Saw skin face from frost


Moscow Winter is a permanent temperature change, wind, snow, frost and heated rooms in which very dry air. And all these factors have a negative impact on the skin. Most of all suffers from the skin on his arms, face and lips. Protecting from the cold, the skin begins to produce more skin salary, it grures, microcracks appear, peeling, redness, rash. The face becomes dull, on the cheeks, nose and chin you can see extended vascular. Lips, especially in lovers to lick them, also begin to peel, the skin dries and cracks. And reddish hands are covered with wrinkles and cracks. To restore the oddized skin, you need to use the means to include moisturizing, healing and softening components. Experts recommend that Panthenol, or vitamins A and E, or vegetable oils, such as she, coconut, tea tree, avocado or cocoa, are included in the cream.

Natalia Gaidash

Natalia Gaidash

Natalia Gaidash, k. M. N., Dermatologist, cosmetologist

- The weathered skin is injured and exhausted, is in a state of stress. Such leather is growing faster and covered with wrinkles. In addition to aesthetic trouble, it can also deliver physical problems: a sense of depth, discomfort, itching, irritation and inflammation, painful and non-healing cracks due to constant injuries. In addition, due to the microcracks, the risk of developing inflammation and infection is great. If a person experiences pain and expressed discomfort, then you should visit the doctor. At home, you can maintain a condition of practically healthy skin when there are no significant problems. When weathered skin, soap and alcohol cannot be used. It is extremely sensitive, and therefore it is very important that in the composition of as far as possible flavors, preservatives, dyes. Many begin to use children's creams. But the skin of the adult and the child is different. The weathered skin of an adult is not enough air. Using a children's cream, we can close the last "gateways" and block oxygen. And remember: To ensure that in winter our skin does not suffer, you need to moisten the air, drink clean water, moisturize with a hand with cream after washing, apply the protective cream to the face for at least 40-45 minutes before exiting the street.

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