Vitamins transform any skin


The name "Vitamin" arose as a result of a joint of two words: Vita (translated from Latin - "Life") and "Amin" (nitrogen-containing organic compound). In other words, these are the vital substances for us necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

In recent years, vitamins have become widespread both in daily care and treatment and prevention of a number of dermatological diseases. This happened due to the latest technologies for saving them. For most vitamins, the most stable forms were found, which are better absorbed and more efficiently operate than in the cosmetics of the previous generation.

Vitamin A

Vitamin, and has become a very popular cosmetic ingredient due to its antioxidant and reducing properties. It provides the health and beauty of the skin: makes it elastic

Both soft, improves its structure and appearance, removes wrinkles and inflammation.

"The deficiency of vitamin, and adversely affects the state of hair and nails, and the skin dries and agitates," says Veronica Antosik, a dermatokostologist of Astreya. - in cosmetics and dermatology vitamin, and meets in a variety of biochemical versions, and if you see the Retinol, Retinaldehyde, Retinol Acetate, de-hydrohetinol, retinuey acid, retinuous linoleate, then know that it is its numerous modifications.

Retinol is most often used in dermatology, with the help of which the acne rash is treated, traces are removed from inflammation and even reduce stretching through the stimulation of cellular activity.

For problem skin, retinol can become real salvation, as it suppresses excessive production of the skin, purifies and narrows the pores, reduces hypercatesis (excessive thickening of the epidermis) and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

No less active vitamin, and used in anti-age programs, because it activates the work of fibroblasts and accelerates the synthesis of collagen fibers, has excellent antioxidant properties, resist the photorestation and restores the skin after damage caused by ultraviolet, helps to increase its turgora, reduces wrinkles, eliminates Pigment stains. It is necessary to know that when using vitamin, and its concentration is important: with a lack, it works in defective, and during an excess may cause irritation, especially in women with sensitive skin. In addition, it increases the photosensitivity of the skin to the effects of the Sun, so in the spring-summer period it should be used with great care, to apply it only for the night, and during the day not forget about sunscreen. Flashing people are better to completely refuse to use it in the summer.

More efficiently and safer than retinol acts in liposomal form. Being concluded in the liposome of nano-sizes (extremely small "containers"), it preserves its beneficial properties as much as possible and minimally injures the skin without causing allergies or irritation. Due to the small size of the liposomes, the skin is easily penetrated and operate at the level of the dermis, sealing it and strengthening it.

For sensitive skin, you can advise the Gel Retises Nano Gel 0.15% of Lipoceutical. Liposomed Retinol and retinyl palmitate included in its composition, restore the skin,

Restructuring the dermis, increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, reduce static and mimic wrinkles, improve the barrier function of the skin, leveled the complexion.

Exercise with cosmetics with retinol specialists are recommended by courses, since retinoids have the property of accumulating in cells and continue to act even after termination of their application. The middle course is 45-60 days, then you can take a break for two or three months. When it is necessary to cope with acne, prescribed a longer use of drugs - from six months and longer.

The beneficial properties of retinoids are used when carrying out chemical peels. Retinol causes exfoliation of epithelium cells, binds to specific receptors, stimulates cell metabolism, has a whitening effect. In other words, after the course of retinoev peelings (they are also called yellow peels), the skin acquires freshness, smooth and healthy color, its elasticity and elasticity increases, the wrinkles are reduced, inflammation disappear. Retinol, like a wizard, turns the time to reverse.

The retinol peelings are also used in liposomal form, which makes it possible to significantly reduce its concentration, avoid active peeling and at the same time increase cosmetic efficiency. These drugs include a peeling gel with retinol (pH 2) Retises Nano gel 1% of Lipoceutical, which fights chrono- and photorestation, acne, hyperpigmentation, hypertrophic scars, stimulates the synthesis of the connective tissue, levels the skin relief and improves its texture. "

Vitamin E.

Tocopherol is another name of Vitamin E, which is translated from Greek as "Bring Birth", "contributing to birth." Until now, all the positive properties of vitamin E and its influence on the skin are not studied, but it is known that it plays a huge role in antioxidant protection and conservation of youth, so it is often added to various cosmetic drugs.

The tocopherol strengthens, smoothes, nourishes and levels the skin, forcing it to be transformed literally in the eyes, strengthens the barrier layer of the epidermis and neutralizes the activity of free radicals.

The vitamin E compounds include alpha, beta, gamma and delta-tocopherol, as well as alpha, beta, gamma and delta-cocotrienol. It is believed that the latter act more efficiently.

"Vitamin E is naturally present in the skin, but its reserves are depleted with age and as a result of staying in the sun, - the story of Veronica Antosik continues," therefore, it is necessary to regularly use cosmetic products based on it and take this vitamin inside. Tocopherol works perfectly in conjunction with other vitamins and is the least capricious in storage: everything that he needed is a fat basis. It gives the best results in a tandem with vitamin A, protecting it from oxidation and ensuring maximum absorption. Another advantage of vitamin E is an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. As you know, any inflammatory processes and skin disturbances lead to premature aging, the tocopherol also supports the skin in a healthy state, keeping her youth. In the regenerating serum against wrinkles ACTIF PUR - RETINOL EXTRACT from Keenwell there are vitamins, a and e in the optimal concentration. Serum is extremely effective for the restoration of the skin and the prevention of aging: after two weeks of its use, the skin is updated, acquires a healthy smooth color.

Vitamin E is added not only in creams and serum, but also in a face mask. For example, it is present in the Rosa Mosqueta Mask regenerating mask from Sesderma with rosehip oils, enotera and corn. The mask instantly softens, restores and soothes the skin, stimulates cell regeneration, provides high antioxidant protection, removes signs of photoregments, relieves irritation from the effects of frost and wind. All means based on tocopherol can be applied yearly. "

Vitamins Group B.

Vitamin B was opened at the beginning of the 20th century, and he received such a name, because with his help he was treated with a serious illness of Bury Take. Later it turned out that this vitamin actually consists of several substances (vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12) were isolated. By the way, some vitamins were opened simultaneously in different countries and therefore received different names: for example, vitamin B7 and vitamin H (biotin), vitamin B9 and folic acid. Currently, the letter designation is preserved only in two vitamins - B6 and B12, and the rest received other names:

B1 - Tiamine;

B2 - Riboflavin;

B3 - vitamin PP (nicotinamide, niacin);

B5 - pantothenic acid;

B9 - folic acid.

The vitamins of the group in require stabilizers, so they will be promoted in the creams of sodium salts - sulfite, metabisulphite and thiosulfate. If you found them as part of the fund, it means that your skin will get in vitamins in full. Since these vitamins are water-soluble, the means with them usually have a light gentle texture, quickly absorbed and do not leave

Fat trails. Most often, they are part of the gels, fluids, sera.

Vitamins of groups are indispensable for tan fans, as they are effectively treated solar burns and inflammation, moisturizes and restore the skin. In addition, they are struggling with many skin diseases, improve the metabolism, reduce pigmentation, is responsible for health not only the skin, but also hair.

Riboflavin is useful to the owners of greasy problem skin - it takes part in the adjustment of fatty acid metabolism (these acids are decomposed on the surface of seborrheic skin by bacteria, becoming an additional source of inflammation and irritation).

Thus, Vitamin B2 helps in the treatment of acne, including pink acne. For example, the balancing cream for mixed and oily skin PBP BIOControl from Keenwell with sebligel complex, biotin, vitamins B6, PP, panthenol, allantoin and algae extract prevents the reproduction of bacteria on the skin surface, reduces the formation of comedones, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, moisturizes the skin and gives it a mattitude, thus, an indispensable means of care.

Vitamin D.

"In the autumn-winter period, we experience a strong shortage of sunlight, and with it the deficiency of vitamin D, which is developed under the influence of ultraviolet, explains the hope of Goldyukhina, the cosmetologist of the company" Cosmetics Engineering ". - Everyone knows that Vitamin D (Calciferol) plays a key role in the assimilation by the calcium organism, so its lack is particularly dangerous for pregnant women, small children and the elderly. In addition, the normal and coordinated work of the nervous system is impossible without his participation.

But in addition to controlling calcium assimilation, it contributes to the state of the skin: accelerates metabolic processes and increases the resistance of the epidermis, normalizes the water content in the skin, controls the synthesis of protein - a building material for all connecting fibers, including skin. Vitamin D is also responsible for the synthesis of natural antibiotics - Catelice dynn, so moderate insolation helps to successfully cope with small pimples on the skin.

With age, the skin gradually loses the ability to synthesize vitamin D, and the number

The receptors to this vitamin is becoming less and less. In addition, people with high phototype (or, simply speaking, at dark), skin from nature produces less vitamin D. As a result, the natural barrier function of the epidermis is worsening, the skin becomes dry, lifeless and flabby. To avoid the negative consequences of the shortage of this vitamin, it would be logical to just start using funds with vitamin D, but it is necessary to mention one important moment about which few people know. Vitamin D is the only substance acting simultaneously as vitamin and as a hormone, more precisely, as a complex steroid connection with a hormone-like action. For this reason, the active forms of vitamin D is forbidden to use in cosmetics. Instead, its predecessor is used in cosmetic products - provitamin D. It is formed in the tissues of plants and animals from sterols under the influence of ultraviolet.

In concentrate + ACTIVE with hyaluronic acid, ceramids and provitamin D, the extract from the roots of chicory, enriched with oligophructosane, which acts like a receptor to vitamin D, restoring the ability of cells to stimulate the activity of genes involved in the formation of the barrier function. The concentrate helps leather suffering from vitamin D deficiency is restored after daily stresses, especially in the autumn-winter period.

For the developers of cosmetic formulas, it is especially important that the receptor to vitamin D helps to control the three basic skin process: synthesis of new cells, oroging and exfoliation. If all three processes go clear and consistently, a natural barrier is formed, perfectly protecting the skin from external aggressive stimuli - frost, wind, sun, dry air.

Thus, the concentrate provides intensive moisturizing, strengthens the epidermis and restores the moisture-holding skin abilities, helps to cope with the shortage of sunlight and age reduction of vitamin D synthesis in the skin. "

A complex approach

"As a rule, several vitamins are present in cosmetic tools for leather, which increases each other's action, being a real" support group "," says Yulia Ilina, leading cosmetologist-coach of the company "Time Exclusive", the official distributor of cosmetics Illyssia. - For example, an effective partner and the "companion" of vitamin C is Vitamin E. It is not by chance that we almost always see them together in the composition of creams. Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate, it is also called vitamin youth) is a powerful antioxidant, stimulates many biochemical and physiological processes,

Participates in immune defense, neutogeneic toxins are neutralized. The anti-inflammatory effect of vitamin E makes it an indispensable component in products intended for sensitive skin. Moreover, the simultaneous use of vitamins C and E has the effect of synergies, that is, these vitamins enhance each other's action.

Along with the vitamins C and E, the creams include retinol (vitamin A), which moisturizes

And softens the skin, helps to struggle with the thinning of the epidermis, speeds up the process of updating skin cells and thereby prevents aging. Man's fabrics, yes and animal fabrics are not capable

To self-generating vitamin A. Vegetable fabrics also do not produce retinol, but contain a substance of carotene (the so-called provitamin A), from which two retinol molecules are formed as a result of the splitting reaction. The effect of this connection on the skin is

In an increase in the barrier function, due to the increase in the development of factors of immune protection and the activation of regenerative processes in the skin (in particular, collagen generation).

The combination of vitamins, and E and E gives a unique protective and wellness effect, moves aging and allows you to create maximum antioxidant protection.

One of the bright examples of synergies of vitamins with other active ingredients in the preparations are the products of the "Green Measure" line from ILLYSSIA. Day and night creams (strongly concentrated) have in their composition vitamins C, B5, B6, A and E, which increases the effect of such active components as horse chestnut, oil seed oil, hammamelis, mimosa cortex extract, phospholipids, bisabolol, sodium hyaluronate , Brown sea algae. These drugs contribute to the restoration of damaged skin structures, significantly improve the level

Its moisture and elasticity, stimulate the synthesis of keratinocytes, collagen and elastin, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood microcirculation. Possess

pronounced anti-inflammatory action. "

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