City-tale, a dream city - it's about Cannes


Translated Majestic means "magic". Therefore, miracles began, barely crossed the threshold of the hotel. At the reception, I was met with such a welcome and the preventative that I was at first slightly confused. Still, not Angelina Jolie or Jody Foster. After some time, I realized that such a courtishment is the corporate identity "Majestik Barrier", which gives each guest a feeling of his exclusivity. Moreover, regardless of where he lives - in the usual "standard" or in luxury apartments. By the way, my five-year-old daughter also pleased: she was solemnly handed the chest with games, a special soap and shampoo. Delighted there was no limit! So tremble relate to all the small guests of Majestika.

For a week, held at the hotel, we completely fallen under his spell. However, a special charm "Majestka" is explained by the fact that he is not just a luxury hotel, but the embodiment of a dream of His founder Henry Rül. The hotel was built on the Grand Project in the Art Deco style. Monsieur Rul did not regret money: only on floating floors, one hundred eighty tons of the most valuable Pyrenean marble took place. The opening of the hotel in 1926 became a secular event. But his name "Majestika" presented Lucien Barrier, who accepted the management of the hotel in the fifties and founded a group of hotels located in France (there is one in Morocco). A couple of years ago, the building was reconstructed.

Greek sculptures and Corinthian capitals, black and gold contrast create a special atmosphere in the lobby of the hotel. Photo: TopSignature materials.

Greek sculptures and Corinthian capitals, black and gold contrast create a special atmosphere in the lobby of the hotel. Photo: TopSignature materials.

Nowadays the spirit of antiquity: Greek sculptures and Corinthian capitals, black and gold contrast. Brown sofas with soft pillows, exquisite bouquets and numerous black and white photos of the movie stars: Marilyn Monroe, Alain Delon, Romi Schneider, Al Pacino, Grace Kelly ... The account of the clarity who visited here, goes to thousands.

Suite in Majestka is a peace oasis due to magnificent sound insulation. You seem to be in a cocoon, from which you can enjoy a fantastic view of the bay and the boulevard Kroisette. There was no room and without high technologies: for example, a plasma screen is built into a large bathroom mirror, in order to care for ecology, LED lamps and pressure regulators in cranes are used. And on the top floor of the new wing there are apartments for fans of limitless luxury. Some of them are called Dior, where everyone: chairs, lamps, wallpapers, dishes - from the brand of the same name. The second, six hundred fifty square meters with a jacuzzi and a huge pool, are popular with kings, princesses and Arab Sheikhs and are on the roof of the hotel. Especially amazing the imagination of fantasy elements of high-tech - for example, the heavenly arch of optical fibers, as if stolen by stars, decorating the ceiling of a huge dome. It is not surprising that the price per day in this room is simply translated ...

Many rooms offer an unforgettable view of the sea. Photo: TopSignature materials.

Many rooms offer an unforgettable view of the sea. Photo: TopSignature materials.

Change of natural seasons for guests "Majestika" - no more than conventional. Want summer? There will be summer. True, for this you have to look into the kingdom of beauty and recreation called U Spa Barrier. In addition to the usual set of services, here is offered an exclusive procedure "Water paradise". She awakens the emotions of such strength, what you did not expect from myself. To do this, you just need to go through different types of soul. Blue-white light, a refreshing breeze, an aroma of fresh mint ... Then the warm forest rain with red-white backlight and the smell of passiflora spill on top. Following - cool jets in green and white color, thinly smelling lemon. And in conclusion, a tropical shower in the amber gamma and with the aroma of Maracuy are collapsed. After such a sweet shake, the feeling of complete relaxation does not leave for a long time ...

The pleasure of other kind, traditional for Cannes, is a visit to the private cinema "Diana" (Diane). It is accommodated to forty person. Naturally, the latest equipment is installed here, movies are demonstrated both in the usual format and in 3D. It is possible to join high art and in proud loneliness, and in the company of like-minded people.

And after the food, the spiritual always want to build it difficult to reinforce. True, it is impossible to have a snack in restaurants "Majestka": exquisite "Fools" (Fouquet's) and "La Petite Maison de Nicole" will always find more than surprising even the most spoiled Persons. Here serves pies from pumpkin flowers, salads with purple artichokes, truffles and other disorders worthy of real gourmets. In order for visitors to not boring, everyone can sign up for culinary courses that the Chef Bertrand Schmidt leads. And not only to cook, but then eat what you have happened.

Exquisite restaurants will always find something to surprise even sophisticated gourmets. Photo: TopSignature materials.

Exquisite restaurants will always find something to surprise even sophisticated gourmets. Photo: TopSignature materials.

Yes, and outside the hotel entertainment abound. After all, various festivals are often held in Cannes, devoted to cinema, fireworks, electronic music and even Russian art. True, they fall mainly for the summer. However, and in the winter they will not have to miss here anyway. You can run through boutiques located on the croisette and Ryu d'Antib, but I will say in secret that in the area of ​​Suce, much more democratic prices. What else to add ... if you get on the ferry, then in ten minutes you will find yourself in the Lerina Islands. On one of them, Saint-Margeryite, to this day there is an old prison, where the mysterious prisoner has served in the iron mask, which Louis XIV himself feared. Is there a desire to visit Nice? Please, only twenty minutes by train. If you don't want to go anywhere, you can just stroll along the embankment and listen to a gentle splash of waves ... And of course, throw a coin in the sea so that the cannan holidays someday necessarily repeated.

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