The tooth collapsed, but not to the end: the solution solutions prompts the expert


It is necessary to fight for the teeth to the end, good, modern dental technologies give us such an opportunity. Therefore, even if the specialist to whom you turned, insists on the removal of the tooth, it is still not worth a hurry: in most cases, cardinal measures are not mandatory.

The consequences of the removal of the tooth may be quite serious: the bone on which he kept remains without the usual load, which further leads to such unpleasant things as its absorption, atrophy. As a result, not only neighboring teeth are spoiled - even the sovereigns of faces are changing, deep wrinkles appear, "placing" the mouth.

Modern techniques give high chances of extending the working resource, seemingly hopeless teeth. In the end, they will be able to serve as a support for crowns and bridges. Even if we are talking about those teeth who are the first to fail - about the large native, with which many people have time to part in young years. Such teeth have a multical system. If there is an infection, then all the roots are processed and preserved for implantation or prostheses.

Even if at the root of the tooth, your doctor discovered such a cunning education as a cyst, or granuloma, do not rush to despair and say goodbye to the tooth. A good specialist will be able to effectively process the channel, and in the extreme measure in this case will be the removal of the neoplasm with a part of the affected tooth.

Vladimir Maslikhin

Vladimir Maslikhin

But it happens that the tooth is destroyed almost completely, to the very foundation, and it seems that nothing remains with a smooth account. How to be in this situation? Is it possible to do something? Detailed diagnostics will show whether the ability to install the pin is preserved. If "yes", then later the crown will be installed on it, and perhaps a special tab - when it comes to not the most running cases. Or, thanks to the use of modern composite material, a specialist will carry out the so-called natural buildup. The hopeless doctors consider only the option when it comes to the complete loss of the tooth and a viable root.

Patients are often wondering why, despite the use of such persistent materials, such as metal, ceramics or porcelain, crowns in most cases function normally not more than 8-10 years? The answer to this question is very simple: much depends on the influence of a specific microflora, which even under the crown continues to destroy the remaining toothbrope.

Oddly enough, artificial dental materials need more thorough care than the "native" teeth require. Patients who pay close attention to this issue can count on extending the service life of up to 15, and even up to 20 years.

The consequences of the removal of the tooth may be quite serious

The consequences of the removal of the tooth may be quite serious


What materials are used in modern dentistry for making tabs / crowns? Let's just say that there are no fundamental differentiations on strength - this is the differences of an extremely aesthetic nature:

- ceramics / china with a competent selection fully correspond to the color of "native" teeth;

- gold, as optimal biocompatibility with our body material, is recommended to those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract;

- Metal put there, where the teeth will not be noticeable when smile.

You can say with confidence: the question is how to restore the tooth, today is littlective. It is more important to look for an answer in the plane "How to Save it". And only if the specialist does not see the meaning in this procedure because of its briefness, you will be asked to establish a dental implant.

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