetic fiber, natural fluff or elastic foam. The same, whom was less fortunate, should look at the variants from solid material type coconut fiber or croup. Children advise pillows with a filler from buckwheel or husk grain - on natural material in children there will be no allergy.

When choosing a pillow, look at your set. Full people should not be loaded on the neck, but it is better to raise it above the level of the body to balance the weight of the body and head.

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