Hormonal perestroika: Is it true that cortisol accelerates weight gain


Cortisol is one of many hormones that are produced in the body and serve as chemical intermediaries. Although it is usually called a stress hormone due to the role in the body's reaction to stress, it also performs a number of other important functions. Some people are wondering if the level of cortisol is influenced by body weight. This article describes in detail about the potential influence of cortisol on the weight gain, including some methods for reducing its level in the body.

What is cortisol and how does it affect your body?

Cortisol is an important steroid hormone, which belongs to the class of hormones, called glucocorticoids. It is produced by adrenal glands, located right above the kidneys. In addition to helping your body's reaction to stress, its other functions include:

Increase blood sugar level

Reducing inflammation

Suppression of the immune system

Help in nutrient metabolism

Cortisol is usually released in close connection with the circadian rhythm of your body, while 50-60% is released after 30-40 minutes of wakefulness, and then the level falls during the day. Its production and release are governed by your hypophysome and hypothalamus located in your brain.

Need to be hungry, but follow the diet

Need to be hungry, but follow the diet

Photo: unsplash.com.

During elevated stress, cortisol and adrenaline are released from adrenal glands. This causes a pulse cheating and an increase in energy, preparing your body to a potentially dangerous situation. Although this reaction is normal, the continued increase in the level of cortisol can lead to negative side effects.

Does the level of cortisol affect the weight?

Among the multitude of factors affecting body weight, hormonal regulation plays an important role. Although hormones, such as cortisol, are usually located in the narrow range of the endocrine system of your body, there are certain situations in which they can become reduced or elevated.

High level can contribute to

A slight increase in the level of cortisol in response to stress is normal and unlikely to cause negative side effects. Nevertheless, in some cases, the level of cortisol may remain constantly elevated. This is usually due to stress or such a state, like Cushing syndrome, due to which the level of cortisol in the blood remains high. When the level of cortisol remains elevated, the following side effects may occur:

Increased weight

Elevated blood pressure


Mood changes


flushed face

Skin thinning

Difficulties with attention concentration

Insulin resistance

In conditions of chronic stress, it may be difficult to maintain healthy eating habits. One study with the participation of 59 healthy women has discovered the relationship between elevated levels of cortisol and an increase in appetite, which can potentially contribute to weight gain. In addition, another study has discovered the connection between a higher cortisol response and a large amount of abdomen in a group of 172 men and women, assuming that a higher level of cortisol can lead to overeating. Nevertheless, stress and cortisol levels are not always directly related, so there is more data to establish a direct relationship.

Low level can cause weight loss

Just as the high level of cortisol can cause weight gain, low in some cases can cause weight loss. The most striking example is Addison's disease, a condition in which your body does not produce a sufficient number of cortisol. The most notable symptoms of the low level of cortisol include:

decline of appetite and weight loss


Low blood sugar

Tract for salt


nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain

muscular or bone pain

Although the high level of cortisol may seem more common, it is also important to know about the effect of low cortisol levels.

How to deal with increasing weight due to the level of cortisol

Although in your life there may be many stress factors that potentially contribute to improving the level of cortisol, there are several effective methods for managing its level and preventing a weight gain or combating it.

Stay active. One of the main ways to combat overweight are regular physical exertion. Regular exercises are associated with a decrease in the level of stress and allow you to be more resistant when stressful factors arise. One study with the participation of 3425 participants who reported to emotional overeating, found a link between their level of physical activity and the BMI (body mass index). Moreover, the exercises stimulate the production of endorphins - chemicals that give good states that contribute to happiness and help to cope with stress. Regular physical activity can also contribute to weight loss or control due to calories burned during training.

Practice conscious nutrition. Another powerful tool for combating weight increases due to stress is a conscious or intuitive nutrition. The conscious nutrition encourages you to fully realize your food intake experience, including specific signals, such as hunger, satiety, taste and texture. One major study revealed the relationship between the practice of intuitive nutrition and a lower body weight. A simple way to start practicing conscious nutrition is to get rid of distracting factors while eating, which will allow you to fully realize the signals of hunger and satiety.

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Picture correct products

Photo: unsplash.com.

Meet the therapist or nutritionist. Another potential way to cope with an increase in weight, which can be associated with a high level of cortisol, is to talk with a qualified practitioner, for example, a psychologist or a nutritionist. Psychotherapist can help you come up with some strategies to reduce general stress, which, in turn, can help you manage emotional overeating. On the other hand, a nutritionist can conduct nutrition training to arm your tools needed to make healthier food decisions. A double approach to improving your food habits and emotional well-being is an excellent step in preventing a weight gain or combating it.

To sleep more. Sleep is a often ignored variable, which significantly affects the level of cortisol and the potential increase in weight. Violations of the sleep mode - chronic or sharp - can contribute to an unhealthy increase in the level of cortisol. Over time, it can negatively affect your metabolism and cause an increase in the level of certain hormones associated with hunger and appetite, which can potentially lead to weight gain. Thus, providing a normal sleep every night can be of great importance for maintaining a healthy level of cortisol. The general recommendation to sleep is 7-9 hours a day, although it depends on age and other factors.

Practice meditation. Another potential tool for controlling the level of cortisol - meditation. The purpose of meditation is to teach your mind to focus and redirect thoughts.

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