Andrei Fedortsov: "In childhood, my film did not take place"


As a child, Andrei did not think about the scene. Although often tormented his sister, forcing her to participate in home concerts. True, at that time he did not give any more pleasure to the performance, but the preparation of colorful programs - like those that buy spectators in the theater. He tried several different professions before he decided to become an actor. And the popularity of the artist brought the image of Vasi Rogov in the series "Deadly Strength". At that time, the films were filmed little, roles were rarely offered, and only small episodes. The times were heavy, Andrei, the day worked in the theater, paid a penny, so we had to earn money on the unloading of cars. One day after a night shift, looking at Lenfilm, he stumbled upon Alexander Rogozhkin, who, looking at him, asked: "What are you with a hangover at the studio?" Fedorets replied that besides coffee did not drink anything. Then the director approached closer: "Well, the troubles! And you always look like? You know, and come to me for the role of Rogov to try. Externally the most! " This is how a new stage in the life of our hero began to be in the lives of our hero. Now he is grieving: plays the theater and cinema, and also leads the program on television.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

1. "In this picture, I am with my dad. His name is Albert, although at birth, he was given another name - Oleg. When the war began, he was small. Grandfather was on the front, and grandmother with children was in the occupation. As in most other village houses, they were settled by a German officer, his name was albert. And when he learned that a detachment of SES officers arrived in the village for the punitive operation, and in more simply, the destruction of the locals, at night woke up everyone who was in the house, and helped the family to escape from the village. This officer risked heavily, for such an act could be sentenced to shooting. After the war, her grandmother and grandfather changed the name of my father, calling him Albert in honor of this German. "

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

2. "Looking at this photo card, I want to say that for women I am lucky from childhood. The most famous woman in my life is my mother, Svetlana Nikolaevna. I was also very lucky with my sister. Anya me younger, but since your childhood is very warm, close relationship. I remember when she was quite a blunder, hearing, as his parents read me, immediately began to root: they say, it is impossible to scold the brother. And now it is negotiating with studios and producers, solves all the questions. That is, he took upon themselves the technical part, giving me the opportunity to just do the creativity. "

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

3. "Actress Anastasia Melnikov every year arranges New Year's holiday for children of his friends and loved ones. It is difficult for me to find out on this card, but you can guess that Santa Claus is me. My daughter Varya is a little princess with a crown on his head. Masha Melnikova - in the sea suit, similar to Mine. And the smallest participant of the holiday is the daughter of Sergei Selina, Maria. By the way, the organizing of the holiday is not only my colleague and friend, but also the godparents. "

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

4. "I love nature very much, for me a cottage is better than any popular resort. It seems that we have common addictions with my daughter. She also prefers to active holidays, country life, fishing. True, she herself still does not hold, but on a boat to ride for her joy. I even specifically bought a small rescue vest for her, because we are chosen on the river or the lake, as soon as free time allows. "

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

5. "This frame is made on the performance of the" phenomena "of the St. Petersburg Theater of the Astrada named after Arkady Rykin. The story unfolds on the eve of the Moscow Olympiad, and the actors are people who have unique abilities. My whole family took part in the preparation of costumes that had to correspond to the Soviet era. Dad found a shirt on the mezzans, sister did another shirt in one of the shops, I purchased cool vintage glasses on the flea market. According to the plot, I have to wear a female dress, because my hero demonstrates his friend's buddies purchased for his wife. "

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

6. "We can say that this photo is prophetic. I have two years old, she was made when we rested with parents in the south. Some woman came up on the beach and offered to remove me in the movies. I must say that my mother does not interest this idea, even though the lady turned out to be the employee of Lenfilm. In short, the photo filmmakers did, but our family refused to shoot. Snapshots then presented to us, and they remind you of failing to children's years. "

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

7. "With Kostya Khabensky, we have been friends for more than ten years. And the new year was met together, and one day it is very unusual. Thirty-first December, we had to fly out of the capital to St. Petersburg, where the work was already waiting for the first of January. We were late for the plane, because stuck in the elevator. I managed to get tickets for the train, which arrives in St. Petersburg in the morning. We covered a festive table in a compartment. And about twenty to the battlefield of the Kurats came out to smoke in the tambour. Because there is always cold, I grabbed a bottle of champagne with you to cool. We smoked a couple of cigarettes and decided to return to the festive table. And suddenly they found that the conductors locked the doors. We tried to go to the next car, but there it was also closed. Apparently, the conductors really wanted to celebrate the holiday and they all blocked that the passengers would not shook the train. And we met the New Year's Offensive in Cold Tambour. Well, even though the bottle of champagne has been with you. "

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

8. "In this photo, I am with my parents at the cottage. I heard the bike that, they say, Andrei Fedortsov from the acting family. It is not true. My dad is an engineer, and my mother is a physician. In our family never existed dictate. If it fell, then for the case, in justice, and only in words, without hands-written. And sometimes they will be pretty and forget. We had such a New Year's story. In Soviet times, good candy treated scarce goods, they were shouted for holidays. At a young age, I somehow could not resist and enjoyed sweets from the cherished storage. On January 1, when guests came to us, Mom to tea took the box of sweets "Swallow". Opens, and there is empty, only a note lies: "Swallows flew away, and I did not do it." The authorship of the parents were determined immediately, but did not scold, they just laughed. "

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

9. "The shooting of one of the seasons of the" slaughter force "was held in South Africa. What was just not there! According to the plot of me and the hero, Grigory Siyatvinda wanted to burn dicks. They tied us to the tree, downstairs put the gas burner. Included the camera, and the African opened the burner so sharply that the flame shot right on us. I managed to close my face, and my colleague is not. The fire slept, I look: Grisha is all in the soot, and the haze goes from the nose. So in the ritual fire, we managed to visit the literal sense of the word. Fortunately, it cost without serious burns. "

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

10. "I do not know whether it was possible in the restructuring time to avoid service in the army, but I didn't even occur such an idea. I quietly went on the call and gave my duty to my homeland. The reserve went to the rank of senior sergeant, the commander of the Mino-subversive platoon. By the way, during the service I debuted on the stage as an actor. One guy got sick, and I replaced him in a self-playing performance. From that moment began to take an active part in our soldiers' speeches. "

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

11. "For four years I have been carrying a TV program" Main Road ", and during the shooting of the New Year's release we arranged a draw: I changed clothes in the Snow Maiden and got behind the wheel. And last year, a traffic cop was stopped by the thirty-first of December, I gave him rights. He clicked on me for a long time, then into documents. And suddenly asks: "And where is the camera hidden? With me this number will not pass! I saw the plot for your Snow Maiden. " I look at the driver's license, and there on top on my face the photo of some black man passed. Then it turned out that these friends decided to make fun. "

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

Photo: Personal archive Andrei Fedortsova.

12. "This snapshot made during a visit to the reserve. I love animals very much, but now I prefer not to approach them too close. Once I fed Zebra and wanted to take a picture with her. But it was worth turning his back, as she bit my shoulder and wanted to skit, sorry, between the legs. Fortunately, I managed to jump on time. And now I would talk to this thin voice. After that story, I try to observe the distance when communicating with wild beasts. "

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