Danila Yakushev: "I want to give only one wedding ring"


In the cinema and TV shows, Danila Yakushev often plays not the most pleasant characters, but behind the scenes he is quite positive: builds a house for the future family, leads a healthy lifestyle, and he has been baptized by his talents.

- Danila, recently fans saw you in the new series "Belovodye: the mystery of the lost country", which was actually removed for quite a long time ...

- Indeed, we shot this series back in 2013. When I was only approved, I was told that the shooting of episodes with my character is one or two days. The director was talking to me, we played a couple of scenes, filmed, as a result of my hero, then I was still prescribed for twelve and fifteen. I flew in Crimea: Mountains, fights, Cascader tricks ... This is, of course, unforgettable adventures. The project was filmed year, and now, when the series finally came out, it seems to me that everything turned out. I am there, by the way, still thin, young, green. (Smiles.) I was then 27 years old. And now I ripen. By the way, before this series I played all sorts of scum. And in this film I am General Light Force, which is on the side of good, a fair person.

- Speak, it did not cost without tricks. What trials had to overcome?

- In one episode I needed to take off. Under my suit was another frame suit. The winch was survived twice, because it was drawn not to people, but a special air pressure machine. It was important to fix everything well. I just said: group. As a result, the car shot me for seven-eight meters up, and turned out Rhondat (a jump with a coup. - Ed.) With two some flasks (acrobatic jumps back. - Ed.), I damaged the rib, but, thank God, not I broke - I then had a huge bruise.

Danila Yakushev:

The actor starred in projects of different genres. And in the comedies (a frame from the movie "Gorky!") ...

- You yourself recognize that your heroes are often ambiguous, and sometimes negative characters. And what are you in nature?

"Over the years I get a positive character, fundamental, reliable: Earth, beds, a dog, a house building ... But at one time I was glad.

- And now, as I understand it, thought about a serious family life?

- I used to choose, I was looking for, I watched ... The Moliere in Don Juan has a cool phrase: to keep faithfulness, talent is needed. You are not a hero when you open thousands of women, you are a hero when you open hundreds of others in one woman. I played Don Juan, we studied all the psychotypes of characters. But then, in 24 years, I have not yet been ready to understand. And just now began to understand what Moleer said at all. Therefore, I feel good with one who will stay with me, even when I have nothing ...

Danila Yakushev:

... and in fantasy "Belovodye: the mystery of the lost country"

- So doomed it ...

- Just when you end money, immediately disappear.

- Then you can congratulate you on a successful acquaintance, since many are recognized that in the entertainment industry, it is not so easy to find the soul mate ...

"Egor Creid in a recent interview said that he was absolutely impossible to find a girl, because everyone knows that he is Egor Cre. Therefore, he is looking for her not in Russia, but in Milan. For myself, I realized that it should be a girl from afar, grown with a grandmother. And I have everything coincided: the old school, great-grandmother, academic vocals, faith, tradition. She is 21 years old, and no one treated me as she. I have never had wrapped shirts, breakfast, dinner, I myself prepared. And how she believes in me ... I can safely say that she will follow me like the wife of the Decembrist. Banal example, but it is.

There is no house on the country area, its functions performs the bath, but there are all the conditions for wonderful rest.

There is no house on the country area, its functions performs the bath, but there are all the conditions for wonderful rest.

Photo: Sergey Ivanov

- Where and under what circumstances did you find our love?

- Through the Internet. Paradise went to Colombia, I wrote the first to her ... She replied that she went to work. Well, the correspondence began, she began to communicate so easily. We called up with her for three months, then she arrived, met. By that time I already understood that she was the same girl. I generally died for so many times and even became a kind of washer. With those who wanted to be with me, sometimes did not in the best way. I did not offend anyone, but I could not give what they wanted. And then it turned out that many former friends had already been married, someone had a child, almost all divorced, and my all friends divorced. Recently, some kind of colossal number of divorces. I looked at my friends and thought: Why do I need it? I also wanted once and forever. I generally did not give a single wedding ring in my life. I want to give one.

- What does your choices do?

- She entered the separation of academic vocals. A classic genre, which may not be particularly in demand, but this is very beautiful. She can sing, the works of Russian classics put on music. May sing and Okudzhava. Hiking, tents, rivers are all about her. I swear above it: "You are 21! Why are you not in the club? Why do you wash the dishes? " She is silent in response and just smiles. And it does it not because it is shifted. Just wants to do it for me. And I give her this energy back. It was very difficult to find it, and I wish everyone to find my halves.

Danila Yakushev:

"Even if I go home for two and a half hours, I still will be happier here than in the Moscow apartment

Photo: Sergey Ivanov

- Are you a romantic person?

- Madly! I am a musician, released a rock album, rap album, tried to work in different directions. And I still paint painting, painted with oil, watercolor. Just around the surrounding in connection with my roles there is an image of a cynical type, but when I am alone with me, it is always immersed in childhood, I remember the warm relationship with the mother. It touches me ... I, of course, try to be more serious and cynical, but at the same time not deprived of romanticism.

- Now I would like to talk about the house: why still country accommodation, because a very long time to go to Moscow ...

- Even if I have been going home and a half hours, I still will be happier here than in the Moscow apartment, in this small room with a TV. I can't carry Khrushchev, even Stalinki: Everywhere I will have a shoulder, these small toilets, small bathrooms, neighbors who can scandalize ... I have always dreamed of the house, even put a tattoo on this topic a year and a half ago. And so the circumstances are that I am now building. Beautiful plot, fifteen meters river, wild forest. By the way, I already have experience of improvement. I have been engaged in my garage in Moscow for two years. Made the old loft in the style of vintage texas. Tree, leather, old motorcycle 1984. And here already put a fence, bath, now I do the pool, I always dreamed of having my gym. As a result, all this is not so expensive. The apartment in Moscow costs ten million, and the house can be built for five.

Danila and Paradise met through the Internet. And perhaps this case, when the network you can find a related soul. The actor says now he and his beloved truly happy

Danila and Paradise met through the Internet. And perhaps this case, when the network you can find a related soul. The actor says now he and his beloved truly happy

Photo: Sergey Ivanov

- If we talk about the details, what will be interesting in your dream house?

- Scandinavian style, panoramic windows, ceilings are five and a half meters. I establish the projector, bar rack, bulbs of different diameters in the floor. I studied all this and ready to build. I have seen many projects and eventually stopped at the barn house. Outside as if the barn, but when you go inside, you get into another world. I would have traded any apartment in Moscow for such a house. Again, mom can lead here. Therefore, I advise everyone to get out of the city.

- It turns out, you are already often left here, despite the fact that the house is not ready yet?

- I designed the interior of the bathhouse so that you can sleep until the house is ready. We also have a lot of food that we with my director and other Anton themselves collected themselves, painted the veranda themselves. There we also rest: Fry meat, smoking hookah, without any music, party, girls - simple human happiness. We also spent the water to the site: figured out how to do it, and did. The veranda was technically complex, but the roof was put, we were only a worker. Now we can do everything yourself. It suddenly became interesting to me.

- In addition to construction, what are you planning to do this summer?

"I am shooting in Sochi in the TV series" Tourist Police ", I have one of the main roles - I play Killer. It is necessary to change the appearance - count, six roles in one. Be sure to get to Abkhazia - I have a house there. Also getting ready to play a little role in the TV series "Dr. Richter".

The actor keeps the sports mode

The actor keeps the sports mode

Photo: Sergey Ivanov

- Your fans know that you have been seriously engaged in sports. Now continue?

- Yes of course. I am engaged in a day, I observe the sports regime. Last year I dropped ten kilograms for the project. In December weighed 86, and now 94 - I am typing muscular mass for another project. Once I weighed 63 kilograms, but in four years I scored the weight of up to 90 kilograms. As a result, the sport became an integral part of life, I will have a sports field in my house, and I will begin to engage in my own hall. Already on the site there are rubber dumbbells. To keep yourself in a tone.

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