Anna Tarautkina revealed family secrets


Everyone is a story. And the heir of the famous last name - the story is doubly. After all, behind him there are talented relatives, a special way of life, which forms a globility from childhood, and a whole train of myths - about Blat, about the desire to go a latter track, about cheaper life ... All these stereotypes. And you need to have a certain courage to not succumb. Now, Anna is fine: she plays in Rammit, actively filmed into the cinema and is engaged in the upbringing of Nikita's son. However, she admitted that he was not always so prosperous as now.

The mystery of two names

Your mom and dad together for almost forty years. Both famous creative people. And for such a solid term - no rumors are not something that is about divorce, but even about novels. How did it happen?

Anna Tarautkina: "How does such prejudice come from that the actors are necessarily windy? I have a whole life before my eyes the opposite example. "

And parents told you how to meet?

Anna: "Pope starred with his mother's fellow school, and once they all found themselves in the same company. Pope says that mom immediately conquered him. And so much that all forty minutes they talked in the kitchen, he sat on the ... hot battery. Mom then touched it - hot! And dad at least that. (Laughs.) To such an extent, the girl struck that he was quite comfortable.

I still remember how a long time ago, my mother and I were at the cottage in January. And she told me such a story. One day someone predicted to her that her future husband would call Yura. She was very surprised, laughed in response and stated that this could not be, as this name hated since childhood. However, several years have passed, and the prediction has yet come true. "

Is George and Yuri - the same thing?

Anna: "The fact is that father's parents worked in a military hospital in Romania, where he was born. And there Georgiev is customary to call Yurai. Dad with this name grew, so for friends and loved ones he is Yura. "

And how did he win his chosen?

Anna: "Clearing details are unknown to me. I only know that mom finally fell in love with him after I looked at the performance "after the execution I ask ...", in which Dad played Peter Schmidt. Apparently, Mom saw in the father's schmidth of his own. "

Anya with his father. The girl took away a lot of strength and nerves from their relatives. For example, under three years she almost slept at night. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Tarautkina.

Anya with his father. The girl took away a lot of strength and nerves from their relatives. For example, under three years she almost slept at night. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Tarautkina.

Is it true that the first years of married your parents lived in different cities: he is in Leningrad, she is in Moscow?

Anna: "Yes. They drove each other constantly. Mom played in the "contemporary", the entire repertoire of the Leningrad Tyus was held on the dad. When my elder brother Philip was born, Dad decided to move to Moscow. And although he harmoniously joined the metropolitan life, still remains absolute Peter. When it turns out in St. Petersburg, literally transforms and glows - he is in some rare consonance with this city. "

How were you a child?

Anna: "I think I took a lot of strength and nerves from my parents. Up to three years almost slept at night. According to parents, exactly at seven in the evening I started the "performance", which lasted almost until dawn: I hurt, talked and had attracted attention to himself that I was naturally managed. And when it was very small, calmed down only in his arms. Pope at that time played Sirano de Bergerac, and all monologues dedicated to Roxane were addressed to me. When I grew up, my parents did not make it easier. A friend of our family, an astronaut Uncle Sasha Silver, somehow called me "ten thousand volts" - and hit the point. I was distinguished by mad society: I could calmly stop the stupid street, politely say hello and, asking: "What is your name? Where do you live? "- and so on, start a relaxed conversation. And I was very flirting since childhood, which was extremely embarrassed by the male guests who came to our house. I was five years old, when the apogee of my coquetties came: I looked at the focus on some unfortunate father or my mother's friend and did not bring his eyes off him. At first, the man tried to joke, then strained, blushed, pale and ... I started to gather hastily ... "(laughs.)

And how were you brought up with my brother?

Anna: "Parents always found time for us. We bathed in their attention, love and care. Well remembered how my dad and we were walking together in Moscow. We were never punished with Philip, but at the same time, internal knowledge was always present that it was possible, and why it is impossible. In general, parents gave us a sense of security with my brother. Of course, they did not know about all our cakes, especially when they drove us for all summer to give in Peredelkino. We were lazy in the fences there, something was poured on someone, in the house of creativity writers tried to adjust the dating adults, who, as we seemed to come to each other ... Sometimes mom and dad learned about my "exposures". For example, in the first grade, I told the girls to strive for physical culture and work and instead of lessons to go to McDonalds. And then the teacher wrote in my diary: "Tarautkina morally decomposes the class." Parents were delighted and laughed at such a wording! "

So, your parents are unfamiliar to you?

Anna: "Well, Mom always expressed what thought about my actions. Therefore, her critical comments were familiar to me. But to bring dad - it was necessary to try. I had a single mad deed in a transition. Once parents left for a week, leaving me on the care of Philip. The brother studied in RGGU, and I walked in Moscow instead of school, went to the movies, and in the evenings we mastered the discos. All this province should have ended with the arrival of parents. But they flew to a day before. And that evening I was going on a very important birthday and, knowing that my parents would not let me go, since the celebration began late, I decided to escape imperceptibly. When everyone fell asleep, put the toys under their blanket (as if I was sleeping there) and sneak out of the house. For another twenty minutes stood in the yard and looked at our windows - whether the light will not turn on. And then with a calm soul went to his event. Returned, I look - the lights are not lit in the windows. Well, I think, carried. I enter the apartment, and the door to my room is open. Immediately the heart is gone. I go and see: Bed riverko is styling, toys neatly arranged, almost in growth. In general, there is a daddy hand. I realized that everything was missing ... Parents and Philip woke up. Mom cut off me, and dad - and it was the most terrible! - Just silent. This reaction was literally killed me. Whatever, just not this is a terrible silence. And especially acutely, I felt how disappointed, I was upset and offended and his mother. After that case, I walked depressed all week. But I did the conclusions. "

Actor with wife and children - Philip and Anja. The children rallied the family: before the birth of the son of the wife lived in different cities. There were good reasons for that. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Tarautkina.

Actor with wife and children - Philip and Anja. The children rallied the family: before the birth of the son of the wife lived in different cities. There were good reasons for that. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Tarautkina.

All ingenious just!

The visiting card of George Tarautkina became the film "Crime and Punishment", and Ekaterina Markov everyone remembers the picture "And the dawns here are quiet ...". Both films are heavy, the heroes of your parents suffer. Remember your impressions from the first views?

Anna: "Still! I have always been very painfully reacted to all the characters that happened to their characters and on the screen, and in the theater. As I remember now: I go into the room, on TV there is a film "Pure English murder", and some beautiful aunt says dad clearly unpleasant things, and then in addition to everything else and the slap gives him. Who will like this! (Smiles.) And in the film "The longest straw" I am completely small, got on the stage, where the father was killed. Naturally, burst. Mom says: "Anyosynka, what are you calm down! Looking out the window, see: Won Dad goes and your hand waves. " I obediently approach the window, I see Pope, but I can not calm down. This is the power of art. By the way, I am always in daddy, and in my mother's heroes, first of all of them themselves. Apparently, so so acute and reacted.

My mother always admired. Working in the "contemporary" and raising us with his brother, Mom managed to also end the literary institute, and writing wonderful books and scripts. She literally burst between the professions of the actress and the writer and eventually gave preference to the second. Galina Borisovna Volckek persuaded her no hurry, think. After leaving the "contemporary", Mom still periodically went on stage: He played Arkadin in the entrepreneurial formation of "Seagull" Chekhov, and for several years she had a "Forgiveness Sunday" in the theater of Nations. Another bright childhood memory is a corridor of our apartment, made by drawers with emails of the mother readers. "

I read somewhere that you were jealous of my father to young female students. Why?

Anna: "Well, first, not to students, but in general to his course in Vgika. When I studied in the eighth grade, Dad scored my first course. And I immediately had the feeling that he had another twenty-eight eight children besides us with a brother. So he delved into the identity of each of them, solved their problems. And it was outraged me. He came home for midnight, I almost did not see him. A different dad can not, everything makes one hundred percent. If dad is my mother's mother, then it will not give up the operating room, if it cuts the bushes at the cottage, it turns out Versailles at least, and if you repair a crane, then it will see all day, but will find the cause of the breakdown and correct it. Where the dad appear, he seeks to clean up: the flowers will put in a special way, the plaid will put it carefully. He never sits without a case. I think when he is busy with something, he can scroll through the role in his head, analyze the performance. He is not accidental and interrelated. "

Does George Georgievich have shortcomings?

Anna: "Pope had one bad habit - he smoked a lot. Smoked without stopping. My mother and my brother moved all possible arguments, begged, insisted, even threatened. I somehow told him in my hearts: "If you don't quit, then I'll start smoking too." But Dad did not give any special meaning to my words, deciding, probably that this is a joke. I smoked a little, I did not like it, and soon threw. As a result, the smoking dad refused himself - effort of will. And since then keeps. "

George Tarautkin and Ekaterina Markova together for forty years. What is surprising, no rumors about novels or divorce have never arose. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Tarautkina.

George Tarautkin and Ekaterina Markova together for forty years. What is surprising, no rumors about novels or divorce have never arose. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Tarautkina.

Children of actors often go in footsteps of parents. You also had no alternative?


"On the contrary, mom and dad gave us the opportunity to choose. First, with my brother, theatrical and cinema affairs were never discussed, roles. Dad extremely rarely took me to the theater. And because such trips were equated with me to a kind of miracle. I still remember the smell of makeup, the scene, theatrical costumes ... Secondly, I was not allowed to reach the scene at an early age. And such a chance was. When I was five years old, I accidentally heard the dad someone said that I was looking for a girl on a major role in the play "Bee". And when I asked with a fading of the heart, they can see me, dad said absolutely manative "no". Such categoricalness is unusual for him, so I remember. I saw that it was useless to argue. Now I understand: he was afraid that I would disappear a feeling of the theater's magic if I see his "kitchen". After all, it was the "bee" with my first theatrical impression and a shock. When I looked at this performance, I experienced a real shock: Sea of ​​emotions, tears pinched eyes. I still remember all these feelings, although I was only four years old. But Philippe voluntarily refused his chance. (With a smile.) He has amazing acting abilities. He can show a person or the subject that we literally ride on the floor from the laughter. At some event in the house of the movie he read the poems of the block. (He was six years old, I was born only two years later, so this story heard many times in the retelling of the parents.) So, an assistant director approached our mother and asked if Philip would like to play movies. Mom replied: "What do you ask me? Ask himself. " And then Philippit issued: "What am I, a fool, from childhood nerves to wave yourself? "Zhzl", works on the doctoral dissertation. "

And who would you become if it were not decided to choose a profession of the actress?

Anna: "Mom wanted me to study at the philologist: I have always had abilities to languages, I perfectly wrote essays. But at some point, I realized that if I don't try to enter theatrical, then in my soul, there would be a precipitate because I did not try. In addition, I did not leave the feeling that I had something to share with the world - through a role. In Vgik, I didn't go fundamentally, since the dad had a course. Studio Studio MHT remained, "Sliver", "Pike" and rati. You can not imagine, with which excitement I am ... when I saw the tired faces and the eyes of the members of the admission committee, I was mastered by a desire to alleviate them, to interest them. And when skeptically reacted to my surname (like, everything is clear, daddy protege), it started me even stronger me. As a result, I have come to the competition everywhere, but I chose a Shchepkin school and went on a course to Viktor Ivanovich Korshunov. "

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"The father had only one harmful habit ... My mother and brother moved all possible arguments, begged, insisted, even threatened, but nothing helped." Photo: Personal archive of Anna Tarautkina.

How did you belong to your star surname?

Anna: "I never really bothered me that they think about it or they say. There were difficulties of a different plan. It was very painful to find that from the inside the theatrical world is not so unequivocal and ideal, as it seemed. Was worfully after graduation to go to shows, where you could turn you out in two minutes ... but I was lucky in this regard. Proposals were received from several leading Moscow theaters. Kryukruk Ramut Alexey Vladimirovich Borodin suggested that I had two main roles in the plays of Boris Akunin "Yin and Yang. White version "and" Yin and Yang. Black version "written specifically for this theater. In one, I played a charming clean girl, to another - a fatal seductitress and a cunning killer. "

Often offer interesting images or have to play what they give?

Anna: "What a role will be largely depends on the actor. Although the material is important. For example, dad a few years ago sent a play for two people called "American Gorki". The story of how the elder was already a person met in a cafe with a young beauty and called her to visit her. She circled his head, nerves crap ... And at the end it turned out that this girl was his native daughter, about which he had no idea. In this performance, with Pope, first found themselves on the scene together. It is difficult and incredibly fascinating. In addition, with dad on stage play - great happiness. "

And how did parents react to your participation in the comedy "Happy End"? The plot is frequent: his male organ escapes from a disturbed guy ...

Anna: "When I received a script, I first even confused. Gave him to read his parents and his future husband. And when they said that this story seems to be a funny - a la Gogol's "nose" and it is necessary to be absolutely a Hanga to see something vulgar in it, my doubts dispelled. It turned out very good cinema. "

Her beloved men

"I have a persistent rejection of weddings and all this attributes - I can't stand the redemption of brides, dolls on cars, shouts" bitter! ". Photo: Personal archive of Anna Tarautkina.

"I have a persistent rejection of weddings and all this attributes - I can't stand the redemption of brides, dolls on cars, shouts" bitter! ". Photo: Personal archive of Anna Tarautkina.

Not easy with such an ideal father, like yours, to find yourself satellite life?

Anna: "Yes, my dad is perfection. Apparently, I realized that in a deep childhood, when I said: "I grow up and marry you." Dad did not argue. But over time it became clear that my mother was not doing anywhere and she surpasses me in many articles. "

How did you meet your future husband - actor Alexander Ratnikov?

Anna: "On the set. I sat on the makeup, he passed by and glanced in my direction. And I immediately felt that this was my man. Then they began to communicate, and I felt that we were with Sasha on the same wave. We were very comfortable together. In addition, Sasha worked so amazingly for me, surrounded me with incredible love and care. And such a pressure showed that I gave up ... "

Immediately married?

Anna: "No, since I have a persistent rejection of weddings and all wedding attributes - I can't stand the redemption of brides, dolls on cars, screams" bitter! ". In this, by the way, Sasha and I also coincided. Therefore, we quickly signed, and then noted with loved ones. "

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Anna met his fate on the set: "Sasha crawled so amazingly, surrounded me with incredible love and care. And such a pressure showed that I gave up ... "Photo: Personal archive of Anna Tarautkina.

Two years ago you became a mom. Parents help with Nikita?

Anna: "Of course! I can not imagine what I would do without them! When parents see the grandson, they bloom. They are ready to mess around with him in the morning, play. I believe that they invest a lot in it, for which I am immensely grateful. With Mom Nikita hooliganit and fools. Dad, he perceives as an equal: Pope has a special talent in this regard - this is my brother in childhood remember. He knows how to find such a key to the child that he ceases to perceive him as an adult. They do with ecstasy read poems and fairy tales, build at home and castles from cubes, walking a lot. "

Do you have any achievements you did not expect from myself?

Anna: "Of course, my biggest achievement is the birth of a son. I always loved children, but their appearance was a distant perspective. Some of my girlfriends still can not get used to that I am a mother. I myself can't get used to: The birth of a child is a period of amazing discoveries. Including in itself. "

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