Coffee break: 15 drinks accelerating brain


Many people are looking for simple ways to increase the concentration of attention, memory and productivity. That is why the popularity of nootropes is growing rapidly. Nootropics are a class of natural or synthetic compounds that can improve your brain. Although hundreds of nootropic additives are available, some drinks contain natural nootropic connections. Moreover, in other drinks there are ingredients such as antioxidants or probiotics that can support the operation of your brain. Here are 15 juices and drinks that can improve your brain health:


Coffee is likely to be the most widely consumed nootropic drink. Most of its brain benefits are provided with caffeine, although it contains other compounds such as chlorogenic acid antioxidant, which can also affect your brain. In one review, it was noted that caffeine can improve the concentration of attention, attentiveness, reaction time and memory in the dose of × 40-300 mg, which is equivalent to about 0.5-3 cups (120-720 ml) of coffee. Coffee can also protect against Alzheimer's disease. In a weekly study on dose mice, equivalent to 5 cups (1.2 liters) coffee per day or about 500 mg of caffeine, helped prevent and cure Alzheimer's disease. However, research is needed. Keep in mind that caffeine is known to be safe at doses up to 400 mg per day or about 4 cups (945 ml) of coffee.

Drink no more pair of cups of coffee per day

Drink no more pair of cups of coffee per day


Green tea

The content of caffeine in green tea is much lower than in coffee. Nevertheless, it can also boast of two promising nootropic compounds - L-Theenine and epigallocatehin gallot (EGCG). Studies show that L-Theanine can contribute to relaxation, and that L-Theanin in combination with caffeine can improve attention. Review 21 Research on people showed that green tea as a whole can support focus, attention and memory. In addition, the EGCG can penetrate your brain through the hematostephalic barrier, which means that it can have a beneficial effect on your brain or even fight neurodegenerative diseases.


Kombuch is a fermented drink, which is usually prepared from green or black tea, as well as fruits or plants. Its main advantage is that useful bacteria, called probiotics fall into the intestines. Theoretically improved intestinal health can improve the work of the brain through the axis of the intestine-brain - the bilateral line of communication between the intestine and the brain. However, a small amount of research supports the use of tea mushroom specifically to improve the brain function. You can prepare a tea mushroom yourself or buy it in bottles.

Orange juice

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, 1 cup (240 ml) provides 93% of the daily norm. Interestingly, this vitamin can have neuroprotective properties. One review of 50 studies on people showed that people with a higher level of vitamin C in the blood or a higher level of vitamin C consumption, by self-assessment, had the best performance, memory and language indicators than people with lower blood or consumption. However, the shortcomings of the sweet orange juice can outweigh its advantages. The juice is much more calories than in the whole fruit, and the high consumption of the added sugar is associated with such states as obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The best way to get this vitamin is just to eat orange. A whole fruit contains less calories and sugar, as well as more fiber than orange juice, while providing 77% of the daily norm of vitamin C.


Blueberry is rich in vegetable polyphenols that can improve the work of the brain. Anthocyanins are antioxidants who give these berries a blue-purple tint - can be largely useful. Similarly, the inheriest juice is rich in these compounds. Nevertheless, one review of high-quality research with almost 400 people gave mixed results. The strongest positive effect is associated with improved short-term and long-term memory, but some studies in this review did not report positive effects for the brain from custodial consumption. Moreover, the use of solid blueberries is a healthier option with a low sugar content, which can bring similar advantages.

Blueberry juice is rich in vitamins

Blueberry juice is rich in vitamins


Green juices and smoothies

Green fruits and vegetables are combined in green juice:

Dark green leaf vegetables such as cabbage or spinach


Green apples

Fresh herbs such as Lemongrass

Green smoothies can also contain such ingredients as avocado, yogurt, protein powder or bananas, to give creamism and nutrients. Although the beneficial properties of green juices or smoothies are largely dependent on the ingredients, these drinks are often rich in vitamin C and other useful antioxidants.

Latte with turmeric

Latte with turmeric, which is sometimes called "gold milk", is a warm creamy drink with a bright yellow spice. Turmeric contains antioxidant Curcumin, which can increase the development of the neurotrophic brain factor (BDNF). Low BDNF levels are associated with mental disorders and neurological disorders, so the increase in BDNF level can improve the brain function. However, you should note that Latte with turmeric contains a much less curcumin than what is often used in studies.

Latte with adaptogen

Like latte with turmeric, latte with adaptogen is a warm spicy drink containing unique ingredients. Adaptogens are products and herbs that can help your body adapt to stress, improving brain performance and reducing fatigue. Many latte with adaptogen is made of dried mushrooms, Ashwaganda or Maci root. Since these drinks contain ingredients that are difficult to find, for example, dried mushrooms, the easiest way to buy a ready-made mixture.


Beets are a dark red root plant, which is rich in Nitrate, the predecessor of nitrogen oxide, which your body uses for saturation of cells with oxygen and improving blood flow. The transmission of nitrogen oxide signals can play a role in the areas of your brain responsible for language, training and making complex decisions, and beet juice can strengthen these effects, increasing the production of nitrogen oxide. You can drink this juice, mixing the powder beet with water or taking a dose of concentrated beet juice. As a rule, the dose of concentrated beet beverages is only 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 ml) per day.

Herbal teas

Some herbal teas can improve brain performance:

Sage. This grass can support memory and mood, as well as useful for the psyche.

Ginkgo biloba. Review Research with more than 2,600 people showed that this plant can alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and a moderate decrease in cognitive functions. However, most of the available low-quality studies.

Ashwaganda. This popular nootropic plant can protect against neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.

Ginseng. Some data confirm the use of ginseng for neurotective properties and to improve the brain, but other studies do not show any effect.

Rhodiola. This plant can help improve mental fatigue and brain.

Keep in mind that teas contain much smaller doses of active ingredients than additives or extracts used in scientific research.

Acid drinks are useful for the body

Acid drinks are useful for the body



Like tea mushroom, kefir is a fermented drink containing probiotics. However, it is made of fermented milk, and not from tea. It can help the work of the brain, contributing to the growth of useful bacteria in the intestine. You can cook kefir yourself, but it can be easier to purchase a ready-to-eat drink. Alternatively, select Drinking Yogurt, which may also contain probiotics.

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