He ignores you: we understand the reasons


You perfectly spent time together, but then something changed? Or the man from the very beginning goes away with the side? The man may have many reasons to ignore a woman, and it does not always mean indifference. We decided to figure out what the main causes of such a man's behavior.

Many confused flirt with politeness

Many confused flirt with politeness

Photo: unsplash.com.

Cause # 1.

You are not his woman

Like men, women very often confuse politeness with flirting, all the problems begins from here, when a man no longer knows how to get out of the academic part. A person can be difficult to admit to you straight that you are not interested in it, so he chooses the tactics of slow retreat.

In this case, nothing can be done, since the heart does not order. Especially someone else.

Cause # 2.

A man is not looking for a serious relationship

The case when at the beginning of your novel everything was fine, but suddenly he changed sharply. Most likely, you gave him to understand that you need something more than just rare meetings and walks several times a week. It happens that a man is not ready to build a serious relationship, and the reason may not be in you - it may be its life set.

Of course, it is quite difficult for a person to change the opinion and preference, but it is quite difficult to change something and even more so to force a man to go for serious steps. Blackmailing has never led anything good.

Cause # 3.

A man may feel a sense of uncertainty

For various reasons, some men slow with the recognition of their feelings. Most often it is due to unsuccessful experience in the past, when, perhaps, the former beloved rejected or ridiculed his manifestation of feelings. Now, this experience he transfers to your relationship. You may notice that in your presence it is noticeably lost, does not know where to put his hands, notice his scattered look.

Try to make the first step yourself, just do not eat and be careful not to scare a man even stronger.

He is afraid to confess you in feelings

He is afraid to confess you in feelings

Photo: unsplash.com.

Cause # 4.

He made a mistake

Unfortunately, quite often we are interested in a person, but after a while we understand that building the future in this partner is the path to nowhere. And let you beautifully externally, are formed, with you there is something to talk, a feeling of love is either there, or it is not - it does not depend on your qualities.

If this is your option, then a man simply does not see the longer the relationship with you, but also to tell you about it is also not easy.

A man may not be ready for a serious relationship

A man may not be ready for a serious relationship

Photo: unsplash.com.

Cause # 5.

You are too assertive

Yes, we have already said that you can and even need to be initiated by a woman, however, the women are inflexible. The man in nature is a conqueror, he will not tolerate in the relationship to be another leader - only if you are not specifically looking for a passive man - so your excessive initiative can strain him very much, therefore, his interest in you how to "the object of conquest" begins to fade poured into full or partial ignoring.

If you continue in the same spirit, a man can switch to a more fuel woman, so think about whether your desire is to lead in all your relationship with your expensive person.

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