Passive expectation: why are you still alone


It is not always in our love failures to blame the circumstances or other people - most often we ourselves are unable to build a harmonious life with another person. We decided to figure out what reasons become an obstacle on the way to personal happiness.

You can't let go of past relationships.

You can't let go of past relationships.


You still "hold" past relationships

Very often, parting occurs long and painfully, it absorbs you so much that you cannot recover for a long time. The feelings for the previous partner are not immediately. To build new relationships, it is necessary to completely release the old one, so if you feel that I have not fully understood with your past, do not take a step into the future. Everything has its time.

You do nothing

How often we hear from friends that everything is bad, there is no relationship and not foresee, and people themselves do not attempt to establish a personal life. If you sit at home, how should your dream man know about your existence?

When you firmly set up success, do not avoid dating, answer the marks of the attention of interest to you, one day the case will move from the dead point.

You do not understand what you want

Often, our expectations from relationships do not coincide with the expectations of the partner. Perhaps you are looking for the love of all your life, and your man offers better "to know each other", even though you meet or even live together for quite a long time.

Do not waste time on people who do not perceive your feelings seriously and do not become a "spare airfield."

Do not sit at home waiting for a prince

Do not sit at home waiting for a prince


It is terrible to join new relationships.

Suppose you met a nice man: you like you, you too, however, you cannot relax in his presence. Believe me, your partner feels and does not understand why you are so tense. From here, the thought may develop that he does not suit you something.

Try yourself or with the help of a specialist to figure out what the reason for your distrust to a new person is most likely the reason lies in your past unpleasant experience.

Do not be afraid to open

Do not be afraid to open


You do not attract those who are interested in you

When this happens once, there is nothing terrible in this, but when the situation is repeated from time to times, it is worth thinking what you do wrong. Of course, it is difficult to change the situation when you are simply not interested in a person for some personal reasons, there is nothing impossible here, but this does not mean that it is worth throwing attempts to attract a person interesting to you. Each of us has their own tastes, it is impossible to like everyone, just look for and you will find your person for whom will become the meaning of life.

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