Lena Katina starred nude (photo)


The singer and one of the soloist groups of the Tattoo group, Red Lena Katina appeared before readers of one of the men's magazines in a completely new image. The girl decided to change the image of a shy lyrical heroine and participated in a provocative photo session, in the pictures of which Lena appeared before fans almost completely naked.

On the resulting photographs of Katin, a serenely splash in the water, erotic looks at readers from under wet hair and demonstrates various parts of their body, covered only with transparent linen or wet me.

Lena Katina. Photo: www.maximonline.ru.

Lena Katina. Photo: www.maximonline.ru.

At the same time, the 28-year-old singer admitted that she was not easy to expose. "I always have problems with this undressing. There were some complexes when I don't like you, do not feel very well in front of the Nude chamber. And now, when you tell you every day, what you are the most beautiful, the most beloved, in general that there is neither there, then self-esteem is very rising, "Maxim magazine quotes the singer.

Lena Katina. Photo: www.maximonline.ru.

Lena Katina. Photo: www.maximonline.ru.

"I am against shock for shock. If you begin to invent something specifically, people will feel their false, and I don't want to be a fake, "Lena added.

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