Stars told about winter holidays


Maldives Anna Semenovich

Two weeks spent Anna Semenovich in the South Asian Islands. The singer has already been in the Maldives, so I decided to settle away from the promoted tourist places and chose a small secluded hotel. "Last year was intense," Anna recalled. - I realized what was really very tired. Therefore, the first three days just slept. One day he fell right on the beach and burned hard. For my happiness, the real wizards from the local SPA-salon came to the rescue. I was given a soft skin massage with oil banana peel and aloe. In the evening, the body and the face stopped burning, and the next morning the Reds completely sued. I also believe in miracles, and a small miracle happened right on the eve of Christmas. Last year, resting in the Maldives, I met a wonderful couple from Peter. We were very friends, exchanged phones, but I lost their number. I tried to find them through acquaintances, on social networks, but it did not work out. And the guys themselves did not call me. And you can imagine: I walk along the beach, and suddenly they go to meet me. I was glad as a child. We met Christmas together. It turned out that the guys just shy to call me. But now I will definitely not lose their number, I am going to visit Petersburg in February in February. In general, I was very pleased with this trip. I always assume a couple of shoes on heels, evening outfit, cosmetics. As a rule, at least once has to be released. And what kind of buzz I got in the Maldives, that all this I never needed! "

Golden Ring Nicholas Timofeeva

The singer preferred not the sun's islands and ski resorts, and rest in the old Suzdal. According to the singer, the Kremlin built a special impression on him, built in the 10th century. In the old trade ranks, Nikolai acquired traditional patchwork blanket and souvenirs for their friends. "I realized that the winter holidays need to be held in Russia," Nikolai told. - Nowhere in the world there is no such beautiful and truly fabulous winter, like us. Suzdal made a huge impression on me. It breathes Russian history in it. In the city, I moved to the sled, harvested by a horse. In the monastery meal, I managed to try a stunning sterlet prepared by the old Russian recipe. And, of course, the famous Suzdal Medovukha. I learned that there are more than 15 ways to prepare, depending on the variety of honey. In the near future I also plan to go through all cities of the Golden Ring. And the distant countries and the warm seas will wait. "

Kaliningrad Vadim Tallati

"My brother lives in Kaliningrad," the actor explained. - But it happened that before that I have never been in this beautiful city. And now there was a pleasant and joyful reason - I became the godfather of my nephew. I fell in love with Kaliningrad at first glance. Despite the fact that the city was practically destroyed, it was still preserved at home and German buildings. Catholic temples made a huge impression. Very interesting construction - the royal gate. A special impression on me was made by the amber museum. I purchased a few funny figures from this stone. A very interesting exposition is presented in the Museum "found things", old objects found when cleaning lakes, house construction. Of course, I failed to see all the sights of the city. But I will definitely come to Kaliningrad again. "

Courchevel glitch'OZ

"This year I first met the New Year with my relatives for the first time," Natasha told. - At the end of the year there was some incredible download of shooting and concerts, so when a husband was jokingly offered to escape from Moscow, I am surprisingly easily agreed. (Laughs.) We spent all holidays in the fresh air - skiing, snowboard, walked a lot, played with children. These two weeks flew in one moment, but I still missed work - when you are doing a loved one, you do not exit weekends or holidays. For you work and there is your main passion in life. "

Egypt Nastya Krinovoy

"My New Year holidays managed to glory! - Shared the impressions of the singer. - We went to Sharm el-Sheikh. We decided not to spend time on a huge number of excursions, but still went to Moise Mountain and walked all night to a stunning dawn. And the next morning - not to convey words - as we walked to the beach, or rather, crawled. Feet sick terribly. In general, it was impossible to miss, since almost every evening we went to the central street of Niama Bay, where it was possible to dine fresh seafood and smoke for one dollar a stunning hookah. Along the way to the restaurant, various trinkets bought. Of course, did not go around the flippers and masks and looked at the underwater beauty with great pleasure. True, there was an unpleasant moment: I swam along the reefs and decided to put the fish to the fish so that they surround me. But when I saw a huge fish in the meter long among this minnow, it was so it was that only the flippers were visible. Thank God, I sailed, and she did not bite me. "

San Diego Mikhail Shufutinsky

Mikhail Shufutinsky in front of his anniversary tour traditionally went to America, where his wife and younger son with family live. There, the artist is practically all the time dedicates personal affairs: it meets with a lawyer, managers, economist, doctors (regular checks are needed even a healthy person). But this time the most important and joyful reason for the trip was the long-awaited first meeting with a four-month granddaughter Khanna Renee, which appeared on the light of San Diego in the family of his younger son Anton. A dense touring schedule did not allow Shufutinsky to come to his granddaughter before. But the grandfather watched his granddaughter, on a computer. "At first, Hannah was frightened a little unfamiliar bearded uncle and even burst up," Mikhail Zakharovich said. "But then I got used to, and when I slept and satisfying it, I even dared to sit on my knees." I also spent a lot of time with my three grandchildren: Dimitri, Noah and Zakhar - the older brothers Hannah Renee. We went for gifts, boys boasted their success in school. They love their younger sister very much, even somewhat competing with each other for her attention. Very soon the whole family will meet in Moscow on my anniversary. And a ticket for a little Hannah Renee is also purchased. "

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