Pressure normally: 10 products, in perspective of rescue from high pressure


Hypertension or high blood pressure is the most common preventable risk factor for heart disease. More than 1 billion people around the world have a high blood pressure, which is defined as the values ​​of systolic blood pressure (Garden) (upper number) 130 mm RT. Art. or above, diastolic blood pressure (dad, lower number) more than 80 mm. Medicines, including inhibitors of angiotensin gluttering enzyme (ACE), are commonly used to reduce blood pressure. However, changes in lifestyle, including a diet, can help reduce blood pressure to optimal values ​​and reduce the risk of heart disease. Here are the top 10 products from high blood pressure according to the authoritative portal HealthLine:

1. Citrus.

Citrus, including grapefruit, oranges and lemons, can have a powerful decaying blood pressure by action. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and vegetable compounds that can help preserve the health of your heart by reducing the risk factors of heart diseases, such as high blood pressure. A 5-month study with the participation of 101 Japanese woman showed that the daily consumption of lemon juice in combination with walking significantly correlated with a decrease in the garden, the effect that researchers attribute citric acid content and flavonoids in lemons. Studies also showed that the use of orange and grapefruit juice can help reduce blood pressure. Nevertheless, grapefruit and grapefruit juice can affect conventional medicines that reduce blood pressure, so consult with your doctor before adding these fruits into your diet.

Eat salmon fillet at least a couple of times a month

Eat salmon fillet at least a couple of times a month


2. Salmon and other fatty fish

Fat fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fats, which have significant health health benefits. These fats can help reduce blood pressure due to reduction of inflammation and reduce the level of tapered blood vessels of compounds called oxilypins. Studies have shown that the consumption of fatty fish rich in omega-3 reduces blood pressure levels. Study with the participation of 2036 healthy people showed that those who have the highest levels of omega-3 in the blood, was significantly lower than the Garden and Dad than people with the lowest level of these fats in the blood. Higher consumption of omega-3 has also been associated with a lower risk of hypertension.

3. Swiss mangold

Swiss mangold is a leaf greens, which is rich in nutrient regulators regulating blood pressure, including potassium and magnesium. One cup (145 grams) of the cooked mangold provides 17% and 30% of your daily needs in potassium and magnesium, respectively. People with high arterial pressure every 0.6 grams per day increase potassium content in the diet are associated with a decrease in a garden of 1.0 mm Hg. Art. and DDA by 0.52 mm. One cup (145 grams) of Swiss chard contains 792 mg of this important nutrient. Magnesium is also needed to regulate blood pressure. It helps reduce blood pressure using several mechanisms, including acting as a natural calcium channel blocker, which blocks the flow of calcium in the heart and arterial cells, allowing blood vessels to relax.

4. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds can be small, but they are very useful in terms of food. They are a concentrated source of nutrients that are important for controlling blood pressure, including magnesium, potassium and arginine, amino acids necessary for the production of nitrogen oxide, which is necessary to relax blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. Pumpkin seed oil is also a powerful natural tool from high blood pressure. Study with the participation of 23 women showed that receiving 3 grams of pumpkin oil per day for 6 weeks leads to a significant decrease in the garden compared to the placebo group.

5. Beans and Lentils

Beans and lentils are rich in nutrients, which help to regulate blood pressure, such as fiber, magnesium and potassium. Numerous studies have shown that eating beans and lentils can help reduce blood pressure. An overview of 8 studies in which 554 people participated, showed that when exchanging other products, beans and lentils significantly reduced the garden and the average level of blood pressure in people with hypertension and without it.

6. Yagoda

Berries were associated with many impressive health benefits, including their ability to reduce heart rate risk factors, such as high blood pressure. Berries are a rich source of antioxidants, including anthocyans, pigments that give the berries bright color. It has been shown that anthocyans increase the level of nitrogen oxide in the blood and reduce the production of molecules that limit blood vessels, which can help reduce blood pressure. Nevertheless, additional research is needed to confirm these potential mechanisms. Blueberry, Raspberry, black rowan, cloudberry and strawberries are just some of the berries that bind with a decrease in blood pressure by action.

7. Amaranta.

The use of whole grain products such as Amaranth can help reduce blood pressure. Studies show that a diet rich in whole grain products can reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Review 28 Research has shown that an increase in solid grain consumption by 30 grams per day was associated with an 8% reduction in high blood pressure risk. Amaranth is a solid grain with a particularly high content of magnesium. One prepared cup (246 grams) provides 38% of your daily need for magnesium.

8. Pistachios

Pistachios are very nutritious, and their consumption is associated with a healthy level of blood pressure. They are rich in a number of nutrients needed for heart health and blood pressure regulation, including potassium. Review 21 studies showed that among all nuts included in the review, the consumption of pistachios had the greatest impact on the decline in both the garden and Dad.

Little root root, but how much benefits

Little root root, but how much benefits


9. Carrots

Crispy, sweet and nutritious carrots are one of the main vegetables in the diet of many people. Carrot is rich in phenolic compounds, such as chlorogenic, para-coumar and coffee-powered, which help to relax blood vessels and reduce inflammation, which can help reduce blood pressure. Although carrots can be used in cheese or prepared form, the use of it in the raw form can be more useful to reduce high blood pressure. A study involved in 2195 people aged 40 to 59 years old showed that the consumption of crude carrots significantly reduces blood pressure. Another small study involving 17 people showed that the daily use of 16 ounces (473 ml) of fresh carrot juice for 3 months led to a decrease in the garden, but not dad.

10. Celery

Celery is a popular vegetable, which can positively influence blood pressure. It contains connections called phthalides that can help relax blood vessels and reduce blood pressure levels. In the same study that binds the consumption of crude carrots with a decrease in blood pressure, it was found that among usually consumed boiled vegetables, boiled celery consumption was significantly due to the decrease in blood pressure.

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