Lucherya Ilyashenko: "The status is not guaranteed by married"


Lucheria Ilyashenko - Actress Synthetic, who knows how much. And it is solely her merit. At first, she was engaged only by visual art - ballet and model business, then mastered the letter "P" and left the wordless vacuum into the musicals, on the pop scene and for the DJ console, and later there were already work in the cinema: "Sweet Life", "Treason "," File. " Conquering the heart of the chief editor of the famous male magazine, it, however, thinks about the security pillow - in case one remains. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Luchery, the life script has learned you to the fact that at any moment everything can end and have to survive ...

- And there is. From ten years, when I lost dad, my life does not seem to be some solar, iris. My mother and I needed hard, from fifteen years I have already earned myself, going on the stage in the theater of Mark Rosovsky. The reality is that all the worst happens unexpectedly, when you are not waiting for anything, you do not know, you believe that this bowl will pass you; But no ... Therefore, to any black day you should be prepared. If not morally, then materially be sure.

- Are you always concerned about the replenishment of this airbag?

- Sure. Without it, inner calm is impossible. Of course, there are those who rich parents or the oligarch husband provided over measures, and it does not care ... Although still not protected, by and large. But personally, I'm terribly uncomfortable to feel myself in the position when you go like a falcon financial plan. I, in fact, to hope for someone, I do not really believe in the full reliability of partnerships, no matter how bad they seem. In the acute situation, the likelihood remains one, and it is necessary to ensure yourself with everything necessary.

- You reason, being married ...

- This status does not guarantee anything to you. In the modern century, no one is tied to anyone. In addition, misfortune happens. I was born in Samara, we moved to Moscow with the whole family with hope for the future - and here the father had a heart attack, and he left very young; My mother and I stayed together. But Mom is an unassuming man, being a psychiatrist-narcologist, she just began to work twice as many and taught me content with small. But I looked with it categorically. I believe that if you work for wear, it is obliged to indulge yourself with good, beautiful things. I'm not ready to "plow," because it is noble, and not to reward yourself.

Lucherya Ilyashenko:

"We have moved to Moscow with the hope of the whole family with hope - and here the father had a heart attack. He went very young"

Photo: Andrey May

- The situation in childhood certainly brought you closer to mom very much ...

- Not. Of course, we are native people with her, but not a friend at all. We did not have a harmonious relationship. Mom, unfortunately, not supported me for a long time.

- You have been seriously engaged in ballet, but decided to go to another way. Why? Did you get injury incompatible with a future career?

- The injury was not so serious. I just cut down somewhat. The child was dreaming ballet, and I had a clear plan. The gamars did not occupy the courtyard, I was inspired by the School, knowing that the stan of "dying swan", the variation of the Fairy of Lilac from "Sleeping Beauty" ... And when he released at seventeen years, he got into the "Russian Imperial Ballet" troupe, realized that the salary Makes two kopecks - I even can not take my apartment for it, "and decided to change the guidelines.

- Why wasn't it to go to the big theater?

- There are links and impeccable physical data that I boast, alas, could not. I hardly worry, the dance adored, was strong in the dynamics of movement, and when something began to get, an excitement appeared. I gave out in the soloist, even won some contests, but was not ready to change my nature for the sake of technical achievements, did not break the lifts under batteries as some. I'm still for life in the buzz. I remember one of our teacher in the school, where we were sometimes stealing for horses, it was strictly drawn: "What, you wanted to live beautifully?!" And I always internally oral: yes! Why live bad?! Also, you know, ballet teach to be modest and not sticking out, trying out of all; If you are diligent, you will be launched on the first positions. In the actor's environment, everything is not at all, but I have preserved this habit, and I still have it difficult to loudly declare yourself. But at the same time, I generally for the variability, for a lot of things to try in life. Although justice to say, for whatever I fell, nowhere has reached any colossal vertices. I barely danced, a little bit in the group "Studs", took part in the musicals of "Beauty and the Beast" and "Sounds of Music". I did not take me to the theater university - did not understand the appearance. "Fortunately," I can say today, I did not spend four years of my life. And I am grateful to the school drama Herman Sedakova, who gave me the basis of acting skills in just a year. I was then twenty-three to me, during the training, I also lacked the stars from the sky, but I learned the base and, wandering, immediately fell into a major project.

Lucherya Ilyashenko:

"In our pair, everything was explosive and not so smooth. In fact, that person was loner, and I decided that we were not on the way."

Photo: Andrey May

- But you came to the case thoroughly: Honeying the speech therapist, in the shortest term got rid of the moldability ...

- You see when you are nineteen years old, you are a spectacular girl, but "P" do not speak, shy up, we tear up, it is not the most pleasant situation. There were those who discouraged me from this flour. For example, my first love, my then boyfriend, an American, thanks to whom I spoke to speak English perfectly, - he was against spending a thousand euros to correct a small, and even cute, in his opinion, speech defect. But the future casting on musicals, where I was called, incredibly stimulated. I carefully coached the introductory speech and prepared a song, and laid it out so that all the letters "P" could say there. That is, in fact I was unprofitable, but somehow deceived everyone, and they took me. Lucky. But, in principle, I am not indifferent to music, in childhood, at the Solfeggio lessons in a ballet school, received compliments from the teacher; It was not by chance later graduated from the School of DJs and began to act in this capacity. My element is intellectual music. But money brings just more pop. True, sometimes, for significantly smaller amounts, I play what I like.

- Why didn't you head to the Musical Artist's path?

- Honestly, tried. I know that I have a pretty pleasant voice timbre. True, the vocal range is small, although I was engaged in teachers. And along with this, I do not have a 100% musical rumor, therefore, it is impossible to make a large-scale career on this field. I had a similar picture before this and in the model business - I have a small growth for podiums, only sixty-four centimeters. For some time I also inflated everyone, putting socks in shoes, but it could not continue for a long time.

- Something you evaluate yourself harsh ...

- It is necessary to be a realist and objectively treat yourself. Especially when the circle is full of those who are much better, and they are constantly becoming more and more. Life is an infinite competition, and you have to be ready for the most difficult and sad development of events.

- It is strange that in order to obtain a diploma of higher education, you have not chosen a psychological or philosophical faculty, but a philological ...

- It was a random choice, and I never reached the end. My other sciences attract me. For example, I went to antiques courses, and if my dad artist was interested in icons, I love antique furniture - it is a lot in my new apartment, as well as ancient jewelry. Rings especially. I collect them. Also, I will also improve the qualifications in terms of acting skills - flew to Los Angeles, studied in the studio of the famous Ivan Chabbak. By the way, there it was unequivocally to understand that in the States the Russian actors do not need anyone and strive to conquer Hollywood meaninglessly. The only option is to play in a blockbuster, which deliberately invited Russian actors. So the chance of good luck is one of the thousands.

- Today you have a lot of standing sentences?

- I can not answer unequivocally - they are not bad, but I am not littered with projects. You see, I have a specific appearance. Someone finds resemblance to Kate Moss, someone with any Axenova ... But in principle, I am constantly removing. Now the series "Settresses" was held on NTV, where I am in the role of artantchiki. And in September it is planned to reach the film "AVANPOST", where I was shot with Peter Fedorov, Lesha Chadov, Ksenia Kutepova, Lavronenko, Lavronenko's light. In addition, in the new season on the first channel there should be a series "Ghost", where I play with Pashail. Well, the second season of "plaque" is coming.

"Do you only associate your destiny with a movie?"

- Not at all. Acting is such a dependent thing, and even-based on the set of external components ... How many cases, when it is to get sick, to get into an accident, that is, becoming incapacitated, and it is instantly written off with accounts. How many legendary artists pledged a pitiful existence, died in poverty and loneliness. Such an exodus should be foreseen and take care of yourself in advance. It would be great to open your own business. Any antique shops, let's say.

Lucherya Ilyashenko:

"I can't be a bitch. When I fall in love, turning into an enthusiastic puppy who looked forward around the admiration object"

Photo: Andrey May

- As I understand it, in my youth, you asked yourself a certain bar - to be independent of the man. Are you sure that you are not mistaken in this approach?

- recently thought about this topic. I thought: why did I go all this cargo? Probably because I can't endure yourself obliged, and it will definitely be when they give you money. In the early 2000s, there was a detachment, the next girl in branded clothes was so insulting ... And I remembered it, I gave myself a word that would never come into this series, I would not lose freedom. In addition, such a pleasure to make money yourself! It warms a pride. Perhaps I still have many male features in character.

- Being a teenager, were friends with boys?

- I am friends with them now. Women somehow dislike me, and I do not know how to find a common language with them. I do not carry all these flattened compliments, chatter and immediately injections of a cheat and poorly hidden joy from your failures ... I only have a couple of normal girlfriends, a few friendly people, and that's it. And male friends are an order of magnitude more. And with some of the childhood I communicate.

- And you were youthful love?

- Up to sixteen years, no one paid attention to me. Have you seen ballet girls? We were not allowed to eat, nor wear skirts ... We were tightened into the tight beam and fled to the class. With our wild loads, I was thin, all in the muscles, without a chest and look like a boy. And the guys called us or "ballet" or "ballet rats", so I did not experience any school novel. Itself, naturally, fell in love, but without reciprocity. First in hooligans in the yard. Then reached for classmates. For some reason, Jewish boys caused my increased interest. Smart, probably seemed. One was redhead, with disgusting character. The second is a little younger than me, plump, with a black tail on the painter. Leva. I also did not let me in close. Although at that time I was already nothing, I started to paint, wearing heels ...

- Do you tend to show the initiative in relationships?

- Several times it happened, but in such situations, after time, they always feel implicitly imposed. You start to wonder: Do I really need him? Or did I just pressed and got my?

- At seventeen years you fell in love with the American-photographer, older than you twenty-two years old ...

- Oh, I then absolutely lost my head! These were four years of the strongest emotions. He is a coolest photographer, he also participated in Biennale in Venice, and in other significant exhibitions, put me taste. And most importantly, it was with this person to me an understanding that I can sacrifice many for love for me. Not the fact that I will do it again, but nevertheless. And I also made sure that the worse the man treats, the better to you, and vice versa. And I can't be a bitch when I fall in love, turning into an enthusiastic puppy, which jumps around the object of admiration and loyals looking into the eyes. During this period, I am very affectionate, kind, invent a million funny, animal nicknames with your chosen one, make up only our language of communication. That is, all these vigorous Syu-Xu Muh. (Smiles.)

- For what reason did you get? Did you make a bet on him, and he did not meet expectations?

- I am not inclined to bet. For me, the irrational passion is better than the logical building of the Union with the subsequent dreary existence. In our pair, everything was explosive and not so smooth. This man is essentially loner, and I decided that we were not on the way. True, we parted it extremely difficult.

- But at the moment you are already in the status of married ladies. Eight years As you with Alexander Malenkov, the chief editor of the male magazine "Maxim" ... the criterion of male selection, as I suspect, you did not change - the mind in the first place?

- Right. A man must be an authority for me. Strong companion constantly developing to cause my respect. Sasha is special. He brilliantly writes. Now just busy novel, I saw excerpts, and directly do not break away. He is an incredibly deep man.

Lucherya Ilyashenko:

"Sasha is not jealous, and I called me on the cover of my magazine. But not immediately, and when I already became recognizable. He's strict in this regard."

Photo: Andrey May

- You have bed scenes at work, the husband removes naked stars - and no jealousy ... High relationships!

- We originally knew what they walked. And what is the point of jealous of an adult? If someone wants to change someone, he will definitely do it, wherever he worked. Sasha is not jealous, and I called me on the cover of my magazine ... but not immediately, and when I have already become recognizable. He is strict in this regard. And still grieves me, that in Instagram is full of Puritan photos with our favorite, a cottage Khakusan, and few provocative images.

- With age, did you become tougher?

- I am friendly, Empat, it is important for me that another person is comfortable. And until recently, I even allowed myself on my neck. But the softness, federation people perceive as weakness, and not at all the nobility, and begin to heal. Here I already show character, but, apparently, late. Malenkov in this regard taught me with his example. In the acquaintance with someone, he seemed sharp, tough, irritable, with such even negative charisma, and only later, if he deems necessary, will include charm.

- Alexander Shchedr for compliments to his wife?

- Once casually noticed: "Everyone around such fools, and you are such a departure." (Smiles.)

- husband older than seventeen years old. It turns out, for you an essential difference in the age ...

- Yes, I did not meet so smart peers. Plus, they are nightmarish owners, jealous not only to other men, but also to success, to make money to make money. Sasha does not argue with such nonsense - it is self-sufficient and, despite the sea of ​​flaws, conquers some amazing awareness. He is striking me with his knowledge in completely different areas - just walking encyclopedia! So I continue to admire them, and hopefully it will never end. (Smiles.)

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