Personal experience: Coronavirus is characterized by an individual approach


For the summer, we barely looked around, and it's not even that Coronavirus disappeared, it was as it was and there. Just the lenses of the chambers switched to something else and ... as if he stopped existing. Now, in the second wave, the topic continues to grow rumors, and objective information is clearly lacking. I am felt by this space, I suggest getting information from the first mouth - from the fallen COVID-19, that is from me.

Possessing nature an inquisitive mind, I love to watch, reflect, draw conclusions. The results of their mini-research offer in this article.

Let's start with the symptoms. Classical symptoms, of course, is, but the main feature of this virus is such that he has an absolutely individual approach - somehow he managed to scan one of the trends of modernity. The temperature is measured everywhere, for example, above 37 degrees did not rise. Loss of taste and smell is one of the specific symptoms of coronavirus. However, there are people who did not lose touch with the world of tastes and smells. Know that classic symptoms can be absolutely different from different people and do not rely on them entirely. Watch yourself: if the disease is unusual in something and does not retreat for a long time, this is an extra reason to think and pass the tests.

Personal experience: Coronavirus is characterized by an individual approach 26805_1

"Classical symptoms, of course, is, but the main feature of this virus is such that he has an absolutely individual approach to each


Now available Three types of research - Each of them is effective at a certain stage. PCR method, smear from the nose and pharynx - for carriers and sick, do it at the very beginning of the disease or, if you have contact with the patient COVID-19 and want to be examined. Antibodies to Coronavirus SARS-COV-2, IGM - makes sense to check when the disease has gained momentum and the immune system already gives him a rebuff. For research you will take venous blood. Well, the most recent study is carried out when you have already recovered. At this moment Igg look, and this is also a blood test. If your immune system has formed these antibodies, you are a happy domain of immunity against coronavirus.

Lack of tastes and smells - In general, a separate and quite interesting topic. I have no completely completely: neither smoke cigarettes, nor the smell of mouth of your beloved spitz nor aromas of food - nothing passes through this barrier. I wonder what I stopped salting and sink food, stopped drinking coffee and eat sweets. Meaning to do it, if all the same wet? Such a pleasant bonus from Coronavirus - your food can be more healthy, weakened the disease of the body will like it!

Another fact : Coronavirus and IVL are not synonyms, the absolute majority of people are 80% tolerated in a slight form. I think it's here in Collective immunitet - He slowly forms, hitting a greater number of people, the disease no longer has the same strength. When the half of humanity is formed by immunity, the virus will go into the category of well-known infections, with which the body has an adjustment, and not a shock reaction in the form of an attack of its own cells. This I am writing so that you do not lose common sense, reading news bulletins. Of course, a lighter form does not mean that you do not hurt. All the same, it passes through a bulldozer, and the recovery process is unprecedented. Just this information is somehow not sufficiently lit in the media.

Personal experience: Coronavirus is characterized by an individual approach 26805_2

"The most important thing is not to panic under any circumstances, it is still a virus, and not terrible and insidious oncology"


Another An important factor - The scope of the invasion and the amount of disasters from coronavirus in your body depend largely on the state of your immune system. After they have become infected, she will be in the dialogue with him. As they say, than rich, the same is welcome. Strengthen the immunity by all methods known to you. This virus seems to be looking for the weakest link in the body and beats exactly there. From here an individual approach.

Take vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D, more often walk in the fresh air, especially among the trees, run, exercise on the street, breathe full of breasts.

And most importantly - not a panic under any circumstances, it is still a virus, not a terrible and insidious oncology. He is treated. Yes, not so fast, but is treated. And let you never leave health and common sense!

And about what is useful is autumn, read here.

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