AIDS: today in the risk group young women


According to the Federal Center for Prevention and Combating AIDS, Russia is among the top ten countries in the number of infected people: today the number of registered HIV infection cases in Russia is more than 700 thousand, including 6 thousand children under 15 years of age. In 2011, 62,384 HIV infected were revealed in the Russian Federation - by 10.6% more than in 2010. For ten months of 2012, 56 thousand new infection cases were already registered, and for the entire 2012, 70 thousand new cases were predicted. When saving such rates, the number of registered HIV-infected people will reach 1 million. Already in 2015. In general, statistics show that the general situation on HIV infection in the Russian Federation worsens and tends to generalize the epidemic. How to avoid this, told the head of the BD representative office - Bekton, Dickinson and Company Aleksei Vladimirovich Bobrik.

Head of the representative office of BD - Bekton, Dickinson and Company Aleksei Vladimirovich Bobrik.

Head of the representative office of BD - Bekton, Dickinson and Company Aleksei Vladimirovich Bobrik.

- Alexey Vladimirovich, tell me how is the situation with this disease in the country?

- Unfortunately, the situation in the country deteriorates due to the fact that the acceleration of infection is firmly settled among heterosexual steam. If earlier the society was confident that the greatest percentage of HIV-infected among men is homosexuals and drug addicts, today the largest risk group is young women aged from 30-35 years, because every fortieth man of the marriage is HIV-infected. Most often it happens when women get married, but they hide from her that a man is sick, and when it comes pregnant to take tests, HIV reveals. Next, she learns that he is a former drug addict and was susceptible to the virus many years ago, but the desire to make a family and a child did not have less from it. She divorces, marries another man and gives him a virus. If the epidemic was previously localized, now the epidemic went styling. Today, completely different layers of the population are susceptible to the virus. And there are evaluation data that literally in a few years about a million citizens will be infected in Russia.

- What to do in such a situation?

- Today, all programs to combat AIDS are discontinued in Russia. Many public government organizations are deprived of financing. A little to treat the patient, you need to provide high-quality diagnosis, and equipment brought to our country has long been outdated. The procurement system today is built on the fact that the cheapest drugs and drugs are purchased, which are most often not effective. Our country needs a national strategy, and it is not.

The most important thing is to organize competent prevention in public training. Everyone knows that the use of a condom is protected from infection! But see what prices for them. They are clearly overestimated, so young guys will better buy a bottle of beer than a condom. Some logic is such - they are poorly protected. In fact, the Vaccine against AIDS also protects badly. It works only in mass consumption.

- In addition to condoms, what can protect against AIDS? After all, they can be infected in the hospital, such cases are not uncommon.

- Walk and progress in the world do not stand still. There were revolutionary breakthroughs that have completely changed the prevention, treatment and fate of such people. In developed countries, a large spectrum of technological devices appeared, allowing to prevent the danger of infection. These developments with new technologies are associated. One of which is the production and purchase of self-dedication, self-locking syringes. You think about this figure, only over the past year in Russia, about 2 thousand medical workers received post-contact prevention after injections by infected needles and other emergencies with a high risk of professional HIV infection. It is possible to infected the AIDS in the hospital, but if you take these medical instruments at least for weapons, they can be the basis of security.

- What is such a syringe?

- This is an ordinary one-time syringe, which has a piston after the injection after the injection. The second time is impossible to make an injection. Considering that the majority of drug addicts are stuck in one syringe, self-disperse tool will not allow to be reused. Self-dosing syringes are a global trend. Many doctors have become infected and infected with AIDS with procedures. And in 2001, President Beil Clinton signed a decree to ensure that medical personnel use only self-destructive tools. Glass syringes were standard in the mid-80s, and now you will not always find them. Similarly, the global trend comes from ordinary to safe and after 10 years to see the usual disposable syringe will be difficult. At the price, they are practically equally. Cases of the inappropriate infection of the doctors of the needle, which is infected with AIDS talk about, safer and efficiently use self-dedicated, self-locking tools. The problem of the nosocomial transmission of the virus is extremely relevant.

- Who should give an order about purchasing this equipment?

- At one time, the struggle and prophylaxis with AIDS was headed by a government commission led by Minister Holikova, but as soon as the Cabinet was made, the Commission was dissolved. At the moment, it is not clear who leads through the country the fight against HIV infection. Officially, no one prescribed anyone. In the US, where HIV-infected is less than here, it is managing the program personally Obama. On the Internet there is information. In our country, about 200 people are infected daily, but there is still no clear strategy and the struggle. It is necessary to urgently take measures to re-equip the health system and in this direction there is a big way. The future undoubtedly belongs only to modern technologies. In addition, we can and should ensure the safety of the surrounding people and health care staff, introducing into routine practices to use medical devices with engineering protection from injuries.

- What areas do we have in the "fronts" on the digits of HIV infection? And does the law on criminal punishment work for distribution?

- In the first place is the Irkutsk region. Sad situation in St. Petersburg, a large percentage of HIV-infected in the Samara region. In Moscow, these contradictory data, since many visitors and to identify them almost impossible, but the situation is also unfavorable. Unfortunately, many patients come at a late stage of diagnosis, which aggravates the situation. Private clinics, conducting a survey and revealing the infection in a patient, do not report it, so statistics oscillate. For the spread of infection there is a criminal punishment, and now more than a hundred affairs is in consideration. But the complexity is that a woman who has infected from her husband is very difficult to file a statement on him.

- If the management learns that one of HIV employees is infected, does it have the right to dismiss him for it?

- No limitations for such patients are unacceptable. But for sure the team does not want, so that a sick person worked next to him. Therefore, a smart leader will do everything to get rid of an infected employee. Will be discovered for lateness, for absenteeism, for poor quality work. But if the lawyer proves in court that his ward had no violations, he could win the case in court and get compensation. In Europe, there were such cases, some companies had to pay millions of sums. There were also cases when HIV-infected child was excluded from school. For discrimination, parents may apply to the School. But the complexity of the situation is that parents of healthy children are categorically opposed to their child to study with patients.

- Give some recommendation, the Council of the Specialist?

- I do not want to moralize on this topic, but it turns out that moral aspects are still relevant in society. HIV infections are subject to all segments of the population, it is found in wealthy people. Infected teachers, office workers, the most common virus in the actor's environment. There is no specific advice to avoid infection, but if you use the protection tools accepted all over the world, and the danger of the disease can be avoided.

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