5 little-known films about the Second World War


Alexander Little (1981)

The Soviet literary critic and head of the Soviet Department of Culture in Germany, Alexander Dymshitz became the prototype of the main character of Igor Flower. In the country liberated from the fascist troops, Tessa Gentzer begins to create an orphanage for refugees from scratch and saved from the German guerrillas of kids from scratch. Once they throw a baby - the story of Alexander Little Begins, so begins ...

Alpine Ballad (1965)

The film was discontinued on the story of Vasily Bykov's named: It begins with the shooting of the Alpine Plant, where the captured people work. One night, unexpectedly for everyone, a hail of the salons is collapsed to the room - five comrades decide to take advantage of the moment and escape. It is possible to go from persecution only to the Russian guy Ivan. Rising even above in the mountains, a man meets Italian Julia - also a former prisoner. The history of the pair unfolds quite unusual ...

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"Alpine Ballad"

Photo: Frame from the movie "Alpine Ballad"

Baltic Sky (1960)

The defense of Leningrad and the lifting of the blockade is a bloody spot in the history of our country, which has taken too many lives of compatriots and citizens of neighboring countries. The film was discontinued on the biographical novel Nikolai Chukovsky about his budgets of the military correspondent. The military was constantly required to be a bench - Major Lunin arrives in the squadron, ready to make many flights. This film tells how the tight had to people in wartime and how many monstrous in the hardness of the events they survived in anticipation of a peaceful sky above their heads.

Berlin (1945)

The film reveals the details of the last days of the war - the capture of Berlin. This is a joint product of the USSR and Germany, filmed using the newsreel materials of both countries. The film was mounted from pieces of film filmed by front operators, many of which died in the bombardment of the capital. Historic kinocartin came out on the screens only four months later, and produced the expected Furior.

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Photo: Frame from the movie "Berlin"

In August 44th (2001)

The picture was discontinued on the basis of the Romana of Vladimir Bogomolov - the executing role of Mironov came to the writer to prepare for the shooting. About 80 questions on the content of the book were recorded on paper sheets. True, the film still became the author's interpretation of the director, and not an exact copy of the plot of the book. "In August 44," the events of the last year of the war, when the Soviet fighters began to move towards the fascist Germany and pass through the spies passing the information towards the enemy.

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