How to make a man remember you forever?


There is about ten very effective techniques to make sure that the man not only recalled the good word, but wanted to return you. Needed you. Here we can only give three. All of them are accurate and inevitably act on the subconscious. This is forgive as a reflex in the dog. If during the feeding of your pet call to the bell, then after some time the gastric juice in the PSA will be disturbed automatically, when, you did not take a bell in the hands.

1. Compliment with justification. It is important that the compliment does not simply characterize a person. He must answer the question "why" and contain a large number of details. It may be an opinion about the body part, character, or other characteristics of a person. It is important. It is necessary that the compliment be negligible. For example: "You have such beautiful hands, because they feel real male strength and reliability. At the same time, despite their brutal species, it is felt as they can be skillful and gentle. I love to look at your hands. I love to feel them! ". It is worth repeating this compliment of just a couple of times, and the man will never forget you.

Let's understand what the author of this compliment said. The first is the beauty of her partner's hands is indisputable and no doubt. The second beauty of the hands is connected with what a man is usually proud of - courageous and the fact that he is skillful. And the third - the mistress of the compliment noted the importance of all this for themselves. That is, she tied the beauty of the hands of a man with them, with their feelings and desires. Such a compliment will act even after parting. Now, with any touch of men, a positive and even more negative revocation about his hands, a man will remember the same compliment and its mistress.

2. Clearing for a man. Most women are cautious for their men. Prepare breakfast, erases, stroke and so on. Unfortunately, the husbands are addicted to this so much that concerns do not notice over time. Or notice when irretrievably lost the one that did more for them than they deserved. How to show your courtship? How to make it the subject of the pride of a man? Remember some trifle he loves. It may be sweetness. For example, an apple. It is not difficult to put an apple in his pocket once a week. Put so that he does not see. Having found such a surprise, he necessarily in one form or another boasts his woman before his colleagues. They will envy, and he is proud of. It will remember forever.

3. Smell. The smell is a feeling that is better than anything else is saved in the person's memory. Even pain and fear leave not such deep traces in the subconscious. Everyone has a set of odors that cause him those or other emotions. It may be the smell of grandmother buns, a daddy leather jacket or her hair. This memory is forever. When a certain smell is associated with deep sensual experiences, when these experiences are close to happiness - the accompanying smell will firmly contact these experiences. How can this be put on your service? The easiest way to use the same perfume during intimate proximity. A light pleasant fragrance of your spirits is mixed with what the man loves the most. If intimate meetings were a man pleasant - he will never forget them! And remind, as it was, there will be the smell of the perfume itself.

He felt this smell in a perfume department, some woman who uses these spirits passed by, or he felt the fragrance in any other circumstances - no doubt, at that moment he remembered you. And remember how he was with you! The man to whom you want to remind yourself, without making absolutely no effort to this, you can give some thing that neatly sprayed with your perfume. Many odors are stored for decades. All this time, barely felt the flavor, he will remember you. Often, not even understanding why these gentle memories again with him.

Be loved!

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