Oleg Tabakov: "Director spoils character because it is always a leader"


Oleg Tabakov eighty years! No matter how tritely sounds, it is impossible to believe! He is energetic, actors, did not lose the ability to dream about something and seek the incarnation of this (it happened with the opening of his theatrical school), wonder, rejoice, mistaken, disappointed and fall in love with life and in people. Probably because it still causes a huge interest and love of the public.

1. On Communication

I am always trying to understand the point of view of the interlocutor. Perhaps it follows from the characteristics of the profession - until then, until I understand the logic of my hero, it makes sense to engage in this craft.

If a person contemptuously refers to what he does not understand, for me he is a vulgar. This is a problem number one modern society. Vulgarity is a certain protective wall that surrounds itself either by uneducation, or in the scorement, or from the lack of ability to feel.

When I call someone else, I put in this concept a degree of trust, covered back, which man causes. No need to portray something, naturalness and naturalness.

Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlova is an expression: "Friendship is a round-the-clock concept." Those who have this phrase causes laughter, deprived people, any-dollars. This is from the poverty of the soulful "well."

The fact that people are alive and try to understand the problems of the day of today's, determined by the depth of the "Human Well". Therefore, one person can be interesting to me, and the other has already been exhausted.

2. About profession

The director spoils character because it is always a leader. We must a priori be a leader. And leadership is associated with the need to suppress the dissent and confirmation of its own exceptional rights.

Our today's omnivocity prepares our tomorrow's unnecessaries - this is one of my thoughts, quite strictly formulated, which is very applicable to our profession.

I always tell my disciples: "You should be able to act as an acting profession to earn money on bread with butter, but ideally - on bread with oil and still with caviar."

Honestly, "Praise and slander accept indifferent." But in this sense, it is easier for me, because the inertia of my early success is very great. If in the country one hundred forty million, then I am afraid that half, if not more, is my auditorium. And this is a very large margin of safety.

The theater can only live with the absolutism of the leadership, better if absolutism is enlightened. I say this, based on my own experience.

3. About me

Nothing human is alien to me: there are doubts, and sadness, and bitterness from our own illusions. But the loss of illusions is generally a painful process, because their presence is still associated with the ability to get involved, fall in love, love. If it is lost, the meaning will be lost.

It is necessary to be able to cut off a bad one, to be able to repel the feces floating on you, which day gives today in large quantities. At least to reduce it to a minimum.

I believe that a man must earn. Probably, it is from my father, because it is in the most difficult situations when it was difficult, and hungry, and cold, I was looking for a job, I came up with something, I did a completely unknown affairs, but earned and brought to the house. Loader! This is very important for a man.

In their eighty years, I have not exhausted interest in life. Moreover, the perception of very simple things is exacerbated.

I have a second of happiness. Well, why then something? It is precisely because it is seconds, you remember that so acute and hope that it will happen.

4. On Fate and Love

Human keeps love or his physical desire for something or to someone. In a word, everything has some programmed and controlled from some Supreme Office, with some Supreme Dispatching Point of the Lord.

If I could not answer the feeling, it's still always a very shore, tried not to hurt. We need to treat people as you want them to treat you.

I have never had a conflict of "fathers and children." Neither with my father, nor then my children with me. Probably, it depends on the spiritual content of fathers. Yes, and brains should have more, and egoism is less.

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