Problems from the back can cause depression


What is a modern person doing most often in life? Is sitting! It so happened that in the age of globalization and computerization to all of us anyway, we have most of the day to be tied to a computer chair, a chair in a cafe or a seat in the car.

And often we sit down and not on that. And as a result, we suffer with back pains and I do not suspect that this problem is fraught with not only spoiled posture, but also a general deterioration in the quality of life. However, about everything in order.

Question of terminology

In our country, the main cause of pain in all departments of the spine - cervical, chest and lumbar is considered osteochondrosis. According to statistics, this is the most common diseases of the spine who suffer over 70% of the population over 35 years. However, how much is this statement right? After all, modern experts say such a definition

Not more than a relic.

"In our country, any pain in the back is called osteochondrosis, which is unlawful from a physiological and an anatomical point of view," says Ravil Dobrovolsky, a massage therapist of the Avrora clinic. - This is the wrong name that exists only in our country, but it has been entrenched since Soviet times and is still used everywhere. From a medical point of view osteochondrosis is the degenerative processes in the bone and cartilage, that is, their substitution with a junction tissue. Hypothetically, such a problem exists, but has nothing to do with the pains in the back. It is more correct to speak simply about painful syndrome in one of the spine departments. It is important to understand that back pain can only be localized in specific structures: either in muscles or in bundles. No more anatomical structures have pain receptors. Therefore, the spine can not hurt himself, just as the intervertebral disk or hernia cannot be sick. After all, in fact, the vertebra is just a bone, and the basis and security deposit is harmoniously working muscles and ligaments. Abroad, this has long understood and instead of the concept of "osteochondrosis" use the term "fibromyalgia", which is translated from Latin as "painful muscles".

Pain source: myths and reality

So, we found out that by and large, the problems with the back are due to muscle or ligalar pain. But what makes their reason?

"Muscles hurt only in two cases: either when they are stretched, or when they are spasked, - explains Ravil Dobrovolsky. - Therefore, the main causes of problems

With the back is the wrong stereotype of movement or the lack of movement at all. This is due to the fact that a person - if you take a dry matter - it consists of 50% of the muscles, and the muscle is so arranged so much that it must constantly make some kind of work. And most people are mostly sitting or lie, which leads to the wrong work of the muscles, and then spasm already arises. "

It often sounds the opinion that pain syndrome appears due to the pinching of the nerves. For example, the hernia of the intervertebral disk is described as extriving the internal disk content in various directions, including inside the spine.

"However, the nerve cannot catch together, which was confirmed by the last American studies, - comments on the situation of Ravil Nikolaevich. - They proved that the spinal brain nerve comes out through the holes in the spine in such a place where a lot of space. There is no hernia of any size in principle to pinch it, as they are simply in different planes. Therefore, the hernia of intervertebral discs is not the cause of pain, but the development of events. It may occur when there is a resistant and long-lasting spasm of muscle stabilizers of the spine and larger muscles of the back - long, wide, square and others. Everyone knows that there are muscles-flexor and muscle-extensors. And Czech scientists recently found that the muscles can also be divided into prone mainly to spasm (tonic) and fastened. Any unfavorable conditions: stress, hypodynamine, improper nutrition, improper fit on a computer or driving a car, etc. - can disrupt their balance of their work. Violation of posture - also developing events. It occurs if the muscles are stronger on one side of the muscles. Often the cause of the reverse of the spine becomes the spasm of the back surface of the thigh, because when sitting, the leg lifestyle is constantly bent. And the thigh muscle participates in the formation of posture. Therefore, it all depends on which muscles are involved or are not involved. Often, the curvature of the spine is also accompanied by pain, and it is easy to explain. Initially, everything in the body is in a state of balance. But when a person is constantly sits, his jagged muscle becomes sluggish, and it is attached to one of the ligaments, which is connected on top with other muscles prone to spasm. The balance is broken, and the bunch begins to stretch up, as the jagged muscle to hold it can no longer. In such a situation, the bunch begins to work on the gap, which results in pain.

And such cross-syndromes occur throughout the body. "

However, it turns out, often problems with the spine are due not only by physiological causes, but also psycho-emotional. Simply put, back pain may arise because of ... stress. At the same time, you may not even know what precisely because of the familiar noise loin, you have started depression.

"The only compensation of stress is physical exertion," explains Ravil Dobrovolsky. - Only with them in the body produces hormone of happiness endorphin. But since people, most of our people, do not constantly engage in sports, but they are nervous and worried around the clock, then the further development of events is just a muscle spasm. In 90% of cases, back pain caused by psycho-emotional overloads that are not compensated for nothing. Over time, they accumulate and may well grow into a nervous disorder or depression. "

Salvation of drowning - the work of the immerses themselves

The only solution that can be recommended for pain in all spinal departments is a movement.

"People leading a sedentary lifestyle, I would strongly recommended to play sports, give yourself additional physical exertion," Ravil Nikolaevich advises. - At the moment, yoga and pilates are the optimal prevention of muscle pain, but any physical activity is suitable: running, swimming, fitness, etc. Even ordinary home workouts will give excellent results if they are performed regularly. The simplest preventive complex is an ancient eastern gymnastics, which takes no more than 10 minutes a day and allows you to harmoniously develop muscles. These are only three exercises - push up, squat and any load on the press. Exercises are made in a circle, one after another, 5-20 repeats for the approach. Then a small pause - and the next round. Gymnastics is done by anything long, as far as the strength is enough, but for prevention enough and 10 minutes a day. During this time you will work almost all the muscles.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the diet. I am a supporter of a classic medicinal diet - eating for five or six times a day, in small portions, without deceptive to himself.

For an hour before bedtime, a light snack is also needed - any fruit or a glass of kefir. Such a power mode allows the intestines to work regularly, and this is extremely important. And naturally, to avoid problems with the back, you need to observe the elementary rules of work and recreation: try to sit right, while the monitor should be at the level of the eye, and the chair on which you are sitting is an anatomically correct form (which, by the way, applies to Seat in the car). No less important

And the mattress you sleep. It must be high quality, medium hardness. The view is common that a hard mattress is best suited for a sore back, but I am not a supporter of such radical solutions. Because of the rigid surface on which the person sleeps, the inconvenience and curvature can also arise. The main criterion is quality and comfort. "

However, when the body shines acute pain, preventive measures are already irrelevant. Yes, and during chronic problems with the backs, more cardinal measures are required.

"In both cases, the optimal solution is a massage and exercise. Massage should be definitely special, therapeutic. This is a kind of stimulator of the body that removes pain syndrome. The spasmned muscle must be worked out on the full amplitude. The master should know all cross-links, clearly realize what muscle should be tightened, and what - to relax, because these are completely different techniques. To remove the painful ligament syndrome, it is necessary to return the original position to it, which is achieved through a competent massage. At the same time, the course of treatment for short, pain syndrome is removed in three or five sessions.

And then the course of exercises, which a person must perform independently are prescribed. I am a supporter of mandatory exercise, as I think it is fundamentally important

Do not put the patient for massage. Of course, if the doctor has a major goal - to earn, it easily assigns a course in 20-30 sessions, but if the task is to help, then more correctly after the course

Massage, which will remove acute or chronic pain, pick up the training scheme, exercises, so that a person can develop the necessary muscles and ligaments. Moreover, the selection is very individual and first of all depends on the patient's problem. For example, when scoliosis must be prescribed a load on one muscle group, to another stretching, and when the spine is curved, a different number of exercises on the right and left muscles, "says Dobrovolsky.

At the same time, doctors do not recommend engaging. It is best to contact a competent specialist.

Massage should not last more than an hour, since after this time there is a fatigue of the nervous system and the body ceases to respond.

"With prolonged pains in the back, I would not recommend Samo massage. This is due to the fact that the average man has enough knowledge, it cannot know all cross-syndromes in the body. For example, sometimes a person has a neck hurts, and the problem is actually in the jagged muscle, and it is enough to work out enough for the symptoms. Therefore, self-massage is unlikely to be effective if you want to solve the problem. However, such a type of massage can remove psycho-emotional tension, and this is also important, "said Ravil Nikolaevich. - I am also categorically negative about the corsets. They cause dystrophy and muscle atrophy even more accelerated pace. The muscle should work, and the corset starts to replace it. After such "prevention", the problem is only aggravated. Really effective treatment can only provide massage. At the same time, the most important is the professionalism of the massage therapist, since now the main Beach of this therapy is our early "colleagues", graduates of various courses that do not have the necessary skills and education that discredit experienced doctors. Therefore, when choosing a masseur, always refer to a checked specialist, you are interested in its qualifications, a clinic reputation, other patient reviews. "


If you appeal to the doctor for any reason it is impossible, to independently remove the painful syndrome in different spinal departments will help the following exercises.

For Poles in the lumbar department Walking on all fours. Get down on your knees and hands, and then go in this position. This exercise removes spasm quite quickly, but its duration depends on the power of pain.

For the removal of pain syndrome in the thoracic It is best to use pushups in different versions: male prescript from the floor, female - from the floor, but on the knees, and if you have very weak hands, you can use pushups in the doorway. To do this, you need to rest in the sidewalls of the door box and go to the whole body forward, and then go back

To its original position.

If a neck hurts It will help the following exercise: you need to lie horizontally on the bed, we put either a towel, or a small pillow, then imagine that a pencil is attached to your nose, and mentally start writing the letters of the alphabet to your nose.

At the same time, they must be rounded, and movements - smooth. Neck muscles relax very quickly, so this exercise is recommended to do everything and in preventive purposes.

It is important not to just make these exercises, but clearly feel the work of the muscles, only then will be the necessary result.

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