In bed with the devil: what to do if your partner does not enjoy intimacy


In intimate relations, there are still a framework: doctors recommend to have sex every 2-3 days, no less often. On women, the frequency of sexual intercourse does not affect the emotional plan, whereas for men this is a plan for minimum health programs. The older it becomes, the more intense and more diverse there should be sex. The body is no longer started with a semolutement, as in 18-20 years ... in older women, the appetite is also reduced, so what to do? In this material we will give several practical advice to maintain a family hearth and passion in a pair.

Start from the day

People who work for 10-12 hours a day, how often the inhabitants of megacities are doing, they are surprised why they do not want sex or lasts only a couple of minutes. But the secret is not the secret! Our body is incredibly smart, therefore reduces libido when he has to save forces due to lack of sleep, unsaturated with nutritional, irregular drinking mode and rare physical exertion. Agree with your loved one that you will not be staring at the computer or the game prefix are still late, which means with the times the body will repey and give a signal to the brain about the desire to play in an adult.

Change the usual pose

Change the usual pose


Change habits

Remember how you have sex. The usual pose, repeating movements and actions for the sake of initiating a partner. Boring? Yes! Your beloved can want more sex precisely for this reason - from the lack of emotional emission. Try buy toys for adults, cream or lubricant for oral sex with a new taste, condoms with effects in the form of balls or ribbed surface. Also, many people love when they are on the ear whisper partner says pleasant words and makes compliments to their skills in bed. Feel free to open your mouth and pronounce what seems obvious.

Offer solo games

Stupidity when women are angry with the fact that a man looks through porn video. If you are not in the mood for sex, why should a loved one who should also limit himself in pleasure? Do not be an egoist, and give him the opportunity to relax or, better, help it do with the help of kisses or oral affection. You can also offer a toy that stimulates blood flow to a member due to pressure or compressing the organ.

Try sex toys

Try sex toys


Take restrictions

Never have sex through pain, otherwise there will be a disgust in the process and will perceive it as a duty, and not pleasure. If you have a monthly one in front and stomach hurts, during the penetration you feel burning into the vagina, or you just don't want sex because of fatigue, all this must be said to the partner. Loving you person will understand your desires perfectly and will not reproach, because the most important thing in the relationship is the physical and moral health of both.

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