How to remove itching from mosquito bite


The bite scene is saczy because of the substance that injected the mosquito female. This substance consisting of a mixture of enzymes, anticoagulants and proteins makes a bite with almost imperceptible to humans. Specialists argue that the allergic reaction appears on the protein and occurs only during repeated bite. Itching, redness and edema after vinegar can be removed by special pharmaceutical agents that are sold in the form of ointments or gel. With a strong reaction, you can drink an antihistamine agent. People's proven methods will also help to cope with allergies.

The place of bite is saczy due to the substance that injected the mosquito female

The place of bite is saczy due to the substance that injected the mosquito female


The spoon. The usual tablespoon must be placed in about a minute. Then it is a warm spoon to attach to the place of bite and press it on it. To keep the spoon on the bite for a few minutes, after which itching should disappear.

Soda. Two tablespoons of soda breed in a glass of warm water. In solution, wet your cotton disk and apply it to bite places.

Lemon. Cut off a small piece of lemon and moisten the place of bite. Lemonic acid removes itching, and also has an antibacterial property. However, this method is better to use only in the evening, because in sunny weather you can get a burn.

Mint toothpaste. The toothpaste with menthol will cool and calm the skin, and will not give the edema to develop.

Plantain. Favorite Soviet plant from all the misfortune will help to remove itching. The sheet needs to be interviewed to seize juice, and attach to the place of bite.

Ice. To the place of bite you need to attach a bag with ice, which narrows the vessels, and this place will be less hidden. However, the ice applied to the skin for a long time.

Vinegar. Make a solution: one part of the vinegar and three parts of the water. Mix the vat and wipe the seats of bites.

Tea. Mocked a piece of fabric in a strong welding or take a regular tea bag, having finished it into the water, and attach to the place of bite.

Alcohol or ordinary water. The bite place should be wiped with clean water, a alcohol napkin or a rut dipped in alcohol. These actions will not give an irritation.

There is such an old method, how to draw a crigneet on the site of the bite or just unlock it. Many helps. Also, knowledgeable people advise not to scratch bites, but to pat them in order not to comb.

Also from mosquitoes, fumigators and repellents that need to be bought in accordance with the age of man are perfectly helping. In addition, mosquitoes can be scared with aroma lamps. To do this, it is enough to buy camphor oil, basil, cloves, eucalyptus or valerians and drop a few droplets in warm water.

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