Train goes: Rules for a comfortable trip


Probably the most spiritual way to move - travel by train. Where else can you meet such a variety of travelers, acquaintance with which can grow into real friendship, and maybe even the love of life. However, railway trips, as a rule, long, and therefore prepare them need carefully. We will tell you how to make a journey as calm and comfortable as possible.

Come to the station at least in a couple of hours

Come to the station at least in a couple of hours


Carefully explore the date

Trains attract not only comfort, but also relatively inexpensive tickets in comparison with other transport. Therefore, long-distance routes are not very tamed by teams of sports fans and other noisy companies. Before you purchase a ticket for a specific date, make sure that this day does not match the afternoon of the Airborne Forces, a sports match or another holiday. It is unlikely that you are ready for a single trip in one car with drunk sports lovers. Be careful.

Do not buy tickets at the last moment

The sooner you take care of the purchase of a ticket, the cheaper it will cost you. If you are going a big group - even better! Five or six tickets will save you a decent amount. However, in any case, check on the box office or on the site, which actions are held in the carrier company.

Calculate time

If you do not want to look after the outgoing train, come to the station at least in a couple of hours. Especially relevant this rule, if you leave from an unfamiliar city: you will need time to navigate what train is yours and where your car will be approximately.

Think than you will do in a long trip

Think than you will do in a long trip


Your child is your responsibility.

How many complaints come to parents, whose children violate the peace of passengers in public transport! But the child is not to blame here at all, the whole responsibility lies on the negligent parents who are too lazy to take the kid. Note that in a long trip, you do not ask for such indifference to the child and, at best, make a remark. Therefore, think in advance how you could take a child.

Think over the menu

At least recently, the service on distant routes has grown many times, take care of what you will eat all the way. If you have special preferences in food, do not wear a train restaurant - take everything with you. Of course, the soups and dishes with a sharp odor are better not to be considered, but you can safely take a few vegetables, fruits or dry snacks: everything else will offer you a guide.

All information about shares is available on the site of the carrier chosen by you.

All information about shares is available on the site of the carrier chosen by you.


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