Preparing exotic soups


Classic Mexican Soup (Chile Kon Row)

Also, this soup is very loved in Texas. Since 1977, Chile Kon roof is a national dish of this state. It is quite easy to prepare, but his taste is very original and unforgettable. It is believed that chowder gives energy. 100 g soup contains about 130 kcal.

Ingredients: A glass of beans, 700 g of beef pulp (you can take mince), 3 bulbs, 3 medium tomatoes (should turn out about 500 g), 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. Wine vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. Paparians, 1 tbsp. l. Sugar, ½ tsp. Ziyra, 1.5 h Red sharp ground pepper, 2-3 carnation boutons, bay leaf, salt, vegetable oil, parsley greens.

Cooking method: Beans soak in advance, better at night. Then boil to readiness. Salt do not add. Beef cut into small pieces. With tomatoes, remove the skin and also finely cut. In a frying pan heat some vegetable oil without smell, pour beef pieces. Meat fry is quite a bit and shifted on a plate. In the same oil, fry onions, garlic and spices, constantly stirring. When the bow becomes transparent, pour meat again. Stir and add tomatoes. To cover with a lid. You can add some water and stew. Finished beans shifting into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour 500 ml of hot water, put a bay leaf and put on fire. As soon as it boils, put meat with spices. Give boiling, reduce fire and cook soup 40-50 minutes until the meat is ready. A minute before turning off the soup pour vinegar, sugar and sprinkle with any chopped greens.

Turkish lentil soup - Merdimek Chorba

Turkish lentil soup - Merdimek Chorba


Turkish lentil soup (Merdimek Chorba)

Summary from red lentils is considered one of the most ancient dishes on Earth. A biblical history is connected with her when Isav came after an unsuccessful hunt home and saw his brother Jacob prepares a red lentil soup. He was very hungry and asked his brother to feed him. But the cunning Jacob first demanded to refuse the birthright. Isav thought that brother was joking and agreed. So soup entered the story. 100 grams of chorba contain about 200 kcal.

Ingredients: 1 cup of red lentils, paprika, 1 bulbs, 1 carrot, ½ lemon, 50 ml of cream, 1 tbsp. l. With slide flour, sunflower oil, butter, black ground pepper, mint.

Cooking method: Wash lentil, pour water liter, and put a saucepan on fire. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam and reduce the fire. Fucking a glass of water. Onions are finely to nourish, rubbing the carrot on the shallow grater. Pour some vegetable oil on the pan and add creamy. Put onions and fry to transparency. Add Carrot. Fry to golden color. Pour flour and fry for about 2 minutes. After that, gently introduce vegetables into the soup. Salt, add paprika, pepper. Remove the saucepan from the stove. Pour cream and grind the ingredients by a blender. When submitting to each plate add a lemon and mint leaves.

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