Sex without a break: DJ Grub - the opposite of stage scenic image


Dj Groove began playing his first sets more than thirty years ago. But he and today - one of the few artists from the nineties, which continues to actively work and has not lost their former influence on the musical tastes of the public. He seems to be and externally changed. Unless he became a powerful. But this current status obliges: Evgeny not so long ago married, married, became his father and built a house. It seems to be a minimum program (and maximum) performed. What is now the ninety kumir now?

When you go to the personal page of Dj Groove (in the world - Eugene Rudina), then you see: the musician itself positions itself short and modestly - Godfather of Russian Dance Music ("The Great Father of Russian Dance Music"). However, Eugene does not consider that he smears in something. "Well, yes, I am one of those people who opened dance music in Russia. Here you can't argue, "he shrugs. His track record is huge. He recorded hits with two Russian presidents, was a producer of several projects (including the Duet "Guests from the Future" and singer Nikita), opened the first electronic music school in Russia. And everything began at all in another musical sphere.

Opera Aria & Dance Music

Eugene - from the creative family. His father was famous in his time conference, he worked with Yuri Nikulin, Boris Brunov. Eugene believes that his creative way, as it may sound, began, began at five years old - from the moment the parents led him to a music school in the small town of Apatity. By the way, he studied with Andrei Malakhov. They generally had no water in childhood. At first they went to one kindergarten and were even in love with one girl, at school were sitting at one desk, so in the music, too, were together. Malakhov - in the class of violin, Grub - in the class of piano. Friends spent together all the time. Even when the school was seeded by different parties. The fact is that Malakhov was considered a good boy, and Rudin was an unfair hooligan. So decided to somehow discharge them. But friendship, on the contrary, only fastened. Malakhov took the patronage over the friend and volunteered to help him in mathematics. "We had to meet at home and engage in mathematics, but in the end we watched the TV and listened to music," recall Eugene. So in the future, roles for friends were distributed. Malakhov was on television, and Ruds - for the DJ Remote.

After school, Eugene graduated from the music school, followed by a conservatory. Moreover, the future legislator of dance music was studied at the Opera Vocal Department. But then I realized that Dance Music, which was still absent in Russia, personally for him - the most interesting. So in our country there appeared their own DJ culture.

"I started playing my first sets in 1989 on bobble tape recorders with adjustment of speed. Then all disk jockeys in Russia could be counted on the fingers of one hand, "he remembers. Then the framework of one country became close. In addition, in Russia, it turned out to develop dance music in Russia. It happened that our producers and software director did not take some tracks on the air (with a promotion that this is not a format), then these most tracks became hits abroad, and then they were put on the air and paid attention to them. So at one time of the groove somewhere in London or Amsterdam, it was much easier to meet than in Russia. "From 2001 to 2010 I did not get out of Europe, I was published there on many famous labels, played at a significant event, starting with Love Parade and ending with English ravas and club speeches. I recorded singles, I had my own studio in Amsterdam. "

But then he still returned: he says at home and walls help. It was in Russia that the groove recorded two tracks, which entered the world history of dance (and political) music. Together with Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev, he created the composition "Happiness is" a real hit. And later wrote the track "Vote or lose!" For the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin.

Since our hero first stood up for the DJ console, almost nothing has changed. He continues to ride a tour, writes music. And also - unexpectedly found himself as a composer. In his filmography - very different paintings from "Down House" to "Our Russia: Eggs of Fate." Few people know: all the music, which comes on the stage, Comedy Comedy Club (big friends Grup), also written by them. By the way, he creates all his creations, sitting on the chair, which is as many years old how many creative activities of the musician. "Despite the fact that it is already pretty" hurt, "I do not want to change it. Not that I am superstitious ... But sitting in him, I wrote so many successful compositions, music for movies, so I do not want to say goodbye to him. "

Boring life

"I am a person who does not have depression in life. I never experienced middle-aged crisis. I have something to do, I have the music that I can write, "says that herself says himself from the height of his today's experience. Indeed, for all the time of its existence, he was not a hero of scandalous chronicles, not seen in some incidents. "With me, probably, it's not interesting to interview, because everything is fine with me," he laughs.

Is that five years ago spoke about the family life of the popular DJ. More precisely, the end of it. Then, in 2015, Alexander Rudda, the participant of the Audio Girls project, told about his divorce with a musician. For many, the fact that Grup was married, and even ten years old, became a surprise. Therefore, the recognition of the ex-spouse caused such a resonance.

"Now it's hard for me to talk about it, but the reserve of patience has been exhausted," Sasha Rudin said five years ago. - I have suffered a lot of years ago, hoping that he will change: his careless attitude to loved ones, infantility ... But, as he himself constantly repeats, people do not change. And if you can't change something, it is better to forget. I can say that love passes after certain actions, especially if they are repeated from year to year. Zhenya never matured. I know, now many will think, they say, they dispersed, because there were no children. The absence of children is only a consequence, not the reason. I will say this: children should not have children. "

With the future wife, Grub met in one of the nightclubs. Before going to the registry office, they met for three years. Evgeny was then for Sasha not only husband, but also a mentor. He helped her to become a DJ, then supported when she came and studied in Gitis on the acting department. But the zincion of everyone on his work seems to be the cause of separation.

According to Alexandra, she left her husband in almost emptiness, she did not even have her housing. But the story with a divorce never found its continuation: apparently, the spouses were able to negotiate the division of the property of lovely. At least in 2018, Rudet appeared in the show "Firth to me" with a new beloved, and about the ex-husband speaks almost with gentle intonations: "People who were ten years old cannot stop communicating once and for all. The fact is that the crazy love quickly passes, respect and friendship remain. Our union held for a long time exactly that I and I were best friends. "

Well, the groove itself at the same time, in 2015, met his current wife Deniz, who gave him his son and whom he was ready to speak for hours. In fact, he is familiar with Denise very, very long ago. So twenty years ago, they, being very young, even met for some time, but then their lives spread. Eugene, whose musical career then walked to the mountain, went to conquer London, then managed to marry. Denise at that time was engaged in his own business (and very successful), gave birth to a daughter.

And five years ago, Groove and Denise accidentally crossed into the FB (here she, the magical power of social networks!), Agreed to meet personally. "You know, this feeling when you have already lost a person, but the whole life then you regret it and think that it was wrong. We were very lucky - I managed to return everything! " - remembers Evgeny about that meeting.

Further everything was so quickly twisted that, as in that joke, a whole human life fit into one line. "During the year, we got married, they were crowned and gave birth to a child," DJ fell down.

Deniza is a real estate specialist. This is all the information that spouses are issued to the public. "I can't tell you in more detail, as she asked to save it in secret. But, despite the fact that our areas of activity are absolutely different, she very well understands music, she has a wonderful taste, "says Evgeny about his spouse. However, different sources are more verbose and assure that the Spouse DJ is the managing director of a very large business center, the minimum value of the smallest office in which is at least half a million rubles per month, and the most expensive is worth tenants in two more than a million rubles per month.

Although there is an opinion that people of different temperaments are good in family life - when one hot-tempered, and the other is calm as a boa, - in this case this stereotype does not work. "I am a rather quick-tempered person. And the spouse, too, but we always agree with it in the end, "says Grub. - We are still not alone, we have children who need the correct example before eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to live not only for yourself, but also for children, thinking about the family. "

To music love

Children really mean for the grooming lot - maybe, because he became late by his father, at the age of forty-five years. "Meet us! Today, August 12, 2017, in 3.42 our son was born, Rudin Mark Evgenievich, weight 3,640 kg, growth 52 cm. Favorite son, Markovochka, Welcome! We were waiting for you! My favorite, I congratulate us, my native, my life, with our long-awaited son! Love you, my happiness! " - Such a post appeared three years ago in the instagram Denza. Since the groove says, his life has changed. Together with Denise, he was on duty at a crib, kicked the baby, changed diapers. Later he began to study with her son, played educational games. So, to its three years, Mark knows the whole Russian and - attention! - English alphabet, and in the language of Shakespeare it can even talk. "Usually, boys at this age are not very well talking, and Mark is straightforward," Grub is proud. - I talk to him a lot, so our games with him are mostly developing. We learn geometric shapes, he loves them very much. At the playground, the boys are usually interesting, scooters, it all does not fit. "

And, of course, a love for music has been manifested from the young years. "He already knows what" before "," Re "," Mi, "Fa", "Salt", "La", "Si", "Bemol", "Diez". That is, it shows all the houses on the piano keyboard. Very musical boy. It constantly asks to include music, immediately starts dancing. In general, he is Meloman, but he especially likes jazz and rhythmic music. So we have a complete understanding with Mark in this regard. But I will not insist in the music in any way - it will develop in the direction that he is interested. "

The wife of Denzy has another twelve-year-old daughter Nick from the first marriage. And with her Eugene also gets great. "Nika draws great, shows me all his work," he says. - Also recently, she began writing his own book, it was advised to me about the plot. True, this is not a very good assistant, so we agreed that for help we will contact one very good editor of children's literature, which I personally know. "

So the groove showed himself a worthy father (what he himself, not particularly modest, constantly says). That is why when Denis Klyaver invited him together with her son to play in the video "When you become big" - just in the role of my father, - he immediately agreed.

Speaking about himself today, the idol of the nineties claims that he reached his Zen: a measured family life was added to his favorite music. "I am absolutely happy now, in my time interval, and I don't want to change anything," the groove summarizes.

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