With love for profession: 4 unusual ways, how to hide the skills of the manicure wizard


Recently, we came across an interesting video on the Internet. On it, the girl made a hardware manicure on Kiwi, carefully spill his skirt. Thinking on exactly what kind of skill it hops on the fruit, we were surprised by the logicness of the answer. Do you guess? We share this video and tell about other unusual ways:

More tender, even more gentle

So, the correct answer: Training on a juicy fruit, imitating the skin, the master learns to control the force of pressure. In a recent material, we talked about the problems of propilov, which happen often with a bad mastering of hardware manicure technique. If, when spilling skins, Kiwi Master will damage the fruit, it even sprinkles juice from it. This is an analogy not only to the nail, but also the skin, which is accepted to process together with the removal of the old material. Often, customers begin to bleed the cuticle or burrs because the pseudo specialist made a mistake.

Work on bafe

BAU - a soft drink for grinding the surface of the nail from roughness and removing the glossy layer for the extension of the resistance of the manicure. In his video lesson, the author shows how she trains students. According to the manicure master, it is convenient to learn to put the mill under the desired angle. "You can also work up raising a skirt and a cut by a machine to any cutoff cut. The correctness of this stage is correct, you can check under the macro lens: after cutting, the surface should remain perfectly smooth without roughness and dents, "she says.

Perfect cut scissors

In the lessons at the manicure school, the students are absorbed by the masters technique. For example, in this case, the master put on the cuticle model bright strokes with a ballpoint pen. I cut off the cuticle, the future manicure master must remove it without a trace. If, instead of an ideal picture, it turns out the Christmas tree on the skin, then the result did not meet expectations.

Brush under the cuticle

In the last video of our selection, the master checks how his student cleared the client's cuticle. If it is poorly cleaned, the tip of the brush does not come under it. And if we removed the part from the past visit, then the varnish can be deeper than - he will last, respectively, longer.

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