How to tell a partner about my desires


Not everyone is able to frankly talk about the most intimate, but without it it is difficult to achieve harmony in bed. It is always scary to get a perplexed, and then the mocking view of the partner, although, in fact, there is nothing reprehensible in the expression of my desires, naturally, if you share them with a partner, and not with everyone around.

Male will be difficult to refuse immediately

Male will be difficult to refuse immediately


You should not be ashamed

It is believed that all sexual preferences overlooking the classic - manifestation of perverted nature. However, there is no wrong desires, there is a difference in perception and respect of each person to everything new and unusual. Therefore, you do not need to condemn yourself if you, for example, come to mind about the bdsm. If the partner does not support you in this, it means that your "bed" preferences do not coincide, the reason is definitely not in you.

Why it is so important to voice desire

As a rule, in pairs where harmony reigns and complete confidence does not arise, if you need to discuss an intimate topic. Partners in such cases are not afraid of condemnation of their second half. If you keep everything in yourself, sooner or later, the tension will turn into a scandal. Is it easy to immediately discuss "sharp" moments?

If possible, make a variety of sex life

If possible, make a variety of sex life


Where to begin

You can directly voice your thoughts about the upcoming night, but few people are solved for it, so you can go from afar - for example, tell us about an impressive scene from the film, and then offer to repeat it in life. As a rule, in such a situation it is difficult to refuse immediately. A man at least thinks over your offer.

But what to do if his reaction has become a surprise for you?

There is always a chance that your idea is not supported, so be prepared and to such a turn. But do not rush to get upset immediately if you do not find the response to your idea from the partner. Ask what he didn't like it, and what he could offer. Most likely, you will find a point of contact and later in the evening will try the ideas that like both.

Arrange a pleasant dinner

Arrange a pleasant dinner


Make a surprise

If you have already agreed about everything, and you know exactly that a man is not against your idea, take the initiative to your hands: Before the "At Night", do the preparation, namely, create the necessary atmosphere, prepare the room and objects (if necessary), you can start With a romantic dinner to relax a man after a hard day and then proceed to business.

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