Karina Andoltenko: "To meet the knight, you need to be princess"


Behind the shoulders of Karina Andallko are already many paintings, but her starry hour seems to be coming only now. In a row, serious works were held: in the "unad life" and "Queen of Beauty" on the channel "Russia", as well as the series "The Mysterious Passion" on the novel by Vasily Aksenov, whose premiere recently took place on the first.

Pure, slightly incommodated face, as if with photographs of the forties of the last century, with a soft, slightly naive open look, in which, however, no, no, there is no playful sparklers. A blonde beauty with strange for her name Karina, laughing, says that he could be Fatima, since it flows different blood, including Tatar. And Mom initially wanted to call this way, but changed his mind. So Karina she lives quite comfortable. I confess, I was worried, negotiating the interview: suddenly the simplicity and charm expected by me are only seemingly, there are such bending. But at the meeting was simply fascinated by it: warmth, naturalness of behavior and non-displaced friendlyness. Instead of the scheduled hour, we talked more than two, and at the end they just chatted: and about something girlish, and about something serious. Fascinated. As a result, she barely had time to train, ran an hour before departure: Gastrols began with the Moscow provincial theater of Sergei Bezrukov, where she was not the first season, and I almost late to the theater.

Karina, looking at your filmography, was shocked - you already have more than forty paintings.

Karina Andallko: "It could be even more, just something could not be connected in time. I am a workaholic, I can not without work. And all my friends know about it, I just have three or four days, a maximum of a week for rest, and I am ready to get up in the "Stroy". Apparently, I have an overabundance of energy, and it begins to eat from the inside if it has nowhere to attach. But, of course, the amount does not always go into quality. And if before, by virtue of youthful maximalism, I thought that I had to agree on everything, then with age I realized that the "impossible" could not be arranged, if you want to do your work as fair as possible. But in principle, our profession is practical, not philosophical, and if you wait for Spielberg, you will not develop, only on the contrary. "

With interest looked "Queen of Beauty", where you played a major role. And very soon the painting "Mysterious passion" will be released on the screens. Share your impressions about this work.

Karina: "To be filmed in such a material, which is the novel of Vasily Aksenov, and with such partners, like Philip Yankovsky, Julia Peresilde, Chulpan Hamatova, is a gift for the actor. I was insanely interesting to work and just watch them. Sometimes nothing wanted to pronounce (laughs), just to admire them. I flew to shoot as a holiday. I had the feeling that I had lived a lifetime with these people. And the "Beauty Queen" became one of my most favorite films. Everything came out: in my inner state, and in what I needed to say as a person, and that I wanted to play as actress, and in the era, which I wanted to feel. And there were a lot of close people with whom I have already worked or learned. "

"A complete collected works of Stani-Slavsky's works were brought to the store, it was worth the money unwanted for us. I said that I will give up school breakfasts, buy! "

"A complete collected works of Stani-Slavsky's works were brought to the store, it was worth the money unwanted for us. I said that I will give up school breakfasts, buy! "

Photo: Alice Gutkin

You did not upset that you are shooting a lot, but do not feel a special feedback?

Karina: "Why do not feel, I feel. But I think the utopia, if a person in our profession does something only to achieve fame. This should not be an end in itself, Glory is the result. And in our profession just an interesting process. Of course, the recognition is a pleasant side of our craft, but we must not forget that Glory is a big responsibility and much power, because a huge number of people trust you and listen. Therefore, it is very important how you will dispose of it that you will do good thanks to the glory. "

I am not about meant, but about the fact that any artist needs love and fame. As Alexander Anatolyevich Shirvindt loves to speak: "Honorary to be an unknown soldier, but the unknown artist is not very." When the artist says that he doesn't need it all, he is kilmets.

Karina: "If this is not, you have to go ahead and then do something. I was brought up like that. It's true, I'm not a kilitary. When I just realized that I want to do this profession, my mother led me to the fantastic teacher Mary Alexandrovna Kovalenko (she is no longer alive), which was a student of the great Mkhatov actor Mikhail Tarkhanov. She has a lot of disciples around the world and in Moscow. The first thing she told me is: "My dear, the ranks are given by people, and people can deceive. With this and begin. " And for years already ten I adhere to this theory. I can't like everyone. Why chase this? I must know what honestly make my job. I have no resentment that someone did not notice me if I know that I was interested to work. Here is such "egoism". (Smiles.) In addition, everyone has their own way. But a person is given the opportunity to choose. I believe that your actions: and mistakes, and the right decisions, - in the aggregate and build your fate. For me, fate is a big tree, on which there are many, many branches, and it all depends on what you take. "

You had concrete situations when everything could work out in a different way, but turned out otherwise and happily for you?

Karina: "It seems to me that the most important example is that I am here in Moscow. I was going to study in Kharkov, but when Mom found me Maria Alexandrovna, she instilled confidence in us that I need to act in a serious theater institute. Before that, we did not even have the thoughts that you need to try to do it in some other city. Maria Alexandrovna first thought about Kiev, and at the end she said: "Let's risk still in Moscow." My mother and I have some infantilism and faith in good luck there. And suddenly I, to my surprise, I pass on all tours in all institutes, except for Vgika, where I did not go. "

Karina Andoltenko:

"Now I am becoming a sociophobe," the actress is recognized

Photo: Alice Gutkin

Why did you choose at the MCAT Studio School?

Karina: "I immediately felt that it was mine, here is my home, and I want to learn only here. Initially, most of all wanted to MHAT. I always loved the bucinistic shops. In childhood and youth often wandered in them. In one of the shops, I knew well, I always asked the sellers to leave me books about the theater and movies. And once, they told me that they brought a complete collected work of Stanislavsky. It costs some inconceivable money for us (mom brought me alone), but I said: "Mom, I will not ask for school money a month, just buy me these books." I was then thirteen then, and I read it all. Naturally, half did not realize at all, but I painted myself in the imagination of MCAT. And when I arrived in Moscow, I dreamed only to them. But it was necessary to try to all institutions, of course. To his shame, I didn't know about inexperience, for example, that the course in Gitis was gained by Sergey Zejovach - the most beautiful director, but Konstantin Arkadyevich Raikina I knew as a wonderful artist. So, it seems to me that the whole story with my intake, and the first time, and there is a major miracle. On one of the auditions in another university (and then I already reached the second to the second, or before the third round), someone from those who already "threw off," said that the usual person just never do it. And we sat with my mother together, kept cams and understood that I had all the tours without a single acquaintance. "

Have you had anyway to stay in Moscow?

Karina: "No, Mom found some kind of hostel. I remember that it was near the metro station "Airport", and for some reason, after each tour, we walked and festively bought a chicken grill in some kind of kiosk and happily eaten her. "

Mom, in my opinion, your guardian angel.

Karina: "Yes, definitely, because she is lying all his life, protects and believes in me sometimes more than I myself."

I know that your mother worked as a sorrow in the society of deaf and dumb.

Karina: "Yes, in many ways because my grandfather and grandmother are deaf-and-dumb, truth, not from birth. So for mom is the first native language. Although she did not always worked as a survival. And three years ago, she moved to me to Moscow, here graduated from advanced training courses and grabbed his head, saying that Ukrainian and Russian gestures are very different. But she loves to learn, find out something new. Apparently, I have a complex of excellence with my mother. "

People of the older and even middle-aged can be easily moved, tearing with the fact that it is promoted: house, friends, work ...

Karina: "I have a young mother, I got at her twenty-one. But she is just now begins to get used to Moscow. Previously, I said: "I came to you for several months, something I was delayed, it's time to go home." Although we both suffered, parting, because they were always very close. She is not just a mother for me, but a true friend, I can tell her everything! As a child, it happened, I was afraid to confess something, but now I understand that no one, like a mother, will not support me, does not listen and gives the right advice. "

And dad?

Karina: "Parents divorced when I was in the second grade. But the dad is no longer alive, it happened, he was only forty-four years old. We supported the relationship with him, but, of course, my mother's influence has always been incommensurable more. "

And in Moscow, you quickly adapted?

Karina: "This somehow lightning occurred, besides Konstantin Arkadyevich - a brilliant teacher, and he simply did not leave time for all sorts of nonsense. I learned that in addition to Tverskaya Street and the metro station "Belorusskaya" in Moscow there are some other places, only in the fourth year. From nine in the morning until eleven in the evening we were at the institute, and then we went to the trolleybus before the hostel on the Belorussian. And I have experienced a panic in the subway, although in Kharkov it is also there, but much less. "

I was surprised that you are from Kharkov, because you have at all there is no famous method.

Karina: "It was still what! But I walked quickly enough, because I graduated from music school, and teachers were told to me: "Listen to people, Russian channels." And we had very good teachers at the Studio School. By doing, I, by the way, did not find anything better than to read the letter of Tatiana. I don't know how Konstantin Arkadyevich gave me a chance and missed me (laughs), because it sounded like this: "Sho I still say? Now I know, in your will, I will puniser PRESRENEM ... ". I had such a characteristic Tatiana, but now I understand that it probably has the right to be such. " (Laughs.)

Study, have you been afraid of Rykin?

Karina: "Naturally, I was afraid, but fear always arises from hypertrophied respect. We all understood that he was strict because he taught us to survive in this profession. If we were all four courses stroked on your head and said that we were genius, what would we then do after they released? He prepared us for adulthood, but this does not mean that we were scolded, they were broken for anything. We tried to instill a sense of love and respect for the profession. Every month, of course, as soon as someone was removed some excerpt or Etude from the exam, all the panic began. "

Konstantin Arkadyevich immediately took you to Satirikon. And why did you go from there in a few years?

Karina: "He took many from our course. We did not even feel that we graduated from the institute, because from the students we rehearsed in Satirikon, so they simply moved smoothly, only the accommodation changed. And I left because the circumstances have developed. Konstantin Arkadyevich took us from the very beginning that the profession and the scene do not forgive the golden middle. I am not a Muscovite, and I needed to live on something. Unfortunately, in the movies you get much more and you can not always afford to serve in the theater if you are responsible for other people. Naturally, this step was painful. It's just like to leave the parent home. But when children grow up, it must be done to learn how to live yourself. "

Karina Andolyanko says that in childhood was an excellent and a modest girl

Karina Andolyanko says that in childhood was an excellent and a modest girl

Photo: Alice Gutkin

Raikin did not dissuate?

Karina: "No, he respects his space and the space of the artist, his choice. In this, probably, the personality is concluded. You made an act, you are answering. I love I love Constantine Arkadyevich for it and respect. Because I left Satiron, he did not become a less important person in my life. He allowed me to be in this profession and shared the secrets of existence in it. He made it clear that if you really want to learn something, it should break the ceiling on yourself. Otherwise, miracles do not happen. They all end in the first year of the institute, when you play on the bare enthusiasm and it seems to you that you are a genius, because you can't do anything yet. And then - everyday work, work on your fears, over your laziness ... "

And what fears do you have?

Karina: "Classic. The main is fear for their loved ones and favorite people. If I can not get through mom for twenty minutes, then I understand that she could forget the phone and went out with a dog. It takes a little longer, and my panic starts, I call everyone who can get to the house. Hypertrophied excitement. Sometimes I have your loved ones just soul, and friends too. But I can't do anything with you. There are no other serious fears. From small - fear of new people. I am a rather closed person, and I vary in this direction with age, because my father has always been a balalague, a merry, a fan of large companies, such a guy with an excellent sense of humor. And until some moment I was like that. And recently, my mother just said that I am getting similar to her. And my mother has always been in a good sense of "Wolf in a flock", protecting their relatives and few people in their space. Naturally, there is a lot of things in me, and there is also a dumpino, but now I understand that I am probably a sociophobe, that is, it is hard for me in new companies and in companies where many people. I'm not waiting for bad, but I am strong enough, and I need to overcome a period of time to get used to people and reveal. It seems to me that the most important thing in life is to be able to overcome something. If you want to learn something new, you need to meet fear towards. This is a very old quote, three hundred years ago by me somewhere sought, but it's true. "

How did you overcome the fear of riding a horse? True, for the sake of business.

Karina: "Yes, overcame. Naturally, hands, legs were shaking, but this is the development of a certain adrenaline. And in front of the aircraft, I always try to drink some kind of calming homeopathic agent, because to fly for me is an extremely unpleasant thing. But I believe in the highest strength that you hear and help us. I believe in the guardian angel, that kind on Earth is greater than evil. As with childhood I believe in fairy tales. In my personal life there were a lot of miracles. But with age we lose themselves. Why are we, small, believe that dolls are alive, trees, flowers are alive? In this tragedy of mankind - we lose the magic inside ourselves. But who knows how to keep it, he is happy. You can always find an occasion, because of what to upset - and also because of what to rejoice. My mother taught me that if you lick something, it means that I was bought off. Once I lost jewelry, which loved very much, was upset, cried, and my mother said: "Maybe someone found it a decoration, and it will save his life." And I became easier. "

Very positive look at life. By the way, and you in childhood and youth considered themselves a beautiful girl?

Karina: "I since childhood was told that one appearance was not enough. And I did not focus on this attention. It was always more important for me that a person is inside. Although any woman has claims to themselves, but I did not put it at the head of the corner. "

Karina does not hide that now her heart is busy

Karina does not hide that now her heart is busy

Photo: Alice Gutkin

But did you feel that boys pay you increased attention?

Karina: "I was an excellent and a modest girl. And I was most important to study. I really wanted my mother to be proud of. Yes, I liked someone, but did not pay attention to it. "

And to this day, you do not use appearance as one of the tools of impact on people?

Karina: "It seems to me that the most important weapon of a woman is her mind."

And charm?

Karina : "Women's charm has a lot on earth, there will always be someone more beautiful."

But this is not only beauty.

Karina: "I understand. Naturally, automatically female charm turns on. But I never do it consciously: right now I'm rich eyes, but now I am influenced by a sponge. It seems to me that it is only necessary to count on it - utopia, because the interlocutor needs men besides beauty. We all want to be heard expressed. Of course, you need to follow yourself, care for a woman. But it should be natural. Maybe a very beautiful candy cover, and she herself is very tasteful. Everything should be harmonious. "

You do not talk about personal life. Perhaps from closedness or superstition. But there are examples of personalities, such as Nevolyaeva - Lazarev, Churikov - Panfilov, Druzhinina - Mukasy, who always talked about their relationship with humor, with love. And now it has become fashionable to create secrets ...

Karina: "And it seems to me that now it's fashionable to talk about it. I do not hold everything behind the seven castles, I have a loved one, but ... what to say? Everything is really good. I love, loved, develop with this person. I hope he is with me. "

Is this the first serious feeling?

Karina: "I am Virgo and in principle, the monochief, it is generally difficult for me to fall in love. That is, naturally, I had feelings, but Virgo - she is not fully admitting that. And if you have completely frank, then mom is holy, it is very deep. And in all the rest, I understood that if, if, God forbid, something will happen, I wake up in the morning and I will live on, because a sensible person. (Smiles.) And now I can also call this feeling too, when you are worried about a person, as for mom. "

What is your favorite person doing?

Karina: "He is from our environment, but not an actor, although it might be an excellent artist. So we have a lot of common interests. "

You somehow said that the girl can and itself take the first step towards a man ...

Karina: "It seems to me that it is necessary to go towards each other every day. After all, the relationship is always the steps: closer, closer, closer. In my opinion, the biggest problem of our time is that we have learned to talk about our feelings, we are all waiting for men, from women, from friends of incredible actions to our address, as if we were the center of the Universe. We are looked for yourself. But to meet the knight, you need to be a princess. And this is everyday work. "

But the princess, it is believed to be conquered, and she must be proud to wait.

Karina: "If I feel that a person is important to me, then why shouldn't he know about it? It is not necessary that there will be some kind of relationship or it will turn into a big friendship, but perhaps it will be easier for him to live if he knows that someone is always ready to help. And I do not distinguish love, friendship, I speak at all about life principles. No need to be afraid to say that people are the roads. We can not know about it, view and lose a person. "

Karina Andoltenko:

"We are looked at yourself, we are waiting for incredible actions to your address. But to meet the knight, you need to be a princess itself, and this is everyday work "

Photo: Alice Gutkin

Your heroine in the "Queen of Beauty" had to worry about heavy, even the tragic moments that began with ordinary hypocrisy, meanness, betrayal. And in your life there were similar experiences?

Karina: "There were some disagreements, but palls from a close environment, thank God, was not. I was lucky with friends, and this is not a coquetry and not a delicacy. I raise this. I think if I was bitten, it means that this conflict was laid deep inside me. Mom always taught: "There is nothing to make a mirror ...", no, everything is concluded in ourselves. Someone is intended for us for a lesson, and someone - for blessing. We can't like everyone. And I used to not listen to what they say about people, I trust my intuition. You will tell you the very first meeting, and then we yourself feel our heads. Therefore, if something happens later, there is no one to blame, you immediately warned you, and you still get into the pool. As a child, we intuitively knew how to approach, and what - no. Thought heart. If I feel that I am internally uncomfortable with someone, I just try not to enter this communication, why provoke a person to some bad act in relation to yourself? If I, enchanting, then disappointed, then perceive a person with all the knowledge of him. And he ceases to be magical for me. "

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