Cologne water: as cologne won first men, and then women


It is clear that the prerogatives first belong to them only to men (mostly they were kings and politicians, as it was easy to guess). But in our age of universal emancipation, these light fresh flavors with citrus notes fall on the shower and women.


According to one of the legends, the Lavra of the creation of cologne belongs to the Italian Giovanni Maria Farin. In 1709, he opened in Cologne the first Farina Gegenuer's perfume manufactory in the world, where he began to mix citrus oils with a cedar.


In general, since then it was necessary that the cologne was always a composition based on citrus components. The resulting fragrance Giovanni called the Kelnisch Wasser ("Cologne Water") and began to actively promote it. Here, by the way, a seven-year war came. It turned out that Eau de Cologne perfectly disinfects the wounds and interrupts the smell of sweat warrn.


Do not forget that hygiene in those days was not to honor, because even the king Louis XV preferred to simply wipe the wet towel. It is not surprising that the citrus fragrance became a pressing need, however, only rich could afford him. Thus, the King of Friedrich II presented Catherine II cologne, loved Cologne water and Tsar Alexander I.


The main fan of the cologne is considered Napoleon Bonaparte. He not only adored to strangle them, but even ringed her throat and added to tea. It is not surprising that he has a firmly left two bottles per day. In addition, colognes - products are extremely unstable: the concentration of aromatic substances in them reaches only five percent (for comparison: they are up to thirty perfumes to thirty, in perfume water - about fifteen, and eight toilet water). The great commander, of course, took with him the stock of Cologne water and at war - so cologne fell into Russia. At the end of the XIX century "New Zarya" even produced a triple cologne with a portrait of Bonaparte. It was called triple, since he contained three main components (naturally, all citrus): bergamot, lemon and neroli.


In the XIX century, colognes have already become more massive, as the perfumers have learned how to create synthetic molecules. Gradually, light citrus acquired a shade of unisex, and in recent years, women have already become possible. It would still be how you can abandon the flavors ideally suitable for daytime. Some brands made focus only on creating cologne, for example, Atelier Cologne and Jo Malone.


Aromas of other concentrations they do not produce in principle. The Different Company brand also created a separate collection of various colognes and periodically replenish it. Well, do not forget about the demeter perfume library: it is already more than two hundred diverse fragrances at the concentration of Eau de Cologne, and among them you can find the most unusual - from the smell of baby powder and milk cocktail to the garden after the rain and even the funeral bureau ...


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