Oksana Stashenko: "We with my husband a feeling of happiness one for two"


- Oksana, tell us what inspired you to move beyond the capital?

- I and my spouse very tired of the city apartment. In recent years, we felt literally as in the microwave. First, bought a country apartment in Sergiev Posad and thought that we were enough. But every time we drove out of Moscow to Sergiyev Posad and saw these fantastic landscapes, always thought: why go from the city to the city, when it is, nature! Then we decided to find a place under the site. I always have a little time, so in every day I studied the real estate market. I chose some kind of direction, and Vladimir sat in the car and drove to watch. On Dmitrovka, we even booked like a good area that came to us on the sides of the world, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. But unexpectedly saw the site in the distance, which was still not built anything, but only a birch forest stood. I called the manager, and it turned out that this site was not yet sold. In general, we went to buy one thing, and chose another. And we are happy that it happened.

Oksana Stashenko:

On the set of the series "Return of Mukhtara" Oksana laid perfectly with dogs, but at home the dog does not hold

- On the style of the house, your views also coincided?

- The fact that we began to come to the choice of the house that we often come to Latvia to our expensive friends - spouses Viktorganam. And these gray houses with white edging in the Baltic style we really liked. We ordered and ordered. In general, our plot is divided into two parts, one of which is in the sand. And it turns out that the house is as if Dunes. But when we go to the house and get into the living room, the feeling that we are not in the forest, and the forest - we have. Huge windows, birch, the living room is more like a terrace. We live here constantly, but, of course, we use the Moscow apartment in a situation where you need to be early in Moscow. We love our apartment, but now she has both the eldest son. Younger love more. (Laughs.)

- You were not afraid that such big windows are too open by your privacy?

- Neighbors asked us too. And I answered: "My dear, I live in the" aquarium "for 33 years, so my motto:" The more you are open - the less about you are invented and composed. " And we have nothing to hide. If we go to the living room, even in pajamas, we have them beautiful, without any frevstants. And if it's hot, I just go to the swimsuit and do not confuse anyone - I have decent swimsuits. I have no complexes, I am always ready for a meeting with neighbors. So at any time they can come and shout: "Hello!" I'll go to the fence, we kiss, we will go. We do not close the curtains, we live openly.

Oksana Stashenko with his spouse Vladislav Mina

Oksana Stashenko with his spouse Vladislav Mina

- When building a house of some special rules adhered to?

- We put a house as the Chinese did it before. According to the teachings of Feng Shui in the northern part there should be a bedroom. It recommends to make the least of all windows, sleeping should remain cool, so it is better to hang tight curtains. From the bedroom entrance to the larger dressing room. Although we also did not cost without cabinets. We have a large mirror wardrobe, which is on Feng-Shuya: It reflects the wall on the contrary, on which a large photographic frame, where the history of our relationship with Vlad is captured. The effect of these photos is enhanced if they are reflected in the mirror. And the hallway and one of the walls in the bedroom belong to the career zone. There are badges from various festivals. And we also hung a lot of different diplomas.

- Now almost everyone build houses in several floors, you have only one ...

- We are fans of single-storey houses, because we are only two. Well, and besides, as you know, no one else has younger, it is the law of nature, so why run on the stairs?

- On the site you only grow trees?

"We have no beds, greenhouses, there are wooden paths that go from home, and along these tracks we plan to fall asleep the land, where I would only put a parsley and dill. Just happens when the harvest time comes, and you have a shooting, it is bitter, no one to collect. But I do a plot. I wanted a clearing in the southeastern part from our forest, this sector is responsible for wealth. Last year, I remember came to this piece of the garden and saw the strawberry grows there. This year I had a little free time, and I gave up for her. Now she is gigantic, because I looked at her with the ground, it fell, it removed herbs.

Since the actress leads a culinary show on TV, to catch Oksana surprise unexpected guests are absolutely impossible

Since the actress leads a culinary show on TV, to catch Oksana surprise unexpected guests are absolutely impossible

Sergey Ivanov

- Have any nothing else planted?

- Of course, planted: blackberry, blueberries, viburnum, one currant. And another village: Apple Tab, pear, plum, cherry, gooseberry. On the western side of the terrace - two lilacs and rosehip. I also planted Lavender - this is not only very beautiful and smells good, she scans the ants, mosquitoes, midges. And my girlfriend of Vera Sokolova brought the Irisa, gladiolus, lilies from the cottages - here I have such a small flowerbed called "Verochka". I can not say that I am a gardener, I have no time. And, of course, I would like to turn the fifth point to the Sun, and the soul.

- You have unusual furniture. Where did they bring her?

- She is all from India. We waited for three months by a bench, which turned 168 years old. We also have a table with elephants, a glass table, a small aspic, a chair in the bedroom from Nepal, a bedspread and an Indian future table. Many statues of the Buddha in the interior, they smile, such fluffs. Everyone comes and say: "How similar to Vladika!" (Laughs.) We also have very beautiful furniture on the terrace. Moreover, its appearance is dictated by the desire of numerous friends to visit us. We realized that without a big round table in the summer on the street we would not do. And we have already visited several companies. And I always say: do not buy anything - we have everything. But what is true friends mean: for some reason they are guessing with gifts for a home and bring what we do not have. Designer Olga Glenik brought the icon of the guardian angel. I have a lot of icons, but the guardian angel was not. The Vitorgans brought the service to the cakes and cakes, I did not have such a dish with plates, Imediate-Narliyev - Turkmen carpet, Kuma - Blinnitsa ... And the friends of Kartseva brought a wireless column, now we have music in any corner of the garden.

In the country house, the actress is always a lot of colors

In the country house, the actress is always a lot of colors

- Many are installed in the bathhouses, and I do not see anything like that ...

- We used to have an infrared bath, but at the festival in Ulyanovsk, we first learned what a phytoboche was. And now we have such a personal hammam at home, where there is a steam generator in which water is poured and a bag of herbs is added. And here you are sitting in this barrel, closed ferry. She cleans you, saturates your skin with aroma.

- Your fans still associate you with love for animals, in particular, to a shepherd from the TV series "Return of Mukhtar" in which you shot. Do you have any pets?

- We sometimes call our home big-big TV with an amazing, the best program in the world in the world of animals. (Smiles.) We have birds that fly to our feeder, frogs, wild cat, which from this winter has become coming to us. We buy her feed, crude chicken and milk, which she loves very much.

- Judging by your beautiful figure, you probably still actively do in the fresh air?

- I can say that my forest is also a gym for me. I do not know what to go to fitness. Probably it is wrong, but it's true! Of course, I do not breathe, but I still make efforts when I take a little spatula and a little bit of the earth around the plants or watering them with a driver.

If Oksana or her spouse want to get down, then their services are homemade phytobochka

If Oksana or her spouse want to get down, then their services are homemade phytobochka

Sergey Ivanov

- Among other things, you are also the leading program "Tasty". This experience helps you in home cooking?

- I had a mammy half the Ukrainian and half the Pole. And in such families they are involved early to cook, so I left the dumplings since childhood, made the cutlets, looked like borsch and soup. All this I, of course, can cook. And when it became the program "Tasty", of course, I learned so much. I am grateful to our editors and our chefs, which very accurately give the recipe of each dish. At home I try to cook healthy food: if the meat, then the side dish is only a vegetable salad, if the fish is the side of the side and there will be no garnish. If grilled, then without butter, we never buy juices or gas. My friends know that I will never refuse if they bring a jar of homemade jam or dried fruits. And we make it from this. In our traditional diet, I entered the flax - we eat periodically linen porridge. We are growing at the site, we do not destroy it, I collect her, dry it and cook a decoction for exchange rate reception. I remember when I had heart problems in the late 90s, I drank such a course in the fall and spring. Winter passed, and the artistic director asked me: "How is your heart?" And I thought: what about the heart? What heart? And then I realized that if I had already forgotten how it hurt me, it means that it worked.

- I know that the spouse you also have a certain way connected with the world of movies ...

- Vlad - Head of the film Lights of the Cinema House, so everything that is connected with sound and light is his element. We are at home forget to turn off the light, so Vlad everywhere made automatic on and off. He understands everything in plumbing, and by electricity, and by an antenna. I understand my girlfriends who admire the fact that I don't need to keep a bottle of vodka for a neighbor so that he come and helped. Also, the husband works with me, helps me to hold concerts. All that I have been cooked for my solo speeches and meetings done by him, because what I tell in creative evenings is accompanied by a display on the screen. And if the Vlad Rest, I'm just calm, I know that everything will be fine.

- In my opinion, you really found each other ...

- Yes, but at the same time we are energetically quite different: I am impulsive, emotional, and Vlad is very calm, balanced. The only thing that unites us is externally - we always smile to people. We have an inner feeling of happiness from what we live that the world is beautiful. This is a feeling of happiness we have one for two.

Country house has become for Oksana the main place of residence. There is everything here for a full life

Country house has become for Oksana the main place of residence. There is everything here for a full life

Sergey Ivanov

- What is the concept like jealousy, do you know? Especially since you are a popular actress.

- I can only jump to the house of the movie: My God, you will now go to them, not me! But I understand that Vlad is a perfectionist and people always ask for him to be at a kind of event. And if you ask our friends: Irryochka and Emmanuel Vitorgan, or the Tough Zhuravlev, Natalia Varley, or Larisa Luzhina, and not only, then, of course, Vladik always finds time. And if we talk about jealousy to women and men, then we have no such. Although once I said Vladik: "It seems so that I am not jealous, although sometimes jealous." But I do not give him a reason: at all the film festivals we together, on the set, performances and tour - together! In the play, where I play, he is engaged in sound and scenery. If we get on some party, always dance: Bachata, Salsa ... I can not say that very good, but relative to most ... everyone admire and even applaud. We are always together, we are just very interesting to each other!

- Do you remember the point of exploring Vlad?

- Sure. It began with the fact that I came to him on the recording studio, we saw three times a year. And after three years of our superficial acquaintance, I suddenly drew attention that it was not. I was told that he had problems with his back and maybe there will be an operation. And then I had big problems with my back, I just stopped walking in the corset, I treated osteopaths. And I called him and said that I would bring a cure for shark cartilage and show the exercises. I arrived, left, showed. And at the same time, I made an order: I needed my personal microphone for the tour, because it was very often came, to put it mildly, "training". And when we met again, he became better, we talked, I told that I was going to go on a journey to the break between the filming. He still asked: "How is everything you get?" I replied that I was very simple: I take a tiny backpack, a card with money, a passport and a camera. He became interested, and I also told him that in February I will go to India, and for those who suffer their backs, India is simply necessary. Especially since the best medicine in this case is walking.

And large wardrobe required by popular actress

And large wardrobe required by popular actress

Sergey Ivanov

- And what happened next?

"I usually flew alone," but he suggested him to join, I decided that I would not hurt the fellow traveler. But immediately said: "Vlad, we are all adults. If you tied me during our joint walks, do not be offended, but we will go in different directions. " He agreed. But then there were no feelings, I first felt something only at the airport. He so firmly took me by the hand that I thought: "Wow ..." And at that moment I went about something. But, however, the age confused: we have a difference of nine years. And for me it was critically, if a man is even the day younger.

- And how did you manage to change your beliefs?

- Then there was a plane. I have a business class, and he flew in economy, but there was a free place next to me. And I went to the flight attendance and said that I had a husband in Economy and he was afraid to fly, he had panic attacks. And asked him for a while sat with me. He came to Vlad, explained that he seemed to me my husband and so on ... This worked, we chatted the whole flight, I told him about India. Then we drove several different places and stopped in the sacred Varanasi to see Pujah, the colorful ritual of sentences to the gods. They lease the boat, because from the water is best visible. After that, we went to the hotel, and in the morning descended for breakfast already a couple.

And the opportunity to make a garden to his pleasure

And the opportunity to make a garden to his pleasure

Sergey Ivanov

- When did you think about becoming your husband and wife?

"We got married pretty quickly because they began to ride together for all festivals and tour." And not because someone was jealous of someone, they simply could not part: we were so good together. And now good. I remember, very often, when I came with Vlad, journalists approached and asked the question: "What is your boyfriend name?" And once he says to me: "Listen, I don't like this word" boyfriend "! I do not want to be enough for them! ". We signed on St. Vasily's Day on the old New Year, but noting this day as an anniversary, and the fifth February, when for the first time they had breakfast together in India. Moreover, we celebrate the fifth number of each month. Here is the fifth soon, and we will definitely be either a bottle of good wine or champagne, a delicious dinner, which I will gladly prepare with my own hands. Vlad will definitely prepare some surprise. This is how India joined us, we promised her that we would return. When they lowered wreaths in Gang, both, both, not to say each other, be together. And then they promised that we would come again and be sure to put wreaths in Gang with gratitude ...

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