Elena Knyazeva: "For pregnancy I recovered by 15 kilograms, but it was not noticeable from the back"


Regular dominance of the whole body

During pregnancy, as a rule, the skin of the whole body is dried, and its elasticity is reduced. That is why regular oil applying is recommended. For stretching, which everyone is so afraid, affect the quality of the skin and individual predisposition. If there is such a predisposition, then the skin begins to ride deeply from the inside, where no creams penetrate.

Proper nutrition

I lived in the last months of pregnancy and was observed in America. And the first thing my American doctor did, he sent me to the nutritionist. Although I had normal tests on a glucose-beast test, I was prescribed a diet as in gestational diabetes, taught to decipher the composition of the products, monitor the amount of carbohydrates and measure blood with blood glucometer four times a day so that sugar did not exceed the norm in any case. At the same time, it was recommended to use food rich in calcium, avocado, organic bone broth, where collagen is contained. For the whole pregnancy, I recovered by 15 kilograms, and from the back was not noticeable of my state at all.

Forget about folk signs

I, of course, increasing my nails, strengthened and toned the hair. Under the influence of hormones, the hair stopped falling out. Masks with warm coconut butter nevertheless I did not only on the body, but also on the hair. And they have restored to me to the permanent and salon state.

Internal support for the body

There is an opinion that during pregnancy, vitamins of drinking almost impossible. Here I absolutely disagree. Vitamins I drank and before, and during pregnancy, took intravenously. During pregnancy, you need 30% more iodine, vitamins B6 and B12, zinc; one and a half times more calcium; Twice more folic acid and twice as much iron. Analyzes on minerals in the body I passed regularly and adjusted a vitamin course based on my personal needs.

External body support

We are talking about the bandages that should be at least two - on an early period and for later period. I can not imagine how I flew, starred in the clips and generally lived without his bandages. This is important, and this is salvation. And, of course, compression stockings. Starting from the third month I flew from Moscow to Rome, Bangkok, to the islands and back, in Los Angeles, from there in Miami and back. In all this, I would not have mastered and would not remove the two clips for the pregnancy, if not supporting bandage and compression linen.

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