Change the tone: how to determine that the cream does not fit you


The choice of a tonal cream can turn into a real torture: the choice of shade, consistency, the parameters of non-zerogenicity - it seems that the perfect cream does not exist. However, there are certain signs that will indicate that the tone is definitely not yours.

For each skin type there is a cream

For each skin type there is a cream


Shade not suitable for you

Girls often wipe with a tint. Many are looking for a tone much darker or clearly brighter their natural shade, which is fundamentally not true: your tone base should match the tone of your skin. To get into your tone as close as possible, choose a "tuncher" in the daylight: apply cream on your hand, grow out and go out to the street to see how much the cream merged with the skin color.

Excessive dryness

You applied cream, everything is fine, but after a while you start feeling an unpleasant feeling of depths - most likely you picked up the cream not according to your skin type. Suppose you have dry skin, and you choose the basis for fat. So do absolutely not necessary to do, remember that the separation of the skin is prescribed on the bottle not just like that.

Another possible reason is insufficient moisturizing at the premacius stage. Do not neglect by caring cream, in extreme, use the primer that performs a similar function.

Do not apply too many products at the same time.

Do not apply too many products at the same time.


The appearance of wrinkles after applying

The main goal, for which you use tone - disguise imperfections. Therefore, if you did not notice the folds on the skin, and after applying the cream, you suddenly covered with small wrinkles - you picked up the wrong tone, which is strongly dried with your skin, change either a brand, or take the cream from the same line, but already for your skin type.

Wrong rustushevka

Often, girls with dry and normal skin face a problem when the tone is not "stretched" on the skin. This happens most often with dense textures. Again, moisturizing is the necessary stage of preparation for makeup. Choose a light fluid, nutrient cream only accelerate tonal rolling. And it is best to apply the tonal base to sponewume - so you will achieve the most natural coverage.

The cream begins sliding

A frequent problem, if you apply too many products at the same time, for example, a nourishing cream, a dense layer of a tone cream, sculptor, blush, etc. With such a layering of the skin, it is difficult to cope and she begins to slowly dissect all products one by one. Important: Let the moisturizing cream absorb before applying the main base.

The appearance of wrinkles signals an incorrect selection of tone

The appearance of wrinkles signals an incorrect selection of tone


Gardenogenic effect

For girls with problem skin, in addition to choosing a tone, there is a task of selecting a cream where there are no mineral oils. The skin that works too actively may not like the dense texture with a large number of nutrients, so it responds to your choice is extremely negative - rashes. If you have a problem of imperfect skin, choose a light texture, and all imperfections correct the proofreader and consilet.

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