Sports one: 4 physical activity, before which you should not eat


Doctors recommend that 2-3 hours before intensive physical activity, in order to avoid feelings of nausea and spasms in the intestine from overvoltage. Before some training, such as a bicycle walk, a lesson with heavy scales, skateboard riding and other, you can eat a protein bar, yogurt, fruit or other useful snack - you will feel great. But there are classes that best begun hungry and snack no earlier than half an hour after them when pulse comes to normal:


Classes at the Stadium with the change of exercises are a hard toning that uses a respiratory and cardiovascular system. During running and jumping, food in the stomach will interfere with you to move technically and deftly do exercises. Even worse, if you have a gastrointestinal diseases: intestinal colic or gastritis attack may occur when the gastric juice is separated into the cavity. So refrain from meals a few hours before classes, but do not limit the amount of water. You sweat a lot and lose moisture that needs to be fill. It is better to even salt water or add a ready-made mineral mixture to fill the lost magnesium and sodium.

Easy athletics can not be done after eating

Easy athletics can not be done after eating



In water, the muscles of the legs are actively working, which affect the lower part of the press. It comes into contact with the intestines and stimulates digestion. For people who have problems with digesting food and constipation, it will benefit. The rest should be carefully, otherwise, right during training from the abundance of gases you can get a belly, so you have to go from the distance.


No matter what kind of dance do you do. In any case, before the occupation, you are warming up with the help of articular gymnastics. And after being taken to active movements, where all parts of the body are involved - from the head to toe. Also during the dances, the pulse and heartbeat rises sharply, which, in combination with a dense meal, will accurately cause indiscrimination. Moreover, it is important to keep dancers to keep posture, and because of the drowsiness and filled after eating the belly, your figure will rather remind the letter ZY than the tightened performer.

Go to crossfit on an empty stomach, and after breakfast

Go to crossfit on an empty stomach, and after breakfast



Who will come up with the eat before one of the most complex fitness training? In crossfit, many exercises are performed on the speed of the timer, so that the reaction has just adopted the body of the body will be obvious: you will be sick because of the sharply grown pulse. Plus a constant body position change from horizontal to vertical during Berp and other exercises will cause dizziness. We advise you to lift the crossfoot from the morning on an empty stomach to wake the body, and after tightly breakfast with healthy products.

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