Survive in the summer: how to care for the face and body in the heat


In our country, almost throughout which the cold is standing for eight months, the occurrence of summer equates to the holiday. It is for the summer season we are preparing a figure, we update the wardrobe and plan a vacation. But enjoying the long-awaited holiday, do not forget that you need to comply with a number of important rules in order not to harm beauty and health. How to properly prepare for the warm season and that should certainly be in your urban and vacation cosmetics - we study the question.

To begin with, it is important to remind everyone and every basic rule of summer beauty manipulations: protection, protection and once again protection. The main cosmetics with the onset of the solar period, when the UV index persists the "2" mark, the means with the SPF factor are becoming. However, if there is an opportunity, it is better to give up from sunbathing. According to the latest data of scientists, radiation is a unambiguous carcinogenic factor capable of "wakeful" cell mutation years (!) After the sole (!!) unsuccessful tan. If you are proud of the fact that with the sun on "you", do not rush to rejoice. You may never "burn out" in your life, but at the same time get the early wrinkles. The effect of photoregments is directly related to the activity of ultraviolet, because it is a trigger mechanism for free radicals. And they, as you know, the main perpetrators of age problems. So, what about those who have already planned vacation under the scaffolding resort rays, and whether those of us who will spend the summer in the city? We understand in order.

Orientation - Yug.

The collection of cosmetic arsenal on trips could be devoted to a separate number, but we will try to be shorter. So, beauty protection during vacation - what is she? First of all, working on all fronts and directions: In addition to the skin of the face, you need to think about the body and, of course, about the hair.

Let's start with the main one. In every reference cosmetics of the vacationer, there must be a universal moisturizing cream with antioxidants - it will fight with the consequences of staying in the sun, stopping the chains of free radicals and braking the destructive processes of cell aging. We are looking for jars with vitamins E and C, resveratrol (extracts of red grapes to help) and alpha lipoic acid (avocado and extracts of greenery). If you manage to choose a product with beta glucan, you will save the skin from redness, the ingredient is ideal for sensitive skin. Tanines, also wonderful antioxidants, have additional antibacterial properties. The most famous source of Tanins is green tea and hammelis. Finally, the well-known coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant-tested antioxidant, capable of reducing the production of natural collagen after severe stress (it is for the skin of the tan). Important: Whatever your basic moisturizing cream, its summer version is obliged to have a defense factor of twenty and higher. If this is not the case, you need to apply sunscreen cosmetics over day care.

Mainly summer - universal moisturizing cream with antioxidants

Mainly summer - universal moisturizing cream with antioxidants


Choosing cleansing, give up hard and acid formulas, because the sun and so it will be enough to influence the epidermis. Your task is to reassure as much as possible and saturate the skin. Gentle fans, delicate hydrophilic oils, micellar water and milk are excellent formats for summer care.

Find a place for special funds, especially since serum is usually sold in miniature packages, and hydrogel or tissue masks practically do not occupy space. We are focused on moisturizing and calmness, because Muzin snail, aloe vera gel, urea, hyaluronic acid, all sorts of basic oils (apricot, coconut and olive do not score pores), Squalane and ceramides.

For those whose skin excessively reacts to the environmental impact (usually owners of such an epidermis know what atopic dermatitis and its manifestations), the ideal satellites on vacation will be an emolent. But be careful: they can cause the appearance of closed comedones if there are inclined.

If we talk about protecting the skin of the body, everything is applicable here, but there are also their nuances. Do not get carried away by oils in the open sun: Of course, the detachable flange of the shapes will look amazing, but there is an almost one hundred percent chance to get no less stunning burn. Do not be lazy every time after getting out of the water, be it pool, river or ocean, rinsed under the shower and re-apply all your UV protection.

The cooling gel after tanning and any nutritious mousse, lotion or milk for the body also includes a mandatory program.

Thin moment

Protect the face and body is considered the necessary minimum, whereas about the hair, lips, ears and other "details" many simply forget. And in the end, we have a wonderful post-tab picture: instead of lush curls - dried straw, weathered lips and burnt ears sinks ... To avoid this, carry out the cosmetics inventory and add to your suitcase - and in general on the shelf in the bathroom - the following means.

Hair also need special care and protection

Hair also need special care and protection


Sun spray for hair. Yes, imagine the rays can destroyly influence not only on the epidermis, but also on the cuticle of the hair. However, the satellite itself is dead matter, therefore it suffers not much, but the color of your foresters after the holiday "without roof" will change for sure. Modern products are lightweight, do not glue and do not lose strands, do not require daily flushing. PSHICK - and ready.

Shampoo and air conditioning for hair, "visiting" at sea. The effect of salt on the skin of the head dries it almost instantly. The result can be loss, dandruff, itching, loss of shine and elasticity of curls. To avoid this, acquire special means for exposure not only on the hair cuticle, but also on the skin itself. The most cheeper can be advised to use peeling for the head - an excellent agent not only for special care, but also for relaxation (massage with large comprehensive particles works wonders).

Stick with a high SPF factor (50+), which is convenient to carry with you in the bag and constantly update the barrier layer on the lips, ears, periorubital zone and between your fingers and hands. According to statistics, it is these places that are most vulnerable and defenseless in front of an aggressive ultraviolet. The reasons are two: the first and most obvious is the tenderness of the epidermis in these places, the second banal - few people remember about them when it comes to protection against radiation. Conclusion is simple: universal stycles or ordinary hygiene lipstick with SPF should be each!

In the rhythm of the big city

In the city, sunscreen is also mandatory

In the city, sunscreen is also mandatory


It is mistaken to believe that if you do not plan a seabed, you do not need to update funds on the shelf in the bathroom. The fact remains a fact: "to burn" is possible not only in the office, but also on the way to work, as well as on the open veranda at the time of the lunch break. The number of solar shocks and burns obtained by the residents of the metropolis remains consistently high, which is very surprising. Repeat: when sites with weather information declare that UV index rose to two points, it's time to start using cosmetics with a protective factor. Of course, the SPF 15 and 20, "sewn" in the main formula of your BB-cream, will be enough for the middle strip of Russia. Just follow this factor to be, and do not forget about the neck and zone of the neckline, also need protection.

Summer in the city is not a reason to constantly lean the thermal water. This is a wonderful invention of humanity, able to return the skin radiance and saturate her moisture, but to use the "thermal" under the groaning rays of the sun, in Smog and Chad - not the best idea, because everything will end all the burns (small droplets of water work on your face as lenses, multiplying destructive The effect of radiation) and inflammation (fine dust of megalopolises is perfectly settled on a wet face). The correct method of using thermal water is as follows: they applied, exhausted, breathed, got intoxicated.

Finally, both at the resort, and in their hometown, it is necessary to carefully monitor the purity and level of humidifier of the epidermis, to cancel all acidic products whitening means and generally try to touch the face in a literal and figurative sense. All updating and invasive manipulations set aside to cloudy cool autumn. Reduce up to a minimum nutritional products that can score pores. Exclude clean oils from the care (except hair oils, they will just be very powerful). In the meantime, insulating and with the arsenal of moisturizing protection for all parts of the body, we go ahead, towards the fly!

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