Know-how: To be shy again


Activator youth for the skin around the eye Geґnifique Yeux Light-Pearl ™.

How does it work: A high-technological duo (the development of its formula has occupied almost ten years) and the Light-Pearl applicator and gives a cherished result. Thin wrinkles decrease, the skin tone increases, dark circles and swelling are gradually. The tip of the applicator in the form of a pearl can turn to fifty degrees, which is not only convenient, but also plays an important role in care. About this - a little later. By the way, when creating a "difficult decoration", stainless steel used, which is used in the manufacture of surgical instruments.

Result: A noticeable effect is worth waiting after seven days of use. As an ambulance in front of an important event will suit just right. If you want to consolidate the result, it is desirable to poke the skin around the eyes every day of at least four weeks in a row, preferably in the morning, and in the evening.

How to apply: The care efficiency depends on the technique of application. For point exposure, two options are specially developed. For example, to get rid of dark circles under the eyes and swelling, you need to make circular movements in the zone of the lower eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the external - as if you draw a helix. Remove the thin rays of wrinkles and signs of fatigue, if you carefully work out every wrinkle. Touch it the applicator and enway along and then back, as if you smooth out gentle fabric. To bring the skin around the eyes into a tone and eliminate the problems created by constant stress, you need to walk clockwise at first at the top century, and then under the bottom. This is a universal way to apply an activator of youth.

Side effects: Not noticeable, since the formula of the means is designed for all skin types, including very sensitive. The same who wears contact lenses can also

not to worry.

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