The virologist told how long the restrictions on coronavirus will continue


In the spring, we hoped that the second wave of coronavirus would not. Alas, statistics are not very rainbow until, the restrictions begin to introduce restrictions. When will all this end?

The virologist, the former head of the Laboratory of the Laboratory "Vector" Alexander Chepurnov gave an interview with URA.Ru, which suggested: partial restrictions related to the spread of COVID-19 will continue in our country for about a year or two. And so last until then, "until we learn to properly use vaccines." True, according to the scientist, it is not worth introducing quarantine - it will be a very serious burden on the economy.

Unfortunately, even the vaccine, which volunteers are still experiencing, cannot be a panacea in the near future. After all, at the moment there are no information about the effectiveness and duration of immunity during vaccination. This can be done only when still data will appear, and it takes time. "And probably, different vaccines will give immunity of different strength and duration. When we find out, we will use the relevant vaccines," Alexander Chepurnov explained.

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