Bath as a national fun


As you know, there are several types of baths. So choose where to please the soul and body, we have from anything. Turkish bath - Hammam, Finnish sauna, exotic Japanese baths of Furro Lee offro for us, where it should be immersed in water filled with water or hot sawdust, and, of course, a Russian bath.

The latter, perhaps, will give odds to everyone for the benefit of the soul and body. In humidity and temperature regime, it is approximately in the middle between the Finnish sauna and Hammam. It is drown as Finnish, but water or fragrant herbal infusion is poured on the hot stones. The thermal conductivity of wet air is much higher than dry as in the Finnish sauna, so the skin warms down deep enough. Such heat has a positive effect on the skin, cosmetologists and dermatologists approve in one voice. So today, the Russian bath is included in the mandatory programs of many SPA salons.

Strike a broom

Sing the diffilaments of our "national fun" can be infinitely long. We are all well aware of the benefits of the Russian bath. However, before going to the pair, it would not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the "Bath Code of Conduct," said Vichy's laboratory training manager Olesa Boylkin.

one. The recommended frequency of visiting a bath or sauna is on average once a week. Many love to wash after classes in the pool, which strengthens the effect of training.

Moreover, if you first found themselves in the steam room, you should not be there for a long time, you need to get used to gradually, says Olesya. Maximum "total" time of stay thirty-five-forty minutes. We start with a few minutes and bring to a maximum of ten in one right.

2. In the pool itself, we do nothing with you, as the skin begins to absorb

Nutrients when "cools", and not vice versa, explains Olesya.

"Therefore, first warm, we leave, wash off the sweat and only then begin to use cosmetic products. I recommend capturing scrubs. These funds should contain polished particles from polymeric materials to gently clean the pores. The use of face scrubies with particles with sharp edges (sugar, salt, seed bones) is not recommended, since these components are able to cause irritation. But please yourself with moisturizing, the nutritional mask will be very by the way. After cleansing, all useful substances are "absorbed" by the skin as a vacuum cleaner. Complete the care process I recommend applying your daily cream, to do it over forty minutes before going out. "

3. While visiting the bath hair is better to hide in

Special hat (only no synthetics!) To protect against hot air.

four. A Russian bath is difficult to imagine without a broom. Most often in the course of birch and oak. However, lime brooms are no less useful (reduce headache and have a calming effect), from currant branches (excellent source of vitamins for leather), fir, spruce, juniper and cedar brooms (relieve stress, restore forces and have antibacterial properties, and how they are smell!). The prickly brooms from nettle may not be so popular, but they remove pain in the muscles and joints. And if you take the eucalyptus as the basis, then you will not remember the cold for a cold all winter. Eucalyptus rods can also be added to any other "bath bouquet". And do not forget before you begin to "cherish" yourself with a broom, it should be soaked in hot water. But not for long, otherwise his magic aroma will go.

five. Now about contraindications to which many of us are negligible, and very in vain. With sharp and chronic diseases in the aggravation stage there is nothing to do in the bath, says Olesya Boykina. So treat flu or ARVI in the sauna is definitely not worth it.

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