Lada Dance lives in the "house with ghost"


Rublevka has long been synonymous with Patos Dolce Vita. Therefore, to be the master of a pretty cottage in one of the elite villages located along the government highway, very prestigious. In the premits of the chosen fee and Lada Dance: she owns a three-storey house, the construction of which coincided with a very sad period of her life - divorce. However, she is not from those who are humble - saves precious time. The singer always sought to catch as much as possible. It not only acts in various genres (in its asset - classic, pop and jazz vocals), but also engaged in producing, poems and music writes. It will soon see its fifth author's album, half of the compositions of which in English. In addition, Lada is moving towards the cinema, manages his own recruitment agency and recently released a collection of amber jewelry. It seems strong and independent, but this is exactly the case when the first impression is not quite true. In fact, it has both tenderness and vulnerability, and even poetic dreaminess. True, these qualities it does not expose these qualities.

Lada, you once said: "On the stage I am a hunter, and in life - the woman of the XIX century." What are you so incompetent?

Lada Dance: "I think there is no definite concept, a modern person or not. I just, I am a supporter of the classics - in a relationship between a man and a woman, in the worldview, in the upbringing of children. It is necessary to listen to classical music, attend exhibitions - this is food for the soul. And also it seems to me, people must surround beautiful things. I probably have such views from childhood.

I was born in the old German city of Koenigsberg (I like to call Kaliningrad so much). When I saw in the photos, what beautiful he was to military bombing, was amazed. I had a chance to visit many European capitals, and I will definitely say that my hometown is not inferior to them in the nobility of architecture. In the forty-five year year, the Germans were forced to leave Koenigsberg literally for three days, so they almost threw themselves as it was. But something tried to hide: sometimes I knocked out in the garden near our house porcelain sets and table silver. In general, I did not grow with a Soviet child: I watched Polish films, broadcasting foreign concerts, festivals in Sopot (our television antennas could catch all this). My brother is an artist, mother - art historian translator, since childhood I was surrounded by paintings, art books. I travel around the world and photograph everything that attracts me: buildings, some original details, extraordinary interior solutions. Then I skip everything through myself and use at your discretion. "

Lada loves to relax on couches located in cozy corners. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Lada loves to relax on couches located in cozy corners. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

And how are these ideas about the beautiful embodied in your home?

Lada: "My house is also a classic. He looks like a small palazzo. I am close to the beautiful culture of Italy, her kitchen, perception of life. For the twelve years now I spend the summer in Fort De Mami, this place can be called the outbound residence of the entire ruble. But with all the love of the classics, I like to dilute its any interesting detail of any other style - Ar Deco or something like that. This also applies to the interior, and clothes. "

I wonder why you decided to settle on Rublevka?

Lada: "By learning about your pregnancy, I told my husband that I want to live next to the forest. Since childhood grew in the city by the sea, in nature, and in Moscow, I naturally lacked this. Therefore, we have long removed the house in the area of ​​Rublevo-Uspensky Highway. And what is amazing here? Is that who has the opportunity to live where well will remain in a residential area? In addition, there were almost never traffic jams on Rublevka, I did without any problems to Moscow. Now it's hard to believe in it. "

Have you always felt organic among the local public? There, probably, most women do not work. And you have a whole two business - a scene and business.

Lada: "Yes half of my friends live here! Although I remember a funny case. I was sitting on one serious closed event where my wife was present very secured people. And one of them, drowning and looking into my eyes, said with condemnation: "How so you can! Why does your husband allow you to work? It is indecent! "I feel sorry for her. Perhaps, for some, self-expression is not important. But I love my profession, moreover, I can not imagine how completely depend on the man. In some ways to be dependent, even pleasant, admit, but not in the same way. I emphasize that I'm not at all a feminist, I can't live without a man and I never be lonely. I have to love and be loved, it is my permanent state. I uncomfortable me. "

Arabic style room was originally conceived as a hookah. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Arabic style room was originally conceived as a hookah. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

When did you decide to get real estate in these places?


"When I waited for a second child, suddenly wanted to make a gift to my husband - and bought a house. Rather, it was a dilapidated structure - some walls, plus a plot. He was called "house with ghost." According to rumors, his former owners escaped from Russia in the middle of the nineties. So, in the attic, sketches were discovered, on which the real Italian palace was guessed. And I said: everything is mine. Let even build this house all his life ... "

How did you manage to mask such a mahin? Has help help?

Lada: "Everything was not easy. It so happened that the start of construction coincided with our divorce. And all the concerns about the future house lay on my shoulders. I looked like Dad Carlo, all the earnings invested in a construction site. Everything was: and downtime, when I had the money, and thieves-prohibit. They deceived me, and what could I do - my daughter had just been born, there was nothing to do. I did not fail only the guys from Belarus, their brigade turned out to be the most conscientious. As a result, this epic lasted almost four years. But now I know about construction All: What is insulation, insulation system, piles, drainage ... "

The general motif of the house is extraordinary frescoes on the walls. They appeared on the advice of the designer or was it your own idea?

Lada: "Designers, of course, helped, but I could not impose something. These murals are my idea, and Itia inspired me. I thought that only Italian artists could make such frescoes to make such frescoes, and it was morally preparing to lay out the fabulous amount for her dream. But I was recommended by a girl who graduated from the Surikov school, and she signed it all: and the cuisine in the style of Provence, and the dining room A la Italian landscapes, and the hall in the ground floor with pronounced oriental motifs. "

Fireplace - the heart of the house. Here begin incessing conversations and romantic evenings. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Fireplace - the heart of the house. Here begin incessing conversations and romantic evenings. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

By the way, it differs from the rest of the premises. Very original, colorful, but as if eminent.

Lada: "That room was conceived initially as a hookah. I am a fan of the Arab Emirates, I like it very much: a special system of life is a pensive and a few, passionate views of men who say more than words, a mounted temperature in which is always comfortable, especially in the evening. You sit, look at the canal and smoke a hookah. I even wrote a few poems there under the mood: "Girl, smoking hookah, I can not find a flaw in you ..." (laughs.) In general, I do not smoke, only in the emirations sometimes let me. But in my own house with hookah did not work out. I imagined that they would nicure here, it would be difficult to ventilate, but I don't want my children to breathe with all this ... in the end, most likely make a room for guests from this room. "

Do you have a favorite place in the house?

Lada: "In general, I love corners very much - sit or lying there on the sofa or couch. I used to be a cat, Charles, he lived with us sixteen years old. So, he also loved lying in the corners as me. Came to me and arranged around. I like it: I see everything, I hear everyone, everything is controlling and resting at the same time. Also, I feel good in my office, it was created so much in it ... I'm also a producer, I myself compose my songs, I finish my music somewhere, somewhere poems, I myself think about my images. I'm just hurting on fashion. I have a room where exclusive Japanese "Vogs" are stored, the very first. They suspect, already standing mad money. Maybe I will sell them ever on Sotheby. (With a smile.) My mom also collected mod magazines, she had numbers of the sixties of those publications that no longer exist. "

Lada loves all shades of red. Therefore, it is not surprising that the dominant of the living room is a burgundy sofa with pillows selected in the tone. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Lada loves all shades of red. Therefore, it is not surprising that the dominant of the living room is a burgundy sofa with pillows selected in the tone. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Is it true that you were guided by Feng Shui rules?

Lada: "Not really. Of course, I know the basics of Feng Shui: Mirrors and beds are not placed opposite the door, dried flowers do not hold at home ... But mainly when laying up furniture and accept other interior solutions, I follow intuition. I have a sixth sense. For example, I can come home and immediately rearrange the dishes in a different way. I often do it. But the most important "feng shisth" was my cat Charles, who went down in the most cozy places. And then, he finely felt people: if it bite a new housekeeper or a nurse, it meant that she would definitely be not the one for whom he would give out. He was not, and I feel how I miss my friend. "

Untile the attention that you have a lot of all-up things: fireplace, doors, countertops. Do you like such a stylistics?

Lada: "This is the work of Italian craftsmen, they have a great painting and a tree, and glass, and a stone. Similar things create an atmosphere of an old castle, I like it. Fireplace for me - the heart of the house, all conversations and romantic evenings begin here. In winter, we often light it. I love when the firewood crack, we drink red wine and sit on the floor, admiring the flame. "

The general motive of the interior - wondrous frescoes. This is the work of the Russian artist. She painted tablet on Italian landscapes. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

The general motive of the interior - wondrous frescoes. This is the work of the Russian artist. She painted tablet on Italian landscapes. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

An unusual chest of drawers: Does the figurines are drawn on it, whether the creatures that personify the vices ... How did he appear?

Lada: "Dresser was presented to me. And I do not see those gloomy creatures that you speak about. No one before such an association arose. The story of this chest is unknown to me. I only know that he was acquired on an antique exhibition in Italy. As, however, most of the items in my house. The bronze bowl in the dresser is from Florence, curtains in the office, stitched from rare fabrics, vases and figurines - from there, chandeliers in the whole house - from Murano. By the way, it is there that I slowly replenish my collection of Murano glass. I go to a certain store, where the seller, a cute uncle, has already remembered me, waiting and even makes discounts sometimes. "

How did you equip children for son and daughters?

Lada: "When they were small, the walls of their rooms were painted with cartoon characters, then - frescoes from classical painting. Well, now everything is painted, ordinary walls. Now Ilya fifteen years old, Lisa is thirteen, and they have normal adult rooms. Children please me, and I spend all your free time with them. Ilya recently created his musical group. By the way, he learned to dance, as well as I, on video times. The fact is that from our village to classes to the city do not get out, so you have to look for opportunities for self-education. In the same way, Lisa learns to sing - found lessons on the Internet. She dreams of becoming a singer, but I suggested her first get a designer's education in the London College. This knowledge will be useful to Lisa in the future, regardless of whether it will earn a living or not. "

In the kitchen you have a solid collection of copper dishes hanging under the most ceiling. Why did you start to collect her?

Lada: "I give her from everywhere - from America, Italy, France ... The copper dishes look very stylish and, moreover, has a lot of useful properties. True, it is difficult to clean after use. All jams I cook in this dish. I am preparing too often, but tasty. I adore seafood dishes with vegetables. And I also like to make dumplings with black caviar - this is my corona dish. "

Cute weakness of the hostess - glass from Murano. All chandeliers in the house, including kitchen, brought from there. Under the ceiling - a collection of kitchen utensils, which Lada regularly replenishes. By the way, she prepares perfectly. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Cute weakness of the hostess - glass from Murano. All chandeliers in the house, including kitchen, brought from there. Under the ceiling - a collection of kitchen utensils, which Lada regularly replenishes. By the way, she prepares perfectly. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Are you a hospitable person?


"Not all people I invite you to my house. I love to organize a party in the courtyard, before the thematic evenings dedicated to Italian, Spanish, Uzbek, Japanese cuisine. Everyone knows that I can organize the best holidays - to be fabulously, tasty, drunk and fun. This is my horse. Concerts with me, by the way, are the same bright. I myself am their ideologue. Brand "Lada Dance" - entirely my project. From the first costume, which I sewed from the curtain, like Scarlett O'Hara, because there was no money for the fabric, to all my performances and image. Of course, the team helps me, but the last word is always behind me. "

Do you communicate with your famous neighbors in the village - Leonid Yarmolnik and Andrey Makarevich?

Lada: "No, somehow our paths do not intersect. But we have long been friends with fetisov. Lada is a very welcoming mistress, and Glory is the soul of the company. We often hang out each other. Sometimes we are going by the fire, as in the pioneer camp. They are invited athletes, they remember their victories, achievements, different cases. It is nice to listen to these stories, plunge into another life. "

I read that you used to have a house near the reservoir. Is this dream even in force?

Lada: "Yes, and someday I will have it. This time I would like a wooden house. You just need to immediately begin to do everything with the right people and with a sufficient amount of money so that the construction goes exactly, and not jerks. So everything is ahead, because my dreams usually come true. "

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