Personal experience: dispel the myths about plastic face


There may be no every female on plastic facial. There is a huge number of myths about its danger, harm and high cost, therefore, for such a solution, it is necessary to have an inner rod, besides, it should be truly necessary. Personal stylist Tatyana Malysheva told her story:

"I work as a personal stylist almost all my life. My business card is my appearance. Ten years ago, I lost my husband and experienced it very hard. Changes in life affected appearance in the most negative way. I lost weight, as a result there were surplus of the skin, stretching, the glance was heavy. From the mirror I watched a lady aged (and I was only thirty-five years old!) Instead of a beautiful and successful business woman.

Life continued, work saved me from loneliness. I returned from a spa resort in Switzerland one of my clients, and struck me how much she changed. She literally shining her face, it was noticeably pulled out, his eyes glistened as if she was grinding for ten years and fell in love. Knowing the effects of spa therapy, I can say with confidence that it, of course, is extremely relaxing, gives strength and energy, but the face from wrinkles does not accurately eliminate. I perfectly understood that without the participation of a plastic surgeon, it was not dealing. Moreover, apparently, my client had an excellent master: she did not change her face, she just looked out her face.

I decided to learn from her the name of the doctor and not postponing to go to him. So, on the recommendation, I came to the reception to Elena Ivanovna Karpova, the leading surgeon "Clinic Danishchka".

I told the doctor almost the entire history of my life, she listened carefully and really went into my position. I told her what effect I want to achieve: "Open" eyes and remove traces of fatigue and age from the face. The doctor recommended SMAS-lifting and operations on centuries. It turned out that changes in life have always been reflected in my appearance. This time I waited for a reverse reaction: after changing the appearance, life should change, and certainly for the better!

Three days after consultation and testing, I went to the operation. Morally I was ready for her, but still on the way to the clinic great nervous. Not the most upcoming pain, and possible consequences: suddenly I wake up and I do not recognize myself ... however, crushing the threshold of the building and seeing the doctor, I calmed down. Anesthesia, sleep - and after a few hours I woke up, feeling warm from the bands on my face. The whole next day was sat down, two days spent in the clinic under the supervision of doctors. The period of rehabilitation began, the long-awaited result will be visible soon! Removing bandages, processing of seams - everything was surprisingly painless. On the third day I returned home. A day later I went to the clinic for a massage of the face and physiothereders, to seek to see the result of the operation. For the tenth day dared to look in the mirror. And ... already noticed changes! They shone her eyes, the color of the face was improved, His oval was pulled. In the clinic Danishchik, I was told that it was not all: I could finally evaluate the work of the doctor only three months after the operation. This time flew unnoticed

With doctors, I practically affected. He felt perfectly, constantly caught the interested glances of young people. Reflection in the mirror pleased me more and more

And more: the glance became open, easy and alive, the focus - clear, the skin of the slate and smoothed. At the same time in the mirror I saw all the same myself, no deformation happened. And it meant that you can exhale and live on!

After the operation, ten years have passed, now I am forty-five. I regularly attend the "Dani Clinic": I make injections of fillers, procedures of mesotherapy, thermage courses - all to maintain the effect of the operation. I look still young and beautiful, attracting the views of many men and staying a devotee of your profession and lifestyle in the style of Fashion. "

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Malysheva.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Malysheva.


- Tatiana, do you agree with the opinion that the appearance of a woman affects her personal life?

- Certainly! If a woman is dissatisfied with his appearance, she can't be happy. And if she does not like herself, then who will love her? Now men are spoiled by female beauty, and to be strong in the struggle for their happiness and love, you need to do something.

- Were there any fears before surgery?

"The fear was one thing: to wake up another person, with another person who no one knows. For the rest, I completely trusted the doctor and was confident in the prosperous outcome of the operation.

- How did those surrounding the changes in your appearance? What did you say?

- After a month after surgery, I began to constantly receive compliments from men and, especially nice, from women. And girlfriends and clients asked to reveal to them the mystery of the name of my doctor.

- Do you plan to do something else?

- In the near future I plan to a non-Iperative tightening of mezzanites.

- Your beauty makeup? In other words, how do you care for yourself?

- Probably, I do the same as everything: means for washing, tonic, day and night creams, eyelid cream plus procedures in the cabin and clinic as needed.

- What age do you feel at what age?

- For thirty years!

Ksenia Verdev

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