Treatment of caries teeth in dentistry


Today, treatment proceeds absolutely painlessly, the restored teeth look aesthetically, and materials are characterized by high strength. However, not everyone attend the dentist twice a year, as recommended for timely detection of the signs of caries.

For those who have not yet got rid of fear of the dental chairs, there is a pleasant and useful information.

Types of caries and methods of treatment

The problem of the destruction of the tooth begins with surface caries, to diagnose which is practically impossible independently: early caries has the form of barely noticeable white spots and affects only the topmost layer of dental enamel. After a while, the darkening of the plots covered by the disease and the appearance of tangible roughness due to the developing destruction of the tooth begins.

In the treatment of surface caries, you can now do without born! A new technology has already been used in modern clinics, which has proven its effectiveness - remineralization. More information can be found here:

For the average caries stage, the destruction of enamel and the defeat of the next layer is Denta. It is impossible to leave unwelling the disease: the tooth begins to hurt, crumble and will collapse more and more, if you do not hurry on the reception to the dentist. Especially strong pain happens when drinking hot or cold food and coarse touches. The dentist purifies such a tooth bormer and seals it. Anesthesia in such cases is made in the gum or adjacent soft tissues.

Deep caries is almost always accompanied by pain, drown out only by analgesics. The launched caries leads to inflammation of the nerve, and pain in such cases becomes simply unbearable.

Treatment in this case looks like this:

  • Anesthesia
  • Cleaning the affected portion of the tooth.
  • When pulpit, the nerve is removed, the root canal x-ray is made for cleanliness.
  • The tooth is processed by an antiseptic and seal.

It is worth noting that the treatment of deep caries passes completely painlessly, but the patient has time to suffer, while she is postponing to Dentistist. The key to the health of the teeth is the observance of the rules of hygiene of the oral cavity and regular visit to the dentist.

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