Marriage in Italian: how to intertwine the stories of success and great love Sophie Loren


The famous saying that beauty will save the world, comes up to it for everything one hundred. With its bottomless eyes, sensual lips and seductive forms, she won the hearts of not one generation of viewers on both sides of the iron curtain. "Foot carrots, eat hell, you will be like Sophie Lauren" - I remember this saying since childhood, like a photo of the brunette brunettes in all the "Soyuz-Protection" kiosks. We tell how a girl without acting education managed to conquer the film and at the same time avoid temptations.

As quite often happens in stories about virtuous beauties, Sophie had to know poverty and literally to survive the word. She said that in childhood only two feelings were experiencing: hunger and fear.

Our heroine was born in Rome, in the shelter for single mothers. Her mother (and also a very spectacular woman) Romild Villani once arrived in the capital of Italy to try her happiness on stage, but acquaintance with a disturbed Riccardo Shikolone confused her all the cards. Passion spoiled both heads, but her fruit is a charming girl Sophie - a woman had to raise one. The marriage in the plans of the engineer Shikolone did not enter, although he recognized the daughter. Therefore, Romilde decided to return to the hometown of Pozzzoli: here at least she was to help. By the way, and the second daughter Anna-Maria also born out of marriage, and all from the same Riccardo. It is difficult to say what the Italian in love was counted, but it didn't get a good father of the family from her man. Moreover, the second daughter he even refused to give his last name.

As a child, Sofia was not popular with Odnoklassniki. For a high height and thin physique, it was teased with "Gerdew". However, by fourteen years, the girl flourished. Adopting the adorable daughter, Romilde quickly cut down that from its charm you can extract not only aesthetic pleasure, but also practical benefits. And categorically stated that Sophie should take part in the beauty contest "The Queen of the Sea and her twelve princesses." No sooner said than done! And now the hands of two craftsmen, moms and grandmothers, the curtain turned into an outfit of young Cinderella, and its ordinary black shoes - no, did not turn into a crystal, but under the layer of white paint began to look quite worn. And even though Sophie did not won, but he entered the "twelve princesses" and received gifts: a kitchen tablecloth and napkins, a dozen rolls of wallpaper, thirty five dollars, and most importantly - a ticket to Rome!

Mom decided that, of course, the bull must be taken for the horns, and since she was not destined to conquer the eternal city, her daughter must succeed. "Mom is a major example for me in life. She had a very strong temperament; Artistic nature, she played well on the piano. Unfortunately, she could not meet a man of his life. But always and supported me in everything - in his career, and in his personal life, I was happy for me and I was very proud of me, "I remembered later actress.

In 1952, Sophie took second place at the beauty contest "Miss Rome". This day was for her fateful - not only because the career of the future movie star began, but there was a meeting with a man who became her great love.

Dad Carlo

Carlo Ponti was a famous film generator and partner Dino de Laurentis at the Lux Film Studio, which was called "Italian Hollywood." Seeing Sophie at the beauty contest, he handed her a note with a request to go to the office. Doctor of Law, Sibarit, Lover of Classical Literature, Father of the Family. And the poor, poorly dressed girl with a Neapolitan accent, but at the same time, what eyes are just bottomless, what a gorgeous figure! Hips, however, pumped. What Carlo did not fail to inform his guest. He stated that she had to lose a little bit, corrected the nose shape - and he would make a real star from her! And met soft, but polite failure. "You do not like my nose, my figure?" - asked Sophie. "No, but Fashion ..." "Fashion will pass, and I will stay!" She said confidently. And then he realized that in addition to the lubricant, there was also a character, and a sense of self-esteem. This is what you need to become a great actress.

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For the role in the film "Chocar" Lauren was awarded the highest award of film academics - "Oscar"

Photo: Frame from the movie

Otherwise, Sophie willingly agreed with their patron: the novels of Balzac and the works of Chekhov had diligently, was engaged in literary Italian, gradually getting rid of the accent, learned to dress with taste and make makeup. And rather, Carlo put her famous gait. For this, the girl has evacted between two rows of tables with open drawers and covered them, shaking his hips. He came up with the novice actress of the pseudonym Lauren, consonant names popular at the time of the actress Marta Toren.

At first, Sophie played small roles in the films "Dream Zorro", "Six Wives of Blue Beard", "Two Nights with Cleopter", but then Ponty made a contract with the director Vittorio de Sika, who took His Protege in the painting "Gold Naples". And, we can say, after that, the star Lauren rushed to the kinoneblon. The bright beauty of Italian did not remain unnoticed. Richard Barton with a condemnation described her "Beautiful brown eyes on almost Satanian face," and British playwright Noel Cauard stated that Sophie needs to be "to log in in truffle chocolate so that the world could greedily devour her."

She could turn the novels to the right and left, enjoying their power over men, but she did not. "Too much around the same as you, beautiful girls trying to become actresses, and too much around people who want to take advantage. I was lucky: next to me there were people ready and able to protect me when I made my first steps in cinema. " Speech, of course, went about Carlo Ponti. "I was happy that there was finally the one who knows how to talk to me who can give me a council who supports me in the roles I chose, which is very important when the actor just starts playing. I tried to go ahead without making an incorrect step, and the fact that Carlo was on my side was a huge help. In his presence there was something icy. "

The girl who grew up without his father, subconsciously looking for him in a man. Therefore, fell in love with such a mature man like Carlo. He was her older than twenty-two years old, married to Julian Fiatistra, brought up two children. But Sophie did not stop it. After the premiere of Ponty, he presented her a gift - a ring with a huge diamond. She ran into the dressing room and burst out. "For the first time I felt that I knew more than just an actress with which the contract was concluded. All my thoughts and feelings were filled with this man. I remembered that he was married that he had two children ... However, at my age it is difficult to restrain the passion and be calculated. I loved him, and he gave me a ring. " However, they had to pass a lot of tests before they could have become a real pair.

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With Marchello Mastroanni in the painting "Yesterday, today, tomorrow." Sophie claimed that Marcello her like brother. He hinted on romantic relationships

Photo: Frame from the movie

Captain Grant

When they were seen nearby, a shorts of Ponti, who hugged the talio high, Figistic Lauren, - it caused ridicule. They say, everything is clear, an intrigue for the calculation, it will not last long. But the wives were mistaken. Respect and admiration that has experienced a young actress to his patron, turned into a real feeling. "Meeting from Carlo was destined to me fate. He inspired me confidence and said that I could conquer the whole world. He made a star from me. But I had no acting education, no experience ... I loved him not immediately, he was very careful about my feelings. It all started with deep respect, and turned into adoration and the deepest and sincere love. " Sophie did not want to repeat the fate of his mother: she dreamed that they were with Carlo became their family, dreamed of children born in legitimate marriage. However, at that time, Catholic Italy was very severely treated with divorces, considering it a terrible sin. It is not surprising that Carlo Medlil.

Meanwhile, Hollywood producers were noticed by Italian and invited to shoot in the film "Pride and passion". Her partner was the brilliant Carey Grant, who gained the fame of the conqueror of female hearts. At first he thought that this Italian would not stand in front of his charms. But I was wrong. Sophie turned out to be a strong nut. And now a fifty-year-old man walks behind her on his heels and timidly looking for her look: fell in love as an inexperienced Yunets! However, it is impossible to say that Lauren his courtship leaves completely indifferent. This is how she responded about him: "The most elegant and charming person I have ever met. Incredibly attractive. Of those men that make you hide your breath when they enter the room ... And he was very romantic. From those who send you a bouquet of a hundred roses. I will not hide: Caring Carey Grand brought me out of equilibrium, but I was going to build a family with Carlo. " On the last day of filming, Grant decided to make her proposal. But I did not hear the desired answer. "I was similar to the actress, forgetting the text of the role," Sophie recalled.

The next day, she flew to shooting in Athens, where a huge bouquet from the fan was already waiting for her in the hotel's room. Grant and did not think to give up. All year before the new meeting in Los Angeles, he called her, sent roses and recalculated in love. And when they again met on the shooting of the new film "Floating House", only the most implanting person would not notice the passion with which these two looked at each other. Carey again made her an offer, and Sophie promised to think. They walked together along the coast, dinner in the restaurants, and sometimes she allowed himself a little flirting, but he understood that he would soon need to make a choice.

"Carey Grant was in love with me and wanted me to marry him, but this would mean my gap with Carlo and a huge scandal. The American press was very cruel to Ingrid Bergman, when she left her husband, and I was terribly afraid of the reaction that my departure could cause it from Italy. I burst between two men and two worlds. He knew that my place near Carlo, he was my reliable safe harbor, although I was still waiting for him to finally make a decision regarding us two, our secret relationships could not continue for too long. " Sophie was scary to stay without reliable guardianship Carlo, in someone else's country. In Los Angeles, paintings with her participation did not enjoy so popular as homeland. However, for Ponty, his ward did not become a secret, and it helped him to make a decision.

On September 17, 1957, Sophie Lauren married Carlo Ponti. It happened in Mexico, because the Vatican did not give a film to a diverge to a divorce or a second marriage. But the actress was happy: the beloved proved her how much she meant for him. Alas, on this difficulty did not end. In the homeland in Italy, the church, and for her and the state, refused to recognize this union lawful. Carlo was declared a double, Sophie - Bludnitsa, and their paintings called for boycott. For some time they really disappeared from the screens.

But not such a woman was Sophia to retreat. Friends offered friends. To become legal spouses, a couple had to adopt French citizenship. In 1962, the producer argued the divorce with Julian Fiatsty, and in 1966 they have played a wedding with Sophie for the second time.

Sophie Lauren dreamed of motherhood for a long time. But now both of her son Carlo and Edardo - her love and pride

Sophie Lauren dreamed of motherhood for a long time. But now both of her son Carlo and Edardo - her love and pride

Photo: Rexfeatures /

Dolce Vita

The attitudes of the actress with her husband were very gentle. He picked up with her whims, and at the end of the filming traditionally gave a valuable gift. A film producer cared for his favorite actress to fall into only worthy projects. One after another goes to the screens "Chocar", "yesterday, today, tomorrow", "Marriage in Italian", "Sunflowers". For the role in the film "Chocar" Lauren received "Oscar"; The second time she was awarded this award in 1991 - "For a career, rich in memorable roles." Their duet with Marcello Mastroanni was very loved by the public, and he still consider the best in the history of world movies. However, no matter how trying to marry an actress with her screen husband, she argued that Marcello was always for her as a brother, and this happiness is to play with such a talented man.

Mastroanni himself never confirmed their novel, but did not deny. On all the questions, he gave the corona phrase: "I do not consider my women, I just love them!" Sophie also believed his feelings for her husband in a gift from God, whom few in this life are honored. The only thing in the first pores was overshadowed by her happiness - the absence of children. Two pregnancies ended with miscarriage. And the third actress almost held in bed under the supervision of doctors, refusing the filming. But at the thirty-eight years, she first became a mother: a completely healthy kid, who was called Carlo, in honor of the Father appeared. And four years later, the actress was pregnant with the second child of the actress: "These births will destroy you, Señora Loren. Your heart will not stand. " Nevertheless, she decided - and gave birth to the second son of Edardo. Both boys rose worthy people, succeeded. The eldest became the conductor, and the younger went in the footsteps of the Father and chose the profession of a film producer. Now he will gladly shoot his mother in his films.

I must say, in Italy Carlo and Sophie so did not forgive the wonderful. Their ideal union caused a feeling of envy. "And as soon as this Tolstoy Little Ponti managed to fire such beauty?!" - Announced men. "And for that only her, a simple village, such a successful filmier?!" - Women indignant. The charter from the Obidov, the family settled in Switzerland, on the shores of the Lake Geneva. Here Sophie Lauren, who will soon have eighty-six years old, still lives. Already without your beloved Carlo. He died in 2007 from the inflammation of the lungs.

In his respectable years, the actress remains a benchmark of femininity. And she was not even afraid to play half-subsided for the Erotic calendar Pirelli. She jokes that he had no right to disappoint fans. "I always want to be at a height and look worthily when I go out into people," even if it means to dress up before going to a vegetable shop! "

She released two books: "Living and Loving", on which the film was withdrawn, as well as "recipes and memories". And - continues to be filmed. In 2002, Lauren fulfilled one of the main roles in the film of his son Edondo Ponti "only between us." And now, in his new picture "All life ahead," played a certain Madame Rose, survived the Holocaust and made friends with an immigrant boy from Senegal. According to the certification of the actress, it is very comfortable to work with his son who knows her like no one. But priorities in life, she built a long time ago. "Love, family is the only thing that is important to me. Nothing, even getting a "Oscar", did not bring me such happiness and satisfaction as motherhood. This is the main role in my life, in front of which everything is fading. "

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