Away, "Orange Cork": get rid of cellulite


Another century or two ago, that today we call the scary for the ear of any woman with the word "cellulite," did not seem so terrible. And a little earlier, in the era of the Renaissance, the artists did not make every smelt on the hips at all, considering some roughness on the skin very attractive. However, over the years, these tubercles on the skin began to be afraid of the fire. And with any manifestations of those - fight all possible ways.

In fact, the "orange peel" is not only at Rubensov's young ladies. Cellulite is also sometimes present. So think that extra kilograms is the essence of the problem, is a delusion. As well as the fact that with the help of power exercises and classes on the dance floor you can safely get rid of cellulite. Alas, no: the insidious "orange peel" is often refused to leave the body of even the most slender physical culture records. In this situation, hardware procedures and special care come to the rescue. And it is not at all necessary to go to the beauty salon. Today, enough funds that can be safely used at home. We choose those that are suitable for you.


Recently, non-invasive ways have become extremely popular ways to tighten and adjust the figure, remove extra kilograms in certain parts of the body. After all, with their help you can give the body the desired forms without surgical intervention, hard diets and daily physical exertion. One of the most effective and popular ways to sculpture the body is a bandage wrapping. This is understandable. Bandage wrapping improves blood circulation in a problem zone, as a result of which all the tubercles are smoothed, an excess fluid is excreted from the body, and the outflow of venous blood is normalized. The procedure improves metabolic processes in cells, and also enhances the production of collagen and elastin - elasticity, elasticity and skin tone increases. In parallel, the bandage wrap displays slags and toxins from the body and contributes to the overall improvement of the condition of the skin.

More recently, the bandage wrapping was exclusively salon procedure. But recently, thanks to the BON COSMETICS brand, this method of correction of the figure is available in home care. And use the tools is very simple. Inside each package there are gentle cotton ribbons impregnated with special compositions. That is, everything is already ready for the procedure. It is only necessary to begin to treat the skin scrub - for more effective impact.

Cotton tapes themselves should be applied according to certain rules. But there is nothing complicated here. Bottom-up, bottom-up. Tapes are sufficiently dense, they instantly tighten the problem areas. However, try not to overdo it and do not too much zones. After that, you can disconnect from around the world. Turn on calm music, muffle the light, get comfortably on the sofa and ... do not think about anything.


You need to remove bandages after 30-40 minutes. I don't need to wash anything. Just feel yourself and feel what pleasant and velvety became the skin. You can still make measurements: some even after the first procedure, the result is noticeable in the loss of a pair of centimeters!


In the Bon Cosmetics line - several types of wraps. Bodycult Silk refers to the wrapping reinstatement: it will quickly restore dry, dehydrated and tired skin, give it beauty and radiance. Bodycult Shape pulls the skin and give it a tone. "We have long developed a recipe with experts, tried and patted the effective formulations. "And now we are proud of the resulting product," said the creator of the Svetlana brand.


Another young Russian Dreambody brand to combat the "orange crust" offers an anti-cellulite complex that allows you to achieve the effect of full cabin care at home.


So, getting closer. The complex includes two jars with clay-based wrap masks and natural essential oils, as well as a set of 6 universal thermoshtans, which enhance the effect of the procedure up to 10 times. The first mask is a hot wrapping of Rosemary Orange, which easily copes with cellulite and leather flabbiness. In the second jar - a means for cold wrapping STRAWBERRY MOJITO, which is aimed at reducing volumes and stretch marks. You can only use cold or only hot wraps, but perfectly alternate them, conducting procedures for about two or three days.

The noticeable effect occurs after ten procedures, that is, about a month later - just to the beach season.

Deep purification

Before making wrapping or apply any anti-cellulite mask, clean the skin carefully and deeply clean. Ordinary funds are not suitable here: need "heavy artillery" in the form of scrubies specially created to combat cellulite, peels and other cleansing agents.


Anti-cellulite microfrave body scrub No Fake Shine Cellulite Break Body SCRUB from Mixit not only cleans and updates the skin, but also actively burns subcutaneous fat and even visually instantly aligns skin relief. Such an effect is obtained thanks to micropigines in the scrub - they deeply affect the epidermis and improve blood circulation. Also as part of a caffeine scrub (it accelerates cell metabolism, the fat is actively burned), oil macadamia and coconut (nourish the skin, soften and reduce peeling), sea salt (deeply cleans and renews the skin, soothes irritation and redness), cocoa bean extract (exert The expressed smoothing effect, has a moisturizing effect), lotus extract (soothes and strengthens the skin, increases its elasticity and elasticity, stimulates overall regeneration) and vanilla extract (accelerates metabolic processes, contributes to the withdrawal of toxins, has anti-inflammatory activity).

Properly dress

Recently, another way of combating cellulite appeared. The Scala Brazilian brand produced a real revolution in the field of the correction of the figure, producing anti-cellulite underwear with active biocrystals. In just a month you can reduce the amount of the waist, hips and buttocks from 4 to 10 centimeters. And this is not counting that the skin becomes noticeably even.


The bottomland is scala (and in the line there are leggings, shorts, bermides, panties, pantalonons, bras, bodies, panties) made innovative biocrystall technology. This technology works in the infrared range and allows you to reflect your own heat in the opposite direction. As a result, there is a small, but permanent and safe heating. Fat layer decreases, the skin is smoothed.

Lingerie can be safely worn even in the summer, in the current hot weather. Since it is thin, then in parallel has a pulling effect. And at the same time, neither the panties nor the bodies are "swaying" as a corset: the warming itself is not felt, but the effect of it becomes noticeable very soon.

By the way, Scala anti-cellulite underwear can be worn during sports, it can reduce muscle pain, and the sauna effect will help get rid of orange peel on problem areas of the body.

Day and night

And, of course, for a noticeable result, you need to use special creams that are created just to combat cellulite. It is clear that they will not help to get rid of the "orange peel", but to make it manifestations less noticeable - quite in their power.

Eveline Cosmetics Lab Experts in collaboration with leading dermatologists developed an innovative anti-cellulite Slim Extreme 4D program. Improved formulas guarantee an even more efficient decrease in cellulite and the first visible effects after two weeks of use. The products of the series combine natural active ingredients and innovative achievements of aesthetic cosmetology, guaranteeing an unsurpassed result. Due to the ultralight formula, drugs are instantly absorbed, providing a feeling of comfort. The effectiveness of the series is confirmed by dermatological studies.


In the anti-cellulite series - immediately several excellent new products that you will probably rate and love. So, the body for body against cellulite Slim Extreme 4D perfectly copes not only with cellulite, but also with stretch marks and scars.

Golden cleansing peeling massage effectively removes oroging cells, cleans the skin and prepares it to subsequent care. For the shower, a diamond peeling massage is perfect for the shower - thanks to diamond microparticles, it eliminates dead cells, stimulates microcirculation and saturates the skin with oxygen.

Thermoactive serum "Anti-cellulite" due to argan oil in the composition, as well as a unique composition of active ingredients stimulates the combustion process of adipose tissue and efficiently reduced cellulite.

Intensive serum, reducing fat fabric, prevents oil delay, especially in the zone of the abdomen, significantly reduces the amount of the waist, makes the body more slim, optically simulates the silhouette. And the gold serum for weight loss and modeling stimulates the combustion process of adipose tissue and allows you to achieve an ideal silhouette.

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