Insects-theses of Hollywood stars


Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie's work as an ambassador of goodwill in the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Affairs led to the fact that in 2008 biologist Jason Bond called in honor of the actress of the Aptostichus AngelinaJolieae spider-found. As the movie star appreciated such recognition of their merit is unknown.


A new type of spiders was discovered by the American biologist Jason Bond in the Mojave desert, located in the California National Park "Tree Joshua". The name of the park and pushed a scientist to give Arachnid the name in honor of the leader of the U2 Bono Group: In 1987, the team released the album Joshua Tree. And so now somewhere in the Mojave desert there is a spider with the title aptostichus bonoi.

Harrison Ford

Two types of insects are named after Harrison Ford: Calponia Harrisonfordi and Antole HarrisonFordi Spider. The first - the size of only five millimeters, but at the same time eating other spiders, it was discovered by the Arachnologist National I. Patrick in 1993 and received his name in gratitude for the fact that the actor voiced the documentary for the London Museum of Natural Science. And ants wears their proud name in recognizing that Ford is a member of the International Society for Conservation of Nature.

Liv Tyler. Photo: Startracks photo / fotodom.

Liv Tyler. Photo: Startracks photo / fotodom.

Liv Tyler

From the actress Liv Tyler, the bugger of Agra LIV got only the name. But, as in the case of Kate Winslet, discovered the beetle Endomologist Terry Erwin in the description of the new species again tied a movie with reality: "The existence of this insect depends on the preservation of rainforests, and it will not survive Armageddon." Tyler played one of the main roles in the 1988 Armageddon picture.

George Bush Jr

In 2005, Kelly Miller scientists and Quentin Willer discovered several types of new beetles. One of them was called in honor of the US President George Bush, Jr. Agathidium Bushi in the honor of the US President. And two more - in honor of Vice President Dick Cheney and Minister of Defense Donald Ramsfeld. The head of state personally called the republican scientists with gratitude for his honor rendered to him.

Barack Obama

The current US President Barack Obama never hidden, which is a big fan of comic about a man-spider. Therefore, a new form of mygalomorphic spiders, described at the end of 2012, was called in honor of the head of state aptostichus Barackobamai.

Barack Obama. Photo: Rex Features / Fotodom.

Barack Obama. Photo: Rex Features / Fotodom.

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet boasts the thesis in the world of insects due to their role in the film "Titanic". The Entomologist Terry Erwin called the new type of bugger Agra Katewinsletae discovered in 2002. Describing my find, the scientist told the threat of hanging over the beetle: "Kate's heroine did not go to the bottom with the ship. But, unfortunately, the same can not be said about this small elegant insect, if all the tropical forests are cut down for pastures. "


A rare type of oat found in Australia, received the name Scaptia Beyonceae in honor of Beyonce. The insect was discovered back in 1981 - a year when the singer was born. However, until 2011 did not have a scientific description. And the head of the fuel must be golden masts on the trouser, which are similar to the shiny scenic outfits of the star.

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