What is a co-hitch?


The tendency to reduce funds on the shelf in the bathroom is gaining momentum. It can be understood: we are tired of endless tubes, lined up in a row and occupy the place and time. So, now for daily hair washing, we can refuse ... from the shampoo! We tell what kind of coaching and whom it fits.

The procedure under the unusual to our ear titles first of all won the hearts of professionals. The leading technologist of the Cocochoco brand in Russia Igor Galimov says that the CO-Washing cunning phrase lies in the usual hair washing, but only air conditioning, without using shampoo. "It is assumed that this soft method of cleaning minimizes color flushing. As a result, we get shiny and beautiful hair instead of dry, dull and damaged. "

It must be remembered that the procedure is not suitable for everyone. Ko-in-Shinga is ideal for dry damaged hair, and girls with oily heads are preferably not to put similar experiments.

In order to experience the new-fashioned type of hair washing, it is worth staying on the air conditioners that Silicone is not included. "I can advise to abandon the use of sulphate shampoos, as they are quite aggressive clean the hair and the skin of the head, removing everything in their path, including a thin fat layer that protects curls from negative external influences." To wash the hair with an exceptionally air conditioner without applying a shampoo, you will have to use hot water, and it causes the head of the scalp and provokes dandruff. However, if the co-hook someone came to my soul - it means that it is suitable for a way to care.

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