World without tears


Charitable shares, projects, programs - Today it is a very serious, important, socially significant task - to assist those who really need it. Especially - children. It is impossible to help each sick child. But you can create such conditions that will help to help many and many. This is how the project "Peace without tears" works.

This is a long-term charitable program, aimed at supporting major children's hospitals throughout Russia. Any hospital can participate in the program, it is only necessary to apply: the program is exclusively addressful. The hospitals participating in the program themselves choose what equipment, medicines and consumables are needed now.

The final promotion of the program in 2015 was held on December 17 at the Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics. Academician Yu. E. Veltishcheva GBOU VPO RNYMU. N. I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of the program, the acquisition of equipment for modern surgical operations in various ENT diseases in children was funded.

An integral part of the program is to hold holidays for small patients. They traditionally participate their favorite heroes of the TV show "Good night of kids" (Khryusha, Stepashka, Karcushi) and artists of one of theaters.

Natalia Alexandrovna Golubneseva

Natalia Alexandrovna Golubneseva

Gifts to children handed the star ambassadors: Tutta Larsen, Ekaterina Strizhenova, Ksenia Alferova, Nonna Grishaeva, Julia Kovalchuk and many others. After each event there is a conference, the main purpose of which is to attract the attention of society to the problem of children's health in Russia.

"The" World without Tears "project is a completely unique story. This is not some kind of foundation, it is not some account that some mythical money is listed. These are specific items and things, "explains Tatyana Romanenko, better known as TV presenter of Tutta Larsen. - "I need, it seems to me how wider than you can talk about what charity, who and how does it. That she really is that other people's children do not happen, and every person as his strength and desires can participate in the life of anyone in need of the child in this country, "she adds.

Photo provided by a press agency CBAGENCY

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