Argentina: festivals in honor of Independence Day


Argentina's Independence Day (in Spanish: Día De La Independencia) is celebrated annually on July 9. This time the holiday falls on Tuesday - it means that Monday will also be an official day off. This National State Festival marks the independence of Argentina from Spain, which was announced on July 9, 1816.

Communicate with locals

Communicate with locals


History of Independence Day Argentina

After European researchers arrived in the region at the beginning of the sixteenth century, Spain quickly founded a permanent colony on the site of modern Buenos Aires in 1580. In 1806 and 1807, the British Empire took two invasions to Buenos Aires, but both times was reflected by the Creole population. This ability to lead a military campaign against foreign forces has strengthened the idea that they can win the war for independence.

Six years after the creation of the first government of Argentina on May 25, 1810, delegates from the United States of South America declared themselves independent of Spain on July 9, 1816. Delegates gathered in a family house in Tucuman. The house still exists and has been turned into a museum, known as Casa Histórica de la Independencia.

As noted by the Independence Day of Argentina

The day is celebrated by patriotic events, such as performances, parades and military demonstrations, and is a popular time for family holidays. In the afternoon along the Mayo Avenue in the capital, Buenos Aires, there is a military parade. If you go there, you will definitely meet the crowds of people enjoying the celebration. Do not forget to ask local residents who are watching the parade that the day of independence means for them. This is an excellent way to practice Spanish and learn how the indigenous Argentines celebrate this day.

Try Assado with red wine

Try Assado with Red Wine "Malbek"


National dishes and drinks

Another thing that many of the Argentines will do during the festival are to arrange gatherings with family and friends. Many families enjoy this opportunity on Independence Day to prepare traditional Argentine recipes together with the popular Assado (barbecue). Go to a cafe or restaurant to eat this dish. Do not forget to try the world-famous variety of Argentine Red Wine "Malbek".

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