How do the stars celebrate Tatiana's day?


Tatyana Ovsienko Morning January 25 begins with the temple:

"When I studied at a technical college in my native Kiev, we had one person in a group of each republic. All my friends lived in a hostel, and I am at home. Of course, no one gave me a room, but I really wanted to guys! Therefore, I was asked by my mother, and if she did not let go, then escaped to them! I had very funny student years, we went to hikes with alignments, satisfied interesting cabbagers! Probably, these years for life remain in the soul, in the memory of a person and respond to warm and pleasant memories in the heart. This time, total energy, real spirit of life! For the past few years, Tatiana Day I start from the temple. Usually, I also dilute on the baptism, but this year, because of a dense touring schedule, I caught with this tradition. But I'm still going to swim, even after the holiday. We will go to the holy source in Talege, which is under the city of Chekhov. "

Tatyana Tereshina. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Tatyana Tereshina. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

The father of the singer Tatiana Tereshina wanted her name to inspire others:

"On this day, I comes a huge number of SMS messages with congratulations, it seems that this is a mini-birthday! I am also proud of my name. When I was born, my father insisted on him. He said that many Russian classics inspired the name Tatiana. I have repeatedly had the opportunity to change it: to take a pseudonym how many artists do it. But I like the combination of my name and surname, and the presence of the letter "T" in both cases looks very pretty. I have not yet decided how to celebrate this evening, I think that I will think of something interesting. "

Tatyana Kotova. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Tatyana Kotova. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Ex-Solite of the VIA Gra group, the owner of the title "Miss Russia - 2006" Tatyana Kotov will not change home traditions:

"I really like this beautiful Russian name, and I am grateful to my parents for the awarded me. It means "the organizer, founder." I think the name Tatiana predetermined in something and my character - I think that I have good organizational abilities, I can collect around myself like-minded people, "infect" of all the common idea, I love order in everything. Tatiana's Day For me, a holiday, comparable happy birthday - January 25, I take a huge number of congratulations, signs of attention and pleasant wishes by relatives, friends, colleagues and just familiar. We usually celebrate a large company with girlfriends Tatyana, and if it turns out to get to my parents on this day, we are going for a huge table with relatives and arrange a "belly holiday"! We have one kind tradition. When I was quite small, my mother baked on January 25 is a big and tasty pizza, whose recipe then handed me. I observe this symbolic custom every year, and all the time I add some new and original ingredient into pizza, for example, pineapples, dill, olives.

Dmitry Koldun. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Dmitry Koldun. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Singer Dmitry Koldun will give a holiday to his mother, which is Tatyana's name:

"I both parents were teachers, and since this day also the day of the student, then every year for January 25, fun parties were organized at the university. They brother with her brother with them, despite the fact that I was much younger than all students at that time. There we all together and broke off! But when the father left his life, we began to celebrate this day in the threesome (I, Mom and Brother). Usually we choose some funny institution, this year it can go to bowling. Mom I give something out of souvenirs, last year I gave her a comb with rhinestones. She still enjoys her and very satisfied. But with women named Tatiana, I was not lucky in my life. They refused to communicate with me, not showing anyone interest to me! "

Mark Tishman. Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Mark Tishman. Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Tatiana Day - Hot Time for Mark Tishman:

"For the day before yesterday we celebrated the birthday of my niece, which was called in honor of the grandmother and in honor of Tatiana Day, on the eve of which she was born. In general, this holiday, exactly as the day of the student, I celebrated almost ten years old, because I was a student twice. "

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