We are going on nature: basic rules


Someone is already on vacation, and someone is chosen on nature with friends or a whole family. Nevertheless, before going out for the city, you need to get acquainted with the rules that will help you and you have a good time, and do not harm nature.

Observe the safety rules

Observe the safety rules

Photo: unsplash.com.

Careful with fire

Now the staff of parks and forest zones that are adapted for picnics, usually take a special place where you can breame fire. However, it is not always such a zone, especially if we are talking about the forest strip. In this case, you need to dig up a small hole and already breed the fire in it: so you will reduce the likelihood of spreading fire. Try not to take with you flammable substances, for example, gasoline. In extreme cases, you can take advantage of special means for ignition, but do not overdo it, because one blier and fire will spread through a large area. Before leaving, be sure to fall asleep with sand.

Prepare the desired clothing

Do not forget that from the forest and the park you can bring unwanted "cargo" in the form of ticks. To avoid unpleasant contact, carefully pick up clothes: it should close you almost completely. But comfort should think, so the ideal option will be a tracksuit made of tight fabric.

Wash fruits and vegetables at home

Wash fruits and vegetables at home

Photo: unsplash.com.

Observe caution on water

If you decide to spend time next to the reservoir, evaluate your capabilities if you decide to swim. In a drunk or in the absence of good preparation, the decision will be redeemed not the best. In addition, it is quite difficult at first glance to assess the quality of the water and the depth of the reservoir, so it is worth a swimming in unfamiliar places with all seriousness.

Prepare products

Even at home we do not always have fruits and vegetables, what to say about walking conditions. However, do not neglect the cleanliness of products, especially if children are in a picnic - to choose in this case just elementary.

With you, take an antiseptic gel or wet napkins to do not look for clean water on site and handle hands without any problems.

Evaluate your capabilities if you decide to swim

Evaluate your capabilities if you decide to swim

Photo: unsplash.com.

Prepare children

If you take with you children, be sure to spend mini-instruction: the child should know which berries can not be disrupted and there is, how to behave when meeting with snakes and why it is impossible to approach the fire. Such a measure will help you calmly spend time, without hasty fees in the search for the hospital.

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